Chapter 135 Small Town 36:


"Cough cough," Xie Fangyan panted softly, with his eyelids half closed, "Piao Piao, I'm seriously injured, can you help me up?"

His chest was stained red with blood, and his voice was lifeless.

There is a feeling of dying immediately.

Piao Piao Umbrella leaned forward and shared an umbrella with him.

He held out his hand, "Okay."

A small white hand with long, slender fingers and pink fingertips.

Xie Fangyan stared at it for two seconds before slowly putting those calloused hands into hers.

The big hand wrapped the small hand, and he exerted strength on his legs, without borrowing much strength from Piao Piao.

She looked too weak, and I was afraid that she would not be able to bear his weight.

Xie Fangyan's entire upper body was pressed on Piao Piao's shoulders, and he coughed intermittently.

"I live far away, Piao Piao can take me to Xiao Heng's room to rest, Xiao Heng probably won't mind."

Take him to Xiaoheng's room, and let Xiaoheng, who is seriously injured, see how he is intimate with Piao Piao.

A few days ago, he was hiding on the mountain from those ghosts who came to him whenever they had anything to do, and gradually improved his cultivation by the way.

When he practiced to a critical juncture, he received an urgent call from Xie Heng.

Xie Heng's tone of anxiety was mixed with excitement. At that time, he thought that those ghosts who occupied his lair had finally left.

It never occurred to her that she wanted him to propose marriage.

The big thing that made him almost go crazy was the proposal of marriage?

He wants to see what's good about that girl.

The first time I saw Piao Piao, it was just a piece of trash.

When he heard that she refused to propose marriage, his impression improved, and he was quite happy to make Xie Heng feel embarrassed.

Knowing that Xie Heng was eavesdropping, he had a flash of inspiration and had a better idea.

It was just a joke to Piao Piao to think about him.

In the end, Piao Piao actually figured out to make them fight!
This little girl is interesting, he somehow thought about it.

The same goes for Xie Heng. After decades of digging up wild vegetables, he was so stupid that he would pull him into a fight without saying a word.

The brat's cultivation is not as good as his, so he still dares to be brave?

There was also a fight, but as for himself, he couldn't be injured in vain.

Now that he is physically injured, Xie Heng needs to be doubled to return.

Xie Fangyan's abacus was crackling.


Piao Piao didn't know anything about it, she was thinking, she told Andre not to bite his mouth, why did it bite Yang Jie's mouth?
So delicious?

Or are you not counting what you said last time?

Or is it not good to eat people's brains for too long?
Fluttering like a stick in the throat, I can't catch my breath.

Thinking of the picture she just saw, she felt a little uncomfortable in her stomach.


When she realized it, Xie Fangyan was already on her shoulders.

Piao Piao, "..."

She didn't want to help (._)
"Piao Piao?" Without waiting for an answer, Xie Fangyan coughed several times, "To Xiaoheng's place?"

Because his head was in front of Piao Piao's shoulders, Xie Fangyan covered his lips with his hands and his cheeks turned outward when he coughed.

When he came back again, he didn't pay attention, and his lips touched the side of Piao Piao's face.

So soft!

Soft as a freshly baked bun!

Xie Fangyan was stunned for a moment, looking at Piao Piao for a while, but he didn't come back to his senses.

Fortunately, it smells...

Is this what a girl smells like?
Xie Heng's door remained open, so Piao Piao poked his head in first.

Although the walls of the two yards have been broken through, Piao Piao has not observed Xie Heng's yard carefully until now.

In the yard... nothing.

There are no trees and no grass.

Only floor tiles can be seen.

There are two pairs of shoes in front of the door, a pair of black canvas shoes and a pair of white canvas shoes.

The white canvas shoes are the ones she wore yesterday! !

The living room door was unlocked, and Piao Piao pushed it open without much effort.

The door is a simple drying rack.

The clothes hangers were all clothes that Xie Heng had worn in the past few days, but I didn't see hers.

(End of this chapter)

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