Chapter 228 Doubt

"If you don't want to die, tell me right away. I tell you, my patience is not good. If I don't pay attention, the sword in my hand will be impolite."

"Heroes, spare your life, heroes, spare your life, we say we say..."

"We are the people of Tongmen..."

Xiao Yixuan was dumbfounded, what school is Tongmen?
Never heard of it.

Does this sect really exist?
Why does he feel a little unscientific?

"Where is your sect? What exactly do you do? Tell me honestly?"

"Our sect is a small sect in Jianghu, and this year we are also participating in the martial arts conference for the first time..."

Xiao Yixuan frowned: "Then why are you following me? Who asked you to follow me?"

The two of them hesitated for a moment, but they still confessed the truth: "It's our head, God, how could we see you fighting with the people from Baiyue Sect by the river? Hope to cooperate with Shengtai.”

Xiao Yixuan took his sword back, and asked two people to say: "I'm not interested in your little sect, get away from me, don't provoke me, otherwise I don't know what I will do, if you don't want to die, then Get out of here."

The two people hurriedly fled the scene with oil on their feet.

Seeing the backs of those two people leaving, Xiao Yixuan followed them quietly.

Xiao Yixuan saw those two people go back and found an old man with a beard.

"Master, are we following him? We were discovered by him, so we can only come back."

The old man with the goatee doesn't look like a nice guy.

"Forget it, since he doesn't want to be with us, then forget it, we won't force it, just find someone else."

Xiao Yixuan didn't notice anything unusual, so he could only turn around and leave.

After Xiao Yixuan left, the old man's face became ugly, and he reprimanded the two disciples, "It's useless, let you follow people, but instead you let people follow me back, if I didn't find out early, I guess I've been out of business for a long time, how can I explain to Miss Su?"

The two disciples turned pale with fright, "Sect Master, spare your life? We didn't know, but he secretly followed us back, please give us another chance!!"

The old man with the goatee gave the two disciples a hard look, "Hurry up and get out, if Miss Su finds out about this, she will definitely not let you off."

The two disciples hurriedly turned around and left, not daring to stay any longer.

Miss Su is also right, this person is indeed very extraordinary.

Fortunately, he kept a hand, otherwise he would have been discovered.

The more Xiao Yixuan thought about it, the more strange he became. Why did such a small sect seek cooperation with him?Is it because he thinks he has great martial arts skills?Want to unite with him?
When Xiao Yixuan turned back, the old man with the goatee was no longer there, and so were the two people who followed him.

It was only then that Xiao Yixuan realized that he was probably discovered by that old man with a goatee just now, so he said those words on purpose to deceive himself away.


No wonder people in the Jianghu are said to be sinister. It turns out that this is true, people in the Jianghu are really too sinister.

You really need to be careful, otherwise you will be very passive every time.

If Su Qinglan knew about this, she would definitely laugh at herself!

Thinking of this, Xiao Yixuan decided to pull himself together.However, this sect is indeed very strange.

This matter still needs to go back and listen to Su Qinglan!
This small sect is indeed not simple.

There must be something else behind this?
Xiao Yixuan realized that this matter was not simple, so he decided that I would tell Su Qinglan about it, just in case, in case there was fraud.

After listening to Xiao Yixuan's words, the old man with the goatee was not simple.

In the villain, the old man with the goatee.Both are great characters.

Su Qinglan asked Xiao Yixuan: "Did you pay attention to other movements of that goatee old man at that time?"

Xiao Yixuan shook his head lightly, "When I went back, I felt that this person was not simple. I went back again and found that he was no longer there."

"It's also very fast, you should be worried about what I found out and talked about!"

"According to what you said, the old man has already discovered your stalking, and will quickly take him away while you are leaving."

Xiao Yixuan nodded, "This matter is indeed my negligence."

Su Qinglan shook her head: "I can't completely blame you for this matter. Who would have thought that such a thing would happen?"

Xiao Yixuan said apologetically, "My negligence."

It was his fault, and he would never deny it.

There is a saying that is good, you can correct your mistakes if you know your mistakes, and there is nothing good about it.

Su Qinglan said to Xiao Yixuan: "Since you are so old and guilty, I will leave this matter to you to handle. It is necessary to find out the people from this sect. I feel that this sect has a lot to do with Su Ruoruo."

Xiao Yixuan looked at Su Qinglan in disbelief: "You mean, people from this sect are Su Ruoruo's dogs?"

Su Qinglan nodded: "Obviously, it's really just a small sect. Do you think there will be an elder with such high martial arts? Obviously, Su Ruoruo recruited him..."

"If you were Su Ruoruo, what would you do without the support of the sect?"

Xiao Yixuan suddenly realized: "Understood, what you mean is that Su Ruoruo wants to gather all the small sects together for her use."

"The gathering of all the small sects is also a powerful force. Without the support of the big sects, she can only gather the energy of these small sects. When the energy of these small sects explodes, it will also be very strong."

"That's what you see."

Su Qinglan nodded lightly: "You're right, this matter is about the future, we must be careful, we must not let her succeed."

Once they get this power, it will definitely cause a lot of trouble for Wulin, and by that time, they will also be in trouble.

Just get rid of these troubles at once, and there will be no more worries.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yixuan understood what he should do.

Xiao Yixuan said to Su Qinglan: "Don't worry, what should I do, I will definitely handle this matter properly."

Su Qinglan nodded in satisfaction: "Very well, then I'll leave this matter to you, but don't reveal your identity, and don't let Su Ruoruo know that we did this matter, lest she think we are targeting her. "

Xiao Yixuan thought about it, and felt that what Su Qinglan said made sense.

Isn't it just a change of identity?This is not a very simple matter.

His disguise technique is also first-class.

(End of this chapter)

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