Chapter 294 Self-evident
This was within Su Qinglan's expectation.

If Tang Shaoqing was a smart person, he wouldn't say anything.

It seems that he is indeed a smart man.

"You are waiting for me here to see my attitude, right? Tell me, what is your purpose?"

Tang Shaoqing didn't think that they were waiting for him here because of the martial arts leader's affairs.

On the contrary, he felt that there must be something else about the two of them.

As for what happened, it is still impossible to know.

Just waiting for the two of them to tell.

Su Qinglan likes people who speak quickly.

Tang Shaoqing is indeed very good.

Su Qinglan looked at Tang Shaoqing curiously, "Who do you want to find? The person you are looking for is not a dead person, right?"

This business is obviously a loss for her.

"I know that the Miracle Doctor Palace has great powers, so if you want to find someone, it's no problem."

Su Qinglan sneered, "Master, did you forget that when we handed over the token to you before, we didn't ask you to do anything, and we will bring back the sandwich we have worked so hard for, even if there is no credit Work hard!"

What's more, Su Qinglan didn't have the purpose of doing this.

"You owe us a favor. If you help us this time, the favor will be forgotten. How about it?"

Su Qinglan felt even more strange, "Since you all know that he is still alive, why can't you find him?"

Finding a person who has been missing for five or six years is not something that can be found in a short while.

If you can't even find the dignified Tangjiabao people.

Tang Shaoqing shook his head, "It's not that we don't look for him, but that he has been avoiding us, and we have no way to investigate."

Tang Shaoqing looked at Su Qinglan and nodded, "Okay, since you speak quickly, I won't hide it anymore. I need you to help me find someone."

This cost too much.

Not worth it.

Tang Shaoqing said: "This matter is indeed a bit embarrassing, but it is not impossible. In fact, my second junior brother is unwilling to contact anyone in Tangjiabao. Whenever he hears the word Tangjiabao, he will instantly be shocked." He will disappear without a trace, and we also want to find him, but he has been avoiding us, making it impossible for us to get started. Your Palace of Miraculous Doctors is different, so as long as you want to find him, it shouldn't be too difficult. "

Nothing in this world is taken for nothing, and everything requires a little sacrifice.

Su Qinglan said it as a matter of course, "It's not a lentouqing to go out and walk in the rivers and lakes. Everyone understands the rules of the rivers and lakes."

Su Qinglan didn't understand very much, "If you say that, why don't you ask other sects for help? Aren't other sects not familiar with your second junior brother? Maybe you can find more sects to help. The Divine Doctor Palace is much faster."

She has to weigh it.

"The purpose of us waiting for you here is to join forces with you to find out the murderer and return my innocence."

Tang Shaoqing said: "What you said is indeed very reasonable, but you know this truth, everyone knows it, and my second junior brother naturally knows it too. In this way, he will definitely avoid people in the martial arts. It's different, the Miracle Doctor Palace rarely appears in martial arts, and it's also very mysterious, my second junior brother must not be on guard against people from the Miracle Doctor Palace, that's why I'm looking for you." Tang Shaoqing said so, there is nothing wrong with it, After all, this matter, involving the Palace of Miraculous Doctors, may cause a bloodbath among the various martial arts sects.

Tang Shaoqing nodded, "That's right, why not?"

Tang Shaoqing smiled, "I know this matter is really troublesome. If it wasn't really impossible, I wouldn't make such a request to you."

"What I don't like the most is that others wronged me. I have always done things openly and daringly. I will not deny it. It's not my business. I want to pour dirty water on me. body, it depends on whether the sword in my hand agrees or not."

Tang Shaoqing shook his head, "The life and death are unknown, but he is definitely not a dead person. He is still alive, but he just disappeared..."

Su Qinglan thought for a while, "Is that person from your Tangjiabao?"

Su Qinglan understood Tang Shaoqing's meaning in an instant, "You mean that your second junior brother has been avoiding you, so you have no way of knowing his whereabouts. You want me to find someone for you..."

Su Qinglan did not directly agree, but instead asked, "Young hall master, why don't you tell us what you want us to do for you?"

She is not a good person.

The Palace of Miraculous Physicians has never interfered with affairs in the arena.

"You Tangjiabao, you might as well make more concessions. Even your Tangjiabao can't do anything. The Miracle Doctor Palace is not overbearing, and it's not that we don't want to help you. It's because of your request that we really can't help you."

It is even more unlikely that others will find it.

Su Qinglan never does business at a loss.

Tang Shaoqing laughed, "Yes, it seems that your purpose is the same as mine, but how can I believe that you are sincerely looking for my cooperation?"

So she refused the deal.

Tang Shaoqing nodded, "That's right, he is from our Tangjiabao, and also our Tangjiabao's second junior brother. He left Tangjiabao because of some misunderstandings. He has been away for three years. During these three years I have been looking for his whereabouts, but he has been avoiding me and the people in Tangjiabao, preventing us from finding his whereabouts..."

The Miracle Doctor Palace has always been known for its mystery.

What's more, if he really agreed, it would be a very long project.

At least Su Qinglan felt that he was a good person.

Tang Shaoqing looked at Su Qinglan, without thinking, and agreed directly, "Okay, I promise you, but I also have a condition."

Tang Shaoqing laughed loudly, "That's right, you're quite vigilant."

Tang Shaoqing found her a big problem.

Su Qinglan shook her head directly, "No, your second junior brother has been missing for so many years, it's not easy to find someone, not to mention that this person has been avoiding your Tangjiabao, which shows that he doesn't want to go back, so If the person is hiding, it is impossible to find it so casually, you have given me a big problem."

Can it be worth it.

When everyone mentioned the Miracle Doctor Palace, it was a mysterious existence.

No matter how stupid Tang Shaoqing was, she would never suspect Su Qinglan.

Su Qinglan asked Tang Shaoqing, "Why didn't you tell the martial arts leader the truth?"

Tang Shaoqing smiled slightly, "I didn't tell the leader of the martial arts, that's because I trust you, but I trust you, others may not trust you, for unnecessary trouble, I still didn't confess you."

(End of this chapter)

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