Chapter 12 Fishing
She's in emoemo's e, emo's mo.

Lucis passed by her in a strong suit, his hair flying, and a young man in high spirits.

The boy's expression was really calm, so calm that he didn't seem to be talking.

If it wasn't for the fact that there was no living thing around except the two of them, Piao Piao would have felt that she was hallucinating.

Piao Piao followed closely behind, perhaps to take care of her, Lucis was not walking fast.

Through the deep jungle, came to the bank of the stream.

Andre was waiting there early, with the dog's head looking up at the sky at a sad angle of 45 degrees.

There was a touch of sadness on that humanized dog face, "Aww~"

Piao Piao, "???" Is she crazy or the dog crazy?

Lucis walked to the shore and knelt down on one knee, scooping up a handful of water.

The water slipped from between his fingers, and he repeated this movement to wash his palms.

The water in the stream is crystal clear, which is different from what Piao Piao read in the book, "When the water is clear, there are no fish". On the contrary, there are so many fish here that it is dazzling.

Andre looked at Piao Piao aggrievedly, and then stretched out a paw to touch the stream with a tragic face.

"Aww~" The master is badass~

Piao Piao couldn't understand what it was saying, but saw it plunge into the water with its eyes closed and its feet turned sideways.


It seems to have taken a big gulp of water.

The water was not deep, about halfway up to Andre's legs. Andre walked in the water, every time his paws fell, there was a splash of water.

The fish gathered at the bottom of the water were frightened and dispersed.

Andre patted his paw on its forehead in frustration, not daring to move anymore, the stream gradually calmed down, and the fish gathered again.

Suddenly, Andre's eyes narrowed, and he aimed at one of the fish and rushed into the water with lightning speed.

When he raised his head, he bit the air and Andre shook the water off his body in embarrassment.

Piao Piao was stunned, "Andre, are you fishing?"

Andre nodded, looking at her for help, his dog eyes were full of lovelessness.

Piao Piao thought that the hunting training was a mighty Tibetan mastiff running in the jungle, chasing ferocious beasts.

The blood is splattered, the passion is full, and the fighting spirit is high!

Instead of a silly dog ​​catching fish with its mouth in the water miserably.
Piao Piao pondered for a while, then stretched out Erkang's hand, "Stand here and don't move around, I'll go and catch two bugs for you!"

Fish not only eat earthworms, they can eat any insects that can fall into the water.

Bugs are easy to catch, but Piao Piao is not afraid of these things.

There were many insects and moths in the forest, and he grabbed a handful of them. When Piao Piao wrapped the insects in leaves and went back, Lucis had already washed his hands, and he was heading into the forest at the moment.

Lucis was too indifferent, like a god who didn't eat the fireworks of the world, his body seemed to be covered with a layer of brilliance.

I always feel that talking to him is insulting the gods.

Piao Piao nodded somewhat cautiously, as a greeting to him.

All the bugs in a bag of leaves were scattered into the water, and soon fish gathered around.

Piao Piao made a positive gesture, and Andre rushed forward, pressing two paws and biting one in his mouth.

Grabbing three at a time is a feat that Andre has never had before.

Fish are very smart, they will have a long memory the second time they catch it, and it will be difficult to catch it again, which is why Andre hates catching fish.

With one claw at a time, Andre patted the two fainted fish on the table, and with one in his mouth, he swung his tail aggressively and landed ashore.

It's not that downcast dog anymore!

(End of this chapter)

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