Chapter 214
Su Qinglan agreed with Xiao Yixuan's words very much, "Who do you think the leader of the martial arts will have grievances with and give money to others? Is he really willing to use money to solve the problem?"

Xiao Yixuan thought carefully for a while, "Could that person have something in his hands that threatens the leader of the martial arts? If that's the case, it's normal for him to be threatened."

Su Qinglan asked Xiao Yixuan, "Then what kind of person do you think can threaten the martial arts leader? He is still very guilty, and even obeys what others say? Don't you think this is strange?"

Xiao Yixuan nodded, "It's really strange, but this person doesn't know the details, should he confront the leader of the martial arts?"

Su Qinglan shook her head, and said to Xiao Yixuan: "No, for the time being, don't startle the snake, lest the martial arts leader find out the flaw."

Xiao Yixuan pointed to the man in black who had been knocked unconscious by him on the ground, "If this man doesn't go back, he will be discovered by the martial arts leader!"

Su Qinglan looked at the man in black on the ground, and said, "Don't worry about this matter, I have a solution..."

Xiao Yixuan was very curious about Su Qinglan's method.

Su Qinglan let Xiyan in, and Xiao Yixuan helped the man in black up.

Xiyan and Xiao Yixuan helped the man in black up together, and took off all his clothes, leaving only a pair of trousers.

Su Qinglan nodded, "Okay, Xiyao, you take her down, and Xiyan stays."

Su Qinglan let Xiyan into the back room.

After a while, Su Qinglan followed a person exactly like the man in black and appeared in front of Xiao Yixuan.

But Xiao Yixuan was stunned, " this disguise technique?"

Xiyan said in the voice of the man in black: "My lord, don't you know the slaves?"

Xiao Yixuan was stunned again, even his voice could be disguised to be exactly the same, how did he do it?

Xiao Yixuan asked Su Qinglan, " did you do it, they are exactly the same, so realistic, even the difference in height is the same."

Su Qinglan smiled, "It's very simple, it's the Disguise Technique, it's just my improved Disguise Technique."

Xiao Yixuan exclaimed, "Your disguise technique is too unbelievable! This is exactly the same as the real thing, it's unbelievable."

Su Qinglan said: "Since it is a disguise technique, it must be very similar, and it must be a kind of likeness that people can't see."

Su Qinglan succeeded after using the ancient disguise technique, which was more than a hundred times better than the ordinary disguise technique.

The ancient disguise technique, the equipment is really bad.

It is easy to see that it is a fake.

But she is different, it is made of very good silk.

So, high quality, but hard to do.

If it wasn't for this matter, she wouldn't have taken out the silk she treasured.

Consume a little less.

Very distressed.

Xiao Yixuan was very impressed, and said to Su Qinglan: "Now, as long as Xiyan imitates the tone of the man in black, can he be deceived?"

Su Qinglan nodded, "Yes!"

Xiyan said to Su Qinglan: "My lord, don't worry! Leave this matter to me to investigate."

Su Qinglan nodded, and said to Xiyan: "Be careful yourself, and be cautious in everything. No one knows whether the leader of the martial arts will see through your identity. You just need to be careful."

Xiyan said happily: "Your Majesty, don't worry, these silks will never be used in vain. I will complete the task."

Xiyan pretended to be a man in black and returned to the side of the martial arts leader.

Seeing Xi Yan, the martial arts leader frowned, and asked in a low voice, "Why did you come back so late, where did you go?"

Xiyan quickly yawned and said: "Master, last night was so thrilling that people almost found out. In order not to make people suspicious, I could only take him around in circles. I am almost sleepy now. I am Only after getting rid of that man did he come back."

When the martial arts leader heard this, he was really nervous, and quickly asked Xi Yan, "Do you know who it is?"

Xiyan shook her head, "I don't know! Wearing black clothes and covering her face, she kept chasing me. I was quite scared at the time, so I didn't dare to think about it.

Master, tell me, who is that person?Why is he chasing me?Could it be that they thought I was the killer who dug out the heart? "

The martial arts leader nodded, "Very likely."

Xi Yan pretended to be very worried, "Then Master, what should we do now? If someone finds out..."

The martial arts leader was really angry, "What nonsense, this matter must not be known, do you understand? If someone finds out about this matter, I will never let you go."

Xiyan looked like she was about to cry, "Master, of course I won't say anything, I'm just worried that people outside will suspect one day, and how long do I have to send it?"

The martial arts leader slowly closed his eyes, "Wait until the martial arts conference is over! Once the martial arts conference is over and a new leader is born, that person will not come to me."

Xi Yan looked very happy, "Master, is this true? If it is true, it would be great.

Master, you don't even know that when I go out every night, I feel very scared. I don't even know how scared I am! "

The leader of the martial arts patted Xiyan on the shoulder, "You just have to persist for a few more days, you won't let Master down, right?"

Xi Yan said quickly: "Master, don't worry, I will never say anything."

"However, Master, should I continue to deliver tonight? Have those people sent you messages?"

The martial arts leader shook his head, "Not yet, go and rest! If there is any news, I will let you know."

Xi Yan nodded, "Okay, Master, then I'll go to rest first, Master, if you have anything to do, remember to call me."

The martial arts leader looked at Xiyan, frowned, and didn't think too much about it.

Xiyan judged based on the various expressions of the man in black, what tone he should use to speak to the martial arts leader.

Her observation ability is top-notch, and she can imitate people exactly the same, and she can't tell them apart at all.

This is the reason why Su Qinglan asked Xiyan to come here.

At night, the leader of the martial arts alliance found Xiyan and gave her a big bag of silver.

"These, send them to this address, be sure to be careful, and don't let them find out."

Xiyan held the purse and said to the martial arts leader: "Master, don't worry! I will never be found out."

The martial arts leader patted Xiyan on the shoulder, "The martial arts conference will be over soon, and after the martial arts conference is over, you don't have to send it away anymore."

Xiyan said happily: "Okay, master, I'm waiting for the day when the martial arts conference ends. Will master still take me with me?"

The martial arts leader laughed loudly, and patted Xi Yan on the head, "It's natural, Master loves you so much, so he must take you with him."

(End of this chapter)

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