Su Qinglan said very frankly: "This is a very normal thing. You stole the limelight today, and the four major sects will not tolerate the appearance of someone like you, disrupting their struggle.
Your appearance is an uncertain factor for them. Think about it, who would like to appear an uncertain factor in this situation?
Therefore, they will definitely send someone over to get rid of your uncertain factor. "

Xiao Yixuan didn't take it seriously, "Could it be that this is the so-called decent school? In order to get the position of the leader of the martial arts, it is shameless to actually want to kill people to silence..."

Su Qinglan agrees very much: "Wulin sects are like this. They think justice represents everything, but they don't know that they are the source of evil."

Xiao Yixuan let out a long sigh, "Unexpectedly, the Jianghu is also like this, no wonder so many people want to control the Jianghu, then do we really have to trust Tang Shaoqing?"

"Believe it or not, we only need to get what we want. As for who will be the leader of the martial arts, I don't care that much..."

I chose Tang Shaoqing because I had an inexplicable affection for him, but this affection was limited to the affection among friends, and there were no other factors.

Xiao Yixuan nodded understandingly, "I understand, don't worry! I will do as we agreed."

Su Qinglan looked at Xiao Yixuan, and then asked: "Don't you really want to fight this martial arts leader? If you had the opportunity to fight this martial arts leader, would you choose to be the martial arts leader?"

Xiao Yixuan said decisively: "No."

The majestic regent king can't do what he wants to do, why should he be the leader of this martial arts alliance?

Xiao Yixuan and Baili Dengfeng were the first to fight.

Baili Dengfeng hoped that the one he could draw was Tang Shaoqing.

On the last day, the final battle for the selection of the master of the martial arts alliance was decided.

The top four are nothing in front of him.

What a waste of expression.

Tang Shaoqing didn't know where Su Qinglan's courage came from, but it was indeed admirable.

Even if this martial arts leader was given to him, he wouldn't be it.

Xiao Yixuan was the first to draw lots, and he got Baili Dengfeng, while Tang Shaoqing got Ouyang Wenxuan.

After another ten moves, Baili Dengfeng will definitely lose.

Originally, he wanted to get something from Tang Shaoqing, but who knew he wouldn't be fooled.

Xiao Yixuan is her man and must win.

On the contrary, his calm demeanor made people unable to see the joy or anger.

How is this possible?
Baili Dengfeng, actually lost?
Xiao Yixuan walked down from the stage very calmly, not at all proud of defeating Baili Dengfeng.

Tang Shaoqing resolutely refused, "Forget it, I'm not interested in gambling."

Xiao Yixuan put away his sword, "Give it up."

Even a position like the leader of the martial arts alliance is not favored, which means that his identity must be even more difficult.

When the eight entered the four, Xiao Yixuan, Tang Shaoqing, Baili Dengfeng, Ouyang Wenxuan, four people, entered the semi-finals.

Tang Shaoqing looked over, sure enough, Baili Dengfeng was already at a disadvantage.

Xiao Yixuan and Baili Dengfeng fought inseparably.

The remaining Tang Shaoqing and Ouyang Wenxuan do not need to draw lots.

If someone else had drawn it, he would have been able to see the extent of Xiao Yixuan's strength, but now facing Xiao Yixuan, he felt a little helpless.

Su Qinglan said calmly, "How about we make a bet?"

Tang Shaoqing smiled and said: "If this is really the case, then I can only admit that I am unlucky, but I believe in my own eyes even more."

Su Qinglan suddenly became curious, wondering what Xiao Yixuan's real identity was.

Really boring.

He was very unwilling to lose to Xiao Yixuan, but he was helpless.

Tang Shaoqing smiled and said, "Of course I hope Brother Su can win. After all, if he wins, it also means that I win."

All martial arts people watched this scene.

He doesn't care about what others want to fight for anyway.

There are many things and complicated locks.

Tang Shaoqing shook her head, "No, I can see that you are not interested in the position of martial arts leader. If you really wanted the position of martial arts leader, you would not have directly cooperated with me in the first place."

Baili Dengfeng, seeing Xiao Yixuan being so arrogant, wanted to teach him a lesson.

Su Qinglan couldn't help feeling suspicious of Xiao Yixuan.

The two went directly to the stage, and after Xu Han said a few words, they started fighting.

Sitting with Tang Shaoqing and Su Qinglan, he looked at Su Qinglan's indifferent look, and asked curiously: "Who do you think will win this match?"

Baili Dengfeng, he didn't expect Xiao Yixuan to be so powerful, he still underestimated him.

Su Qinglan looked at Tang Shaoqing in surprise: "Are you not afraid that we will deceive you and use you?"

The next comparison is the draw.

Xiao Yixuan didn't pay attention to Baili Dengfeng at all.

Tang Shaoqing looked at Su Qinglan: "You are very confident in your people, so don't forget that Baili Dengfeng is not such a simple person. I heard that this person is very powerful in martial arts. Even I may not be the one. His opponent..."

Su Qinglan asked Tang Shaoqing: "You are so confident, are you not afraid that we will go back on our word and take away your position as the leader of the martial arts?"

Su Qinglan praised, "It seems that your vision is very good, there are still ten moves, and Baili Dengfeng will lose soon."

Su Qinglan said without any surprise: "Susu will win."

Baili Dengfeng's martial arts is very strong, otherwise, he would not be the youngest top four in the martial arts world.

There was an uproar in the audience.

Although she was chatting with Tang Shaoqing, Su Qinglan kept her eyes on the stage, watching every move on stage.

Xiao Yixuan is an uncertain factor, and is very likely to be a dark horse.

Baili Dengfeng said to Xiao Yixuan: "My skills are inferior to others, I lost."

But Xiao Yixuan didn't want him to pay attention at all.

What is his true identity?

Everyone in the audience was stunned, how could this be possible?
Baili Dengfeng actually lost, and he had a chance to win, but he lost just like that. The people below all had expressions of disbelief.

Su Qinglan asked Tang Shaoqing: "Then who do you think will win?"

This luck is too unlucky, but even so, he will never admit defeat.

Xiao Yixuan sat directly under the stage.

Su Qinglan said to Tang Shaoqing: "It's up to you from now on, but before you go on stage, let me give you something!"

Su Qinglan suddenly gave Tang Shaoqing a small bottle.

Tang Shaoqing looked curious, "What is this?"

Su Qinglan said: "This is something to save your life. It is only good for you and has no harm."

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