Chapter 140 Chapter 140 Small Town 41: Aunts

It is said that the ghost of the first family is a lazy ghost.

Usually, except for eating, I never see ghosts.

No matter what the two of them asked, he didn't bother to speak.

The player who was with Li Jianguo had a bad temper. When he got angry, he yelled, "You are already dead! Tell me how you died!"

Li Guohao guessed that it might be because the word "death" stimulated his nerves.

Not every ghost is kind.

A ghost who lived a good life and was full of happiness insisted on reminding him of how he died.

This is the end of the ghost life, he can understand killing people in anger.

So far, there are still six residents in the entire happy town, excluding the mayor and Xie Heng.

The reason for Ning Qinhua and Li Mengzi has been found.

Completing the mission is just around the corner.

Several people were full of strength, and together, they planned to go to the two houses in the north where there were no players staying overnight.

Piao Piao has been active in the southern area, and this is her first time in the north.

There are more residents in the north than in the south.

The arrangement of the houses is also irregular.

For example, there is a house in front of you, and there is another house in the middle.

The vacated places are all the places where ghosts who died before lived.

After the ghost disappeared, the house also disappeared.

Like Liu Laosan.

Li Guohao knocked on the door of the nearest house, "Hello, is anyone home?"

It was a middle-aged aunt who opened the door.

Short fuchsia hair with a perm, a red leather jacket, and black leather pants.

The aunt was vicious, spit flying all over the place, "Knock what, knock what! Knock your soul!"

Everyone, "..." They didn't use much force, they only knocked three times...

Taking a step back in fear, she was really frightened by the aunt.

"What are you yelling, what are you yelling! You have a loud voice!!"

Several people were thinking about how to find something to talk to in their minds, when the door next door was suddenly opened.

The same is also a middle-aged aunt.

Aunt pink top, green trousers.

Its pungentness is no worse than that of the red curly-haired aunt.

The red curly-haired aunt saw the person coming with one hand on her hip and the other pointing at the nose of the red and green aunt.

"I'm just yelling at you, what's wrong? Bah! Why isn't the dead old woman dead!"

Not to be outdone, the red and green aunt threw the bowl of food in her hand onto the curly-haired aunt's head.

"Damn it, your grandma has a leg, I can't even die if you die!"


The sudden "war" stunned Piao Piao and others.

After taking a few steps away from the battlefield, Li Guohao acted as a peacemaker, "Well, if you have something to talk about, let's not quarrel."

The two aunts spat at him at the same time, saying in unison, "I have nothing to say to her!"

Fluttering, smashing, smashing, watching with great interest.

She grew up so big that she only saw aunts quarreling on the short video app.

Seeing it on a mobile phone is not the same as seeing it with your own eyes.

It's more exciting to see it with your own eyes!

She thought of the aunt's magic of setting up a stall to occupy the parking space: retreat!retreat!retreat!

The two aunts only had each other in their eyes, and they were so noisy that it was dark.

The speed of speech is beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

Several people looked at each other, "What should we do?"

The aunt got louder and more intense.

"Your son won't give you old age!"

"You will die!"

"You're the only one who can't have children and grandchildren!"

"I have a grandson!"

"Your grandson won't give you old age!"

People, "..."

Back and forth are inseparable from sons and grandchildren.

It was so noisy over there, Piao Piao and the others simply sat on the ground and watched the fun.

The aunts were clamoring and going home at the same time.

Several people were dumbfounded.

It stopped for no reason.

"Are they really happy...?" No matter how you look at this posture, it doesn't look like happiness.

(End of this chapter)

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