Chapter 240 Assassinated
The Wulin League meeting on the second day finally became much more exciting.

Masters also gradually appeared on the Wutai, one after another, they all stepped onto the Wutai.

Among them was Xiao Yixuan.

What Xiao Yixuan replaced was another small sect.

This small sect is not conspicuous.

He was not among the crowd, and he performed particularly well.

After all, if the performance at the beginning is too good, it will make people suspicious.

So he hides his own strength, and just wins the opponent by a little luck. For him, this is still simple.

With more and more masters, he can only show that he is struggling, and it is a fluke to beat the opponent.

At first, everyone didn't think much of it, but then gradually realized that this person is very extraordinary.

Every time I was lucky enough to beat the opponent, if it was just once, but it happened every time, it means that this person is very strong, and his martial arts are very powerful, he can use it freely, and win as he wants.

This kind of talent is the most terrifying.

After the end of the second day, everyone began to watch Xiao Yixuan.

And Xiao Yixuan turned and left indifferently.

Baili Dengfeng walked in front of Xiao Yixuan himself, but he did not discover Xiao Yixuan's identity, the current Xiao Yixuan used the disguise technique.

He didn't discover Xiao Yixuan's real identity at all, he just wanted to get acquainted with Xiao Yixuan.

Xiao Yixuan already hated him, so why would he take him seriously!Turn around and leave directly, not even going to talk to him.

Baili Dengfeng is so angry, isn't it just a little better in martial arts, so why not be arrogant, you will feel better tomorrow.

Baili Dengfeng will never let a small sect jump around on his head.

Not only Baili Dengfeng, but also two other sects also approached Xiao Yixuan directly.

The kind they personally looked for, and hoped that Xiao Yixuan could cooperate with them.

Xiao Yixuan glanced at them, and did not intend to pay any attention to them.

This group of people are Su Ruoruo's lackeys, what he hates the most is Su Ruoruo, how could the person behind him cooperate with them?
Working with them is literally getting your hands dirty.

Being rejected again and again, everyone regarded him as an enemy, because he was a special factor, and everyone could not allow such a factor to appear and disrupt the current situation.

Tang Shaoqing also pretended to find someone to cooperate with Xiao Yixuan, but was rejected by Xiao Yixuan. If everyone else came, but Tang Jiabao did not come, it must be a bit incredible.

There was also a complete set of acting, so the people from Tang Shaoqing's side also came, but they were all rejected by Xiao Yatxuan at the same time.

Xiao Yixuan became the public enemy of the Wulin League sect, and everyone had nothing to do with him.

Xiao Yixuan quickly avoided all the followers and returned to Su Qinglan's side.

Su Qinglan said to Xiao Yixuan: "It seems that you have successfully attracted everyone's attention."

Xiao Yixuan didn't take it seriously, "Su Ruoruo's people came to me and said they wanted to cooperate with me, but I rejected them all."

Su Qinglan nodded, "It's good to reject, it's good to reject, but if you reject all of me, then tomorrow you will become everyone's public enemy, so be careful yourself, someone will definitely deal with you tomorrow... ..."

Xiao Yixuan said: "Let them come here! I'm waiting! If they don't come, it's my grandson."

Su Qinglan said to Xiao Yixuan: "I know your strength, and I also believe in your strength, but when necessary, you still have to restrain yourself a bit, don't let people see your flaws, this will be detrimental to us and Tang The family castle is not good..."

Xiao Yixuan nodded: "That's fine! I'll listen to you, whatever you say is whatever..."

Su Qinglan was very satisfied with Xiao Yixuan, "Then you should be careful tomorrow."

Xiao Yixuan nodded and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Su Qinglan actually knew what Xiao Yixuan wanted to say, and Xiao Yixuan didn't say anything, so why did she need to ask more questions!

On the second day, Xiao Yixuan really became the enemy of everyone. Almost everyone who fought against him wanted to use methods to deal with him.

But who is Xiao Yixuan, he came from countless wars, these small hidden weapons are nothing to him at all, they are just playing tricks in front of him.

Xiao Yixuan easily defeated all those people.

Those people did not expect Xiao Yixuan's martial arts to be so strong.

Everyone was terrified.

Seeing the other four sects, they were also worried.

People from this small sect are indeed not to be underestimated.

This martial art is definitely not for ordinary people.

This person, who had never appeared in the arena, suddenly came out of the arena and came to compete for the position of the leader of the martial arts alliance. It seems that this year, there is another strong opponent for the position of the leader of the martial arts alliance.

Baili Dengfeng's face was not very good. He originally planned to get this person away, but instead of leaving, he even entered the finals. This person should not be underestimated.

Of course, Xiao Yixuan is not only Baili Dengfeng's opponent, but also other people's opponents. Others also frowned. Everyone is unwilling to see this group of dark horses, especially those big families , if this small sect succeeds, wouldn't these big families be ridiculous.

Everyone simply united and wanted to deal with Xiao Yixuan.

But Xiao Yixuan was not someone they could easily deal with.

Xiao Yixuan directly grabbed the finals, because Xiao Yixuan's appearance replaced Tang Shaoqing and blocked many interested people, but he easily entered the finals.

As for today's finals, there are a total of eight people, including Xiao Yixuan, who is a candidate from the four major clans, and three other strong sects.

A total of eight people entered the finals.

In other words, among these eight people, four people can enter the second round of the finals, then two people, and finally one person.

Whoever wins to the end, the position of the leader of the martial arts will be his.

It depends on tomorrow who wins the game.

After the end, more and more people followed Xiao Yixuan.

But Xiao Yixuan didn't pay attention to those people at all.

But suddenly a group of killers in black appeared and surrounded Xiao Yixuan.

Almost at the same time, another wave of black-clothed killers appeared.

Two waves of black-clothed killers looked at each other.

What is the situation here?No one said there was rescue coming to help.

Xiao Yixuan could see clearly at a glance that a group of people belonged to Su Qinglan.

Xiao Yixuan easily fell behind those people, and those people in black realized that they were in the same group.

Xi Yao led the people and directly brought down the men in black, Xiao Yixuan easily got away and left.

When they returned, Su Qinglan was already waiting for Xiao Yixuan.

Xiao Yixuan asked Su Qinglan directly, "How did you know that someone would assassinate me on the way?"

(End of this chapter)

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