Chapter 285 is a burden

Xiao Yixuan said: "It's really scary to get the position of martial arts leader by any means."

Su Qinglan nodded, "This is the so-called justice sect. In the name of justice, in fact, it is even more hateful than cults."

Xiao Yatxuan looked at Su Qinglan, "You seem to hate those decent families."

Su Qinglan shook her head, "I don't hate it, but I hate the kind of things that are not as good as pigs and dogs under the banner of decent families, so I don't have a good impression of those decent families, but feel that they are not as good as those so-called demons." teach."

Xiao Yixuan smiled.

Su Qinglan asked Xiao Yixuan curiously: "What are you laughing at? Is what I said unreasonable?"

Xiao Yixuan shook his head, "I think what you said is very reasonable, and this is why I hate decent sects, these sects are really, they will make people very speechless, so I don't think I am suitable for martial arts sects deal."

For so many years, the reason why Xiao Yixuan never dealt with the Jianghu sects was precisely because of this.

He knew a lot about martial arts sects, those methods were more terrifying than the Demon Cult, and under the banner of justice, they did more evil things than the devil.

Tang Shaoqing was still quite nervous, Xiao Yixuan's martial arts were really too deep and unpredictable, in Jianghu, his such martial arts were indeed very rare.

After all, becoming the leader of martial arts is everyone's dream.

Not to mention competing for the position of the martial arts leader.

Sure enough, it is this woman. What does this woman want to do?

Why is it unattractive? Unless he has a lot of knowledge, it is impossible for him to be uninterested in the position of martial arts leader. There is also a possibility that he just wants to be an ordinary person. After all, this ordinary person can compete with martial arts The leader is much more relaxed.

In everyone's hearts, they hope that Tang Shaoqing can win.

Xiao Yixuan acted directly without any hesitation.

Su Qinglan said to Xiao Yixuan: "Tang Shaoqing will win soon, and a new martial arts leader will be born soon. Are you really sure you don't want to be this martial arts leader?"

Seeing that Tang Shaoqing had become the leader of the new generation, everyone was very excited, but Baili Dengfeng saw something tricky.

Ouyang Mingxuan looked unwilling, "It's impossible, absolutely impossible, how could I lose to you?"

She was not in a hurry. It didn't matter how chaotic the Wulin League was. How she could get what she wanted was enough.

If Xiao Yixuan didn't play his cards normally, maybe he could win the position of the martial arts leader.

But in the eyes of others, everyone tried their best in this battle. Tang Shaoqing also won his place. No one would notice that it was actually Xiao Yixuan who let the water go.

Tang Shaoqing was not worried about anything else, but worried that Xiao Yixuan would suddenly change his mind.

According to Xiao Yixuan's personality, he would really like the latter.

Tang Shaoqing won, and the people above really cheered.

If Xiao Yixuan wanted this martial arts leader, it would be a matter of minutes.

Ouyang Wenxuan laughed suddenly, "Tang Shaoqing, how noble do you think you are? Even if I lose to you today, I am not reconciled. Why, why do you? We grew up together, and you have never won Over me, this time, even if you beat me, the position of the leader of the martial arts is absolutely impossible to be yours."

Su Qinglan stood among the crowd, trying to minimize her presence.

In the arena, although you don't want to be the leader of the martial arts?
Of course Tang Shaoqing was no exception, and Xiao Yixuan was no exception.

Xiao Yixuan from Tang Shaoqing's family really made a move, so naturally he wouldn't let it go. At worst, it would be an upright battle. Even if he lost, he would be willing.

Tang Shaoqing said directly to Ouyang Wenxuan: "You can't win with crooked ways. If you win with integrity, I respect you as a hero, but I didn't expect that you are really disappointing. I have known you since childhood, and we are too. We grew up together, but I didn't expect that you would end up on this road of no return, and I advise you to turn your back on it."

Su Ruoruo was covered with a veil, but Su Qinglan recognized her at a glance.

At this moment, the entire Wulin League was suddenly surrounded by people.

It is easy to see what this group of people want to do.

Xiao Yixuan smiled, "Don't worry! It's just a play, it's easy for me."

The leader of the martial arts alliance can summon the entire martial arts world, which is something that many people can only dream of.

The person who is most worried now is Tang Shaoqing. After all, no one knows whether Xiao Yixuan will play the cards according to the rules.

This match was intense and exciting.

But in front of Xiao Yixuan, these so-called martial arts leaders are not attractive to him at all, which makes people feel very strange.

And Xiao Yixuan stopped at the last critical moment.

What Tang Shaoqing had to face directly was Xiao Yixuan.

Tang Shaoqing knew who Ouyang Wenxuan was talking about, and he didn't care at all, "Whether it's mine or not, you'll know soon. Compared with your means, I hope it can be fair and just."

Tang Shaoqing really lived up to expectations and became the leader of the new generation.

After Su Qinglan finished speaking, Tang Shaoqing defeated Ouyang Wenxuan.

Su Qinglan looked at Xiao Yixuan and nodded slightly, "Then wait for your good news."

Those people were not from the Central Plains, and they surrounded everyone here.

This is Xiao Yixuan in Tang Shaoqing's heart, and to Xiao Yixuan, the position of the leader of the martial arts is nothing, even bullshit, even if it is given to him, he will not care.

After Xiao Yixuan took the stage, Tang Shaoqing bowed his hands to Xiao Yixuan, "Please enlighten me."

Su Qinglan said to Xiao Yixuan: "It's your turn to play, finish this scene well? Don't let me down."

The last move of these two people, Xiao Yixuan obviously lost on purpose, that is to say, Tang Shaoqing did not really win this match by relying on strength.

Suddenly it became interesting.

Others, there is nothing to say.

Surrounding the entire martial arts league, do you think you can get everything?
It's beautiful to think about.

It's a pity that people in the rivers and lakes are not at the mercy of others.

People from all over the world drew their swords to face each other, and didn't want them to be taken seriously at all.

Su Ruoruo said to everyone present: "Everyone, don't be too anxious. My appearance is not malicious, and I feel that this martial arts conference is not fair at all. I have never been used to unfair people and things. , so I think this game should be played again..."

Tang Shaoqing couldn't help laughing, and said to Su Ruoruo: "Who are you? Why do you interfere with the affairs of the Wulin League? The Wulin Conference has ended here. Is it too late for you to participate in the Wulin Conference now? Otherwise, you Come back early next year, shall we?"

(End of this chapter)

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