Really tie Q, the soft beauty is hugged and coaxed by the monster

Chapter 106 Small Town 7: Are you scared too?

Chapter 106 Small Town 7: Are you scared too?

"Excuse me, have you seen my head?"

Not getting an answer, the boy doll hammered his hard head angrily, and asked again.


Didn't answer him, is it because his voice is too low?

Slightly raising the volume, the boy doll asked patiently for the third time, "Excuse me, have you seen my head? Excuse me, can you give me your head?"

The girl next to her was sleeping peacefully, showing no signs of waking up.

The baby sighed faintly, and blurted out in a childish voice, "What an impolite guy... If you don't answer, I will take it as your acquiescence."

the sun rises,

the north room,
unnoticed corner,
In an instant, a cold light burst out, and a strong bloody smell spread.


Piao Piao had seen Xiao Ming's face under the mask while eating.

With a high nose bridge and sexy thin lips, a slight smile dilutes the seriousness brought by the phoenix eyes.

Xiao Ming's first impression was that of an ancient noble son.

Elegant but not romantic.

However, within half an hour of her lying on the bed, your son's filter suddenly shattered.

Piao Piao lives next door to Xiao Ming, and the two people are only separated by a wall. The sound insulation effect of the two rooms is not good, and the sound from the other side can be heard clearly.

"Piao Piao? Are you asleep?"

There was movement from the other side of the wall, Piao Piaosheng sighed helplessly, and sat against the wall for the third time, "No, what's the matter with you?"

Xiao Ming, "It's okay, just ask yourself, are you afraid of sleeping alone? Do you want me to accompany you?"


They are unfamiliar!

Piao Piao pursed her lips, "Scared! I'm so scared! Come here!"

The sky is bright and the sun is bright, and the thick black curtains completely block the light. The darkness is so thick that you can't see your fingers.

The doors and windows are closed, the curtains are shaking, but there is always a seemingly invisible wind blowing from behind.

Streams of Yin Qi spread from the soles of the feet to the whole body, almost turning into substance.

The cold environment and eerie darkness always remind Piao Piao of the last two words in her name.

Dressed in red, with long hair.

I'm watching you, I've been watching you from behind...

Piao Piao got goosebumps all over her body.

Not afraid of the living, not afraid of the dead.

Just afraid of this illusory thing.

Piao Piao's teeth chattered, and her legs shook into sieves, "Xiao Mingming, come here quickly!"

"Come here!" Xiao Ming responded in a low voice.

Not long after, the door was pushed open a crack.

The sunlight scrambled to get in, and Xiao Ming found the fluttering figure with the faint light.

Perhaps the light was too dim, Xiao Ming couldn't see clearly, he kicked Piao Piao's foot when he groped and sat down beside Piao Piao.

"I knew you'd be scared," he whispered affirmatively.

Piao Piao asked curiously, "Did anything happen when you went out?"

Don't go out during the day, it's a violation on the first day you enter the game.

"No, everything is normal," Xiao Ming took out a piece of compressed biscuit from his pocket, his voice was a little ethereal, "Are you hungry? Do you want to eat?"

hungry, eat.

The compressed biscuits are peanut-flavored, and the corners are squeezed and brittle.

Piao Piao continued to drop the crumbs of biscuits with her hands, "Where did they come from?"

"Bring it in the backpack."

"Can the backpack still carry this thing?"

"Why not?"

Piao Piao was shocked, as if opening the door to a new world at this moment.


Since her backpack can hold things obtained in the dungeon, why can't it hold things in the real world? !

Piao Piao is gearing up, sharpening her sword and rushing at Zhu Yang.

"By the way," Piao Piao scratched her cheek silently, "Are you afraid too?"

Xiao Ming frowned instantly, "How is it possible! How could I be afraid!"

"I'm not afraid of your shaking legs! You shook all my biscuits!!"

(End of this chapter)

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