Chapter 144 Small Town 45:


His hands were cold, and his palms were dripping with cold sweat.

Piao Piao's palms were wet.

Xiao Ming said in a deep voice, "Grandma was drowned, the flood came suddenly that year."

"Most of the villages are low-rise bungalows, and you can only escape to the roof. As far as I know, the grandma's family and children were all there at the time. When the flood broke out, her two children left grandma and fled alone."

"Grandma's legs and feet are inconvenient, and the flood restricts her steps, and she can't walk. Grandma drowned in the flood."

"Her sons and daughters are now at ease outside."

Hell is empty, the devil is on earth.

Fluttering and dull all the way.

Xiao Ming continued, "But Xiao Piao Piao, don't be too sad. It doesn't matter if they disappear. A small town suddenly appears in front of the cemetery. It will inevitably cause panic to those who come to worship."

Piao Piao understood, but it was still very uncomfortable.

Immersed in his own world, Piao Piao didn't care to look at the road, and he didn't react when he stuffed a piece of milk candy in his mouth.

The sweet taste did not make her feel better.

Xiao Ming let out a "squeak", "If you were not as sad as you are now when I leave tomorrow, don't blame me for being rude when we meet next time!"

Can't see you anymore!

She's leaving soon! ! !
Piao Piao's threat easily diverted Piao Piao's attention, "Slightly slightly!"


Back at the door of Ning Qinhua's house, Xie Heng and Xie Fangyan were guarding one side of the door.

Standing straight, the middle distance is comparable to the Great Rift Valley in East Africa.

The atmosphere was condensed, and no one paid attention to anyone.

"Cough cough cough," Xie Fangyan took a deep breath, "Piao Piao is back, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Xie Heng tilted his head, frowned slightly, and looked at Xie Fangyan like a ghost, "What are you doing?!"

He had a sudden cough, which made him have to think more.

Xie Fangyan smiled bleakly, "It's nothing, you don't attack hard, I don't hurt."

Xie Heng, "..."

Piao Piao, "..."

Piao Piao walked slowly to the door, and while Xie Fangyan was not paying attention, he put his foot on Xie Fangyan's ass, "I'll knock your mother!"

Dress her up!
Never before has a man made her say so many dirty words.

Xie Fangyan is definitely the first one!
Piao Piao angrily pushed the door open and entered, angrily biting the milk candy in his mouth, "Don't follow me!"

She dropped a sentence.

Xie Heng and Xie Fangyan looked at each other, and they both saw unwillingness in each other's eyes.

In the next second, they disappeared in place at the same time.


Piao Piao closed the door, made sure that the two unknown ghosts did not follow in, and flew onto the bed.

Xiao Ming stood beside the bed with his mouth slanted, "Little Piao Piao is really amazing, he provoked so many men before I knew it... It seems that I will definitely enjoy myself after leaving Xiao Piao Piao."

Lin Daiyu's tone is not as yin and yang as he is!

"Okay, you have a good rest, I won't bother you anymore." Xiao Ming's voice could not hear any emotion.

What are you resting for? After sleeping for a day and a night, I didn't feel sleepy at all.

Piao Piao lay on the bed, staring hard at her eyes.

She was no longer sleepy to the point where she couldn't close her eyes.

Forget it, get up and shake your hands!
It's been a long time since I shook my hand, and my heart is itchy.


It will be dark for a long time.

When Xie Fangyan came, Piao Piao had already shaken her hands one hundred and eight times.

The man disappeared, and black mist gathered from all directions.

"What is Piao Piao doing?"

Seeing Piao Piao who was sitting on the bed with her arms folded and tears in her eyes, Xie Fangyan showed doubts.

Fluttering tears rolled in the eyes, humming and chirping, "Hua hand shakes too much, hand cramps..."

Help, why does the shaking flower hand still have hand cramps.

It's okay to have hand cramps, but Xie Fangyan saw it.

It hurts.

So lost.

Xie Fangyan, "..."

(End of this chapter)

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