Su Qinglan didn't take Xiao Yixuan's words to heart.

He has lost his memory now, saying anything is superfluous.

When he thinks about it, maybe he will think so.

Su Qinglan didn't put it bluntly, and nodded directly, "It's his luck that Lele can meet you."

Xiao Yixuan said: "It was my luck that I was able to meet you, don't worry! I will definitely help Lele get things."

Su Qinglan nodded, "Thank you."

Xiao Yixuan actually didn't need to do this step, but he still tried his best to help.

Therefore, Su Qinglan was quite moved.

The next day, the Wulin League announced a news.

News of the murderer.

Even though he said so, Xiao Yixuan just didn't like Tang Shaoqing, so he resisted Tang Shaoqing in his heart.

Originally, the martial arts conference was supposed to be held, but because of the murder case, it has been delayed.

In this way, the murderer can be found faster.

Xiao Yixuan next to him looked uncomfortable. If you discuss things, just discuss things.

Of course, in front of Su Qinglan, he didn't dare to say these words.

Two days later, the martial arts conference was held as scheduled.

Tang Shaoqing came to the door again because of this incident.

Xiao Yixuan was forced to nod, "Although that's what you said, you don't know if Tang Shaoqing will really give us that thing. If we really help him get the position of the leader of the martial arts, he is not willing to give it to us. At that time, what should we do?"

The implication of this is that no matter what treasures, I can give them to you.

Su Qinglan looked at Tang Shaoqing, her eyes suddenly became sharp, "Master Young, why don't you ask, what do I want? What if you can't afford it?"

It's hard for her to say anything else, but if she cooperates with Tang Shaoqing, the leader of the martial arts, she will definitely be able to grasp it.

Su Qinglan said directly to Tang Shaoqing: "Actually, I came to the Wulin League for one thing. If you can help, I will be happy to help you and make you the new Wulin League leader."

After discussing with the Wulin League, it was decided to launch a new Wulin League leader.

In other words, this murder case will be investigated by the new Wulin League.

But now, the martial arts leader and other elders have discussed it, and they think it is better to find a new martial arts leader as soon as possible to calm down the turmoil this time.

Su Qinglan looked at Tang Shaoqing, and the two of them communicated with each other with their eyes.

What kind of charm is there in Tang Shaoqing that makes Su Qinglan so convinced?

Tang Shaoqing nodded, "Of course I know, but I also know that you will not harm the martial arts, so I want to find you to cooperate."

After all, the murderer has never been found, and everyone is very worried.

Xiao Yixuan became even more uncomfortable. He didn't understand why Su Qinglan believed in Tang Shaoqing so much.

Tang Shaoqing also raised his teacup and said with a smile: "It's easy to say, easy to say, then it's settled, and we have a happy cooperation."

Su Qinglan looked at Xiao Yixuan, and said: "We are not familiar with the other three people, but this Tang Shaoqing is an upright person, and we can indeed cooperate. What I care about is whether I can get what I want, so it is the same with whom to cooperate with, so why not find someone you are familiar with and have worked with before?"

Tang Shaoqing looked into Su Qinglan's eyes and smiled, "If I become the leader of the martial arts and have something you want, I will definitely give it to you. I never care about anything."

Can you respect the feelings of others like me?
The corner of Su Qinglan's mouth turned up, "Young Master, it's not that simple to cooperate with me. You know very well in your heart that I have my own purpose in coming to the Martial Arts League."

Before coming here, she had already thought about it. If she finds a powerful sect to cooperate with, it will be easier to get what she wants if they join forces.

What is this flirting?

When the news came out, everyone was surprised, but it was also reasonable.

Su Qinglan said to Xiao Yixuan: "Do you think I'm right?"

Then, let the new martial arts leader investigate this matter.

Tang Shaoqing nodded, "You said..."

Su Qinglan smiled, "If that's the case, then Young Master, let's cooperate happily!"

Tang Shaoqing nodded, "Yes, I want to be the leader of this martial arts alliance, but I need your help..."

Su Qinglan smiled, "Young hall master, what you said is very beautiful, but, I wonder if you can agree to my conditions?"

"We are now joining forces with Tang Shaoqing, which is the best, and I also believe in Tang Shaoqing."

"Okay, I promise you." Tang Shaoqing was also a straightforward person, and he agreed directly without asking Su Qinglan what he wanted.

When Su Qinglan said this, she was very confident.

After Tang Shaoqing left, Xiao Yixuan asked Su Qinglan, "Are you really planning to cooperate with Tang Shaoqing? Do you think Tang Shaoqing can really get the position of leader of the martial arts alliance? After all, there are so many masters in the martial arts alliance now, and Tang Shaoqing also It may not be possible to get the position of the leader of the martial arts alliance, what if we bet on the wrong person?"

Now, whoever becomes the leader of the martial arts will have to deal with this matter.

Su Qinglan looked at Tang Shaoqing with a calm expression, "Master Shao, how do you know that you will be the leader of this martial arts alliance?"

Su Qinglan raised her cup.

Su Qinglan said to Xiao Yixuan: "Don't worry! I already have a second plan, even if I bet on the wrong person, there is still a second plan to go."

Tang Shaoqing took a sip of tea, and said slowly: "I was not sure before, but if I can cooperate with you, then I have a 100% chance. I just don't know, would you like it?"

Xiao Yixuan said to Su Qinglan: "But our opponent still has three other powerful sects, have you figured it out?"

Su Qinglan asked Tang Shaoqing, "Young hall master, what do you mean, do you plan to be the leader of this martial arts alliance?"

Su Qinglan said with a smile: "Don't worry, Tang Shaoqing, he will definitely do what he said. Since he has promised me, I am not worried at all. He will go back on his word or cheat me. If he If you really have the guts to deceive me, then I will definitely not let him go easily, and they will pay a heavy price for Tangjiabao..."

Su Qinglan's eyes were terrifying.

Xiao Yixuan swallowed his saliva, okay!

Don't offend women, especially capable women like Su Qinglan.

In minutes, I will kill you!
Xiao Yixuan was very fortunate that they were together, in the same team.

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