Chapter 195 Accepting a Favor

It took Su Qinglan two hours to cure the patient, and all the carrion had been removed.

When Su Qinglan came out, Baili Dengfeng had been staring outside the door.

Until Su Qinglan appeared.

Baili Dengfeng looked at Su Qinglan, and then asked: "Genius doctor, how is it?"

Su Qinglan said to Baili Dengfeng: "Don't worry! As I said, I will help you cure him, and he will definitely be cured. That leg was already going to be disabled, but I saved it for you, so , you owe me a favor now."

Baili Dengfeng looked at the person lying in the room, the basin was covered with blood, and then looked at Su Qinglan's appearance, you can't imagine how dare this woman get rid of her without blinking her eyes Those carrion ones.

Baili Dengfeng immediately admired Su Qinglan.

"I didn't expect your medical skills to be so good, I really admire you."

Su Qinglan smiled: "It's just average! It's not as exaggerated as you said."

Su Qinglan has always been very modest.

Baili Dengfeng smiled, and said to Su Qinglan: "You don't need to be modest about the genius doctor, you don't say this casually, anyone can compare."

Su Qinglan just said lightly: "Since the person has been saved, I'll go back first."

Baili Dengfeng stopped Su Qinglan.

Su Qinglan looked at Baili Dengfeng with a puzzled expression, "What does this mean?"

Bai Li Dengfeng said to you: "Actually, I was testing you just now, and the person I really want you to save is not him."

Su Qinglan couldn't help frowning: "You use this person to test whether my medical skills can work?"

Although Baili Dengfeng was sorry, it was true, "I'm sorry, I didn't know your medical skills before, that's why I did this. Here, I apologize to you."

If an apology is useful, what are the officials doing?
Simply ridiculous.

What Su Qinglan hates the most is people who don't trust her.

If you don't trust me, why, I asked her to see a doctor.

Is there something wrong with this person's brain?

Su Qinglan turned and left.

Baili Dengfeng stopped her again: "Miraculous doctor, can you give me another chance? I will give you whatever you want?"

This made Su Qinglan interested.

Su Qinglan looked at Baili Dengfeng: "Since you don't believe my words, why come to me? What I hate the most are people who don't trust me."

Baili Dengfeng said to Su Qinglan: "This matter is indeed unavoidable. I hope you will forgive me. This matter is my fault. I can apologize to you."

"As long as you can help me, I can help you with whatever you want."

Su Qinglan narrowed her eyes slightly, "How do you know what I'm going to do?"

Baili Dengfeng said to Su Qinglan: "Don't get me wrong, I don't know what you are going to do, I just hope you can help me, as long as you help me, I can do whatever you want help you."

Su Qinglan asked Baili Dengfeng: "How can I trust you? Who knows if you will change your mind?"

Baili Dengfeng raised his hand, "I can swear to the sky, if I change my mind in the future, I will be struck by lightning and I will die."

Bai Li Dengfeng's expression was very serious, not as if he was perfunctory.

Su Qinglan had to think seriously.

After all, it is on the rivers and lakes, it is better to have one more way to go than one more enemy.

Thinking about it this way, Baili Dengfeng could indeed be given a chance.

(End of this chapter)

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