Chapter 257

If he wants to find a woman in the future, Xiao Yixuan thinks that someone like Su Qinglan is pretty good.

Su Qinglan said to Xiao Yixuan: "Keep an eye on the Martial Arts League. In the past few days, there will definitely be a good show starting, but don't miss this good show."

Xiao Yixuan nodded: "Don't worry, I've been watching the movements of the Wulin League all the time, and they seem to have started to make some moves, but I don't know exactly what they are going to do..."

Su Qinglan said: "Just watch it, don't worry about other things, and don't need to interfere, I have my own plans."

Xiao Yixuan was a little surprised, "You mean, I just need to watch, and I don't need to worry about other things?"

Su Qinglan nodded: "That's right, just do what I tell you! You will definitely not suffer."

Xiao Yixuan was not afraid of losing money, but he was worried that he would be watching the play next to him, so he couldn't help but intervene in it.

But since Su Qinglan said so, then he will definitely watch the show well, and of course he won't interfere, let alone interfere in it.

Su Qinglan let Xi Yao in.

Xi Yao said to Su Qinglan: "My lord, I have done what you said, and the rest is waiting for them to dispatch. As long as they come out, we will stop them."

Su Qinglan nodded: "Very well, just do what I tell you! There is another thing that the people over there should pay close attention to, and you can't be negligent in any way..."

Xi Yao said, "Yes."

Su Qinglan waved: "Then you go down first!"

After everyone left, Su Qinglan went directly to see her son.

She gently stroked Lele's head, "Wait a little longer, mother, I will definitely find an antidote for you. This time, there will never be any accidents." False, the so-called upright sects, killing people to silence, blaming the devil, is this your decent style?"

"It's ridiculous, do you think I will still trust you?"

Su Qinglan said slowly, "Since when did I say that I'm a decent person? I'm actually like you. I especially hate those so-called upright gentlemen. Their hypocrisy and hypocrisy are simply disgusting."

The man looked at Su Qinglan: "Then why did you let them go?"

Su Qinglan smiled: "When did I say that I would help them? I have been advising you not to cooperate with crooked people. They are just using you. Why don't you understand?"

The man was very angry, and looked at Su Qinglan: "How about using it? Anyway, we are all using each other. As long as they kill those so-called decent martial arts people, I won't suffer..."

Su Qinglan nodded, "Your idea is indeed very good, but your idea is too naive.
Some people may use you to disrupt the world, causing not only a war in the martial arts world, but a war in the whole world,
At that time, the flames of war will rage, and all innocent people will be implicated, and at that time, you will be the sinner of the world..."

After the man heard Su Qinglan's words, his expression was obviously flustered, "How is it possible, absolutely impossible, they said, they will avenge me and help my clansmen, they will not deceive me..."

Su Qinglan said to the man: "You are still too naive, some things are not as naive as you think,
And others are just using you, if you don't want to be the culprit anymore, you can choose to cooperate with me..."

The man didn't believe Su Qinglan's words at all: "Why should I believe you, you think I will believe you just by a few words from you, you think beautifully."

Su Qinglan said indifferently: "It doesn't matter whether I think it's beautiful or not, but now you are in my hands. The only way now is to cooperate with me..."

The man looked at Su Qinglan: "What exactly do you want?"

Su Qinglan said: "What I have to do is very simple, I just want to find out the people behind you, as long as I can find out the people behind you,
I can help you get rid of the martial arts leader, but I still need your help, as long as you are willing to help, I will definitely do what I promised you. "

"How can I trust you? You are no different from them. It is also revenge. Why do you think I will choose to help you?"

Su Qinglan smiled, "What you said is indeed very reasonable, but the only one you can cooperate with now is me. If you don't want to cooperate, I can kill you right now..."

The man's face suddenly became ugly, "You are really mean and shameless."

Su Qinglan was not angry either: "Thank you for your praise, many people have said so."

That man has never seen such a shameless woman before, can't he hear it, is this a sarcastic remark?
Su Qinglan naturally heard it, but she didn't care about it at all.

What despicable and shameless, to her, is simply a compliment.

Another meaning of shameless, in her case, is to have brains and ideas.

This is a word of praise.


Xiao Yixuan asked Su Qinglan: "Do you think he is really willing to cooperate with us? Are you not worried that he will betray you?"

Su Qinglan said indifferently: "It doesn't matter. What I want to do is not to cooperate with him. I just want to put some pressure on the people behind him."

Xiao Yixuan didn't quite understand, "What do you mean? You want to force the people behind you?"

Su Qinglan nodded: "That's right, they hid too deeply, and it's time to kick them out..."

Xiao Yixuan looked at Su Qinglan: "What happens after kicking them out?"

Su Qinglan smiled: "For the next thing, let's make plans later."

Xiao Yixuan felt that Su Qinglan was too smart, and if a woman was too smart, it would be scary.

But Xiao Yixuan didn't think so. He felt that Su Qinglan was too smart, which was a cute expression. He had never seen such a cute woman, and he was simply his idol.

If all the women in the world could be so smart, maybe he wouldn't hate women so much!
Otherwise, it would be impossible for me to remain single until now.

It's not that there are no women. On the contrary, he hates women because they are ignorant and don't understand anything.

I know love love love in my eyes, and there is nothing but love love love.

But Su Qinglan is different, Su Qinglan is complete, she doesn't have that kind of love brain, and she is very smart and wise, she can accurately analyze what other people are going to do every time.


It's just too much to love.

(End of this chapter)

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