Chapter 216 Defeated without a fight
Bai Li Dengfeng sighed, "I can't blame you for this matter. Forget it, it's meaningless to follow him. If we let him know that we are following him, it will arouse his suspicion of us.
Forget about this matter, there is no need to continue to follow up. "

Baili Feiyue frowned: "Brother, why didn't you follow me, that kid has been sneaking around, I feel like he's doing something bad,
Are we really not following him?If you give up like this, will you miss something?

I always feel that there must be a big problem with that kid, maybe he is a murderer. "

Baili Dengfeng glanced at Baili Feiyue, "Are you prejudiced against him?"

"Because he let the old man go before, and you lost the token?"

Baili Feiyue quickly retorted, "No, senior brother, I didn't think so. I really suspected his motives, not because of anything else."

In Baili Feiyue's heart, there is indeed some selfishness.

He didn't like Xiao Yixuan's superior look.

He looked like he thought he was very powerful, but he didn't know what he was responsible for that day.

Although, Baili Dengfeng said that Xiao Yixuan's martial arts were much stronger than his own.

But he doesn't think so.

Baili Dengfeng looked at Baili Feiyue, "You don't feel reconciled. The last time you competed with him, there was no result, right? So, you hold a grudge against him?"

Baili Feiyue retorted: "Elder brother, I really don't think so, I'm just not reconciled, that kid is clearly messing around."

"Eldest brother, you really don't need to uplift others' aura and destroy your own prestige. No matter how you say it, that kid is just an errand in the Palace of Divine Doctors. How powerful is he..."

Baili Dengfeng suddenly became angry, "Fei Yue, how many times have I told you that in the Jianghu, you can't underestimate anyone, why can't you always remember?"

Baili Feiyue felt aggrieved, "Brother, why do you always protect that kid! What's so good about him?"

Baili Dengfeng was very helpless to Baili Feiyue, "Feiyue, I'm not protecting him, I'm teaching you to grow up? If you don't grow up, you will be buried by this martial arts, you know?"

Baili Feiyue looked at Baili with a pitiful look.

"Brother, I know I was wrong, and I will really change it in the future."

Baili Feiyue is Baili Dengfeng's proud younger brother, so he has always been very arrogant and domineering, and doesn't take people seriously.

I feel that I have a good talent, and I am highly valued by my elder brother, so I am a little spoiled.

Baili Dengfeng said to Baili Feiyue: "You boy, you are the quickest to admit your mistakes every time, but you don't know how to repent. Let me tell you, if you do this again next time, I won't take you out and let you I have been staying at Baiyuemen..."

Baili Feiyue's face suddenly became ugly, and he said to Baili Dengfeng: "Brother, I know I was wrong, I really know I was wrong, this time, I will definitely change it, senior brother, you just Give me another chance, I will really change, I swear, I will definitely change."

It's too boring to stay in Baiyuemen all the time!
It's rare for him to come out with senior brother, so he shouldn't be sent back so soon!

Baili Dengfeng let out a long sigh, "Okay, this matter, just do as I say, you must not follow my advice, if you don't listen to dissuasion, you will be the one who suffers." In the dead of night, Xiao Yixuan appeared outside the Martial Arts League again. This time, he must find the best time to arrest him and interrogate him properly.

Xiao Yixuan waited and waited for a long time, and when it was almost dawn, he finally saw the shadow of the man in black.

And Xiao Yixuan had been waiting for a long time, at this time, seeing the man in black, naturally he would not let him go easily.

Xiao Yixuan stood in front of the man in black. The man in black looked at Xiao Yixuan and asked, "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

Xiao Yixuan sneered, "I want to do something, I don't want to do anything, I just want to know who you are."

The man in black sneered, "It's up to you, you still want to know who I am, what a joke..."

Xiao Yixuan said: "If that's the case, let's try it!"

After Xiao Yixuan finished speaking, he made a move without dragging his feet.

The man in black also made a move, and the two started fighting outside the Wulin League.

The man in black soon regretted it, he did not expect Xiao Yixuan's martial arts to be so powerful.

It was really a mistake!

It was too late for the man in black to escape, Xiao Yixuan didn't give him this chance at all.

The man in black was quickly subdued by Xiao Yixuan.

Xiao Yixuan lifted the mask of the man in black, it turned out to be a young man next to the leader of the martial arts, not the leader of the martial arts.

"It's actually you..."

Xiao Yixuan raised the corner of his mouth, "Isn't this the young man next to the leader of the martial arts? If I read correctly, you should be the leader of the martial arts disciple!"

The man in black didn't expect Xiao Yixuan to recognize him, he said coldly: "It's none of your business, you'd better let me go, otherwise, the leader of martial arts will never let you go."

Xiao Yixuan smiled: "Really? I'm really scared, how will your martial arts leader not let me go?"

The man in black looked at Xiao Yixuan and frowned, "Who the hell are you?"

Xiao Yixuan said: "You don't need to know who I am now, you just need to know that you are now in my hands."

Xiao Yixuan brought the man in black back.

Su Qinglan looked at the man in black and raised her eyebrows slightly, "The little apprentice next to the leader of the martial arts?"

Xiao Yixuan nodded, "It is indeed a young apprentice next to the leader of the martial arts. This matter must have a lot to do with the leader of the martial arts."

Su Qinglan looked at the man in black, "You can tell, you sneak out from the Wulin League every night, what exactly are you doing?"

"You go out every night, and then go back to the room of the leader of the martial arts, pretending that the leader of the martial arts is always in the room!"

"You'd better make it clear, otherwise, we will have many ways to let you speak."

The man in black kept his mouth shut, unwilling to say another word.

Su Qinglan said: "Find someone and break his tendons and hamstrings! I don't think he will open his mouth. It's better to torture him."

The man in black stared wide-eyed with disbelief on his face.

If he broke his tendons, his whole life would be completely ruined.

The man in black finally spoke and cursed, "You vicious woman, I will never give in, you might as well kill me!"

Su Qinglan patted the man in black's face, "Don't worry, I won't kill you, I will only make your life worse than death."

"At your age, you probably don't know what life is worse than death! How about I let you try it in advance. After all, I haven't tortured people for a long time, and I seem to be a little unaccustomed to it!"

(End of this chapter)

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