Chapter 15

Before entering the hall, a man's cries were heard in the distance.

Zheng Quan knelt at the door of the horrible room on the first floor, kowtowing to admit his mistakes.

"Please forgive me, please forgive me, I really know I was wrong."

The sound of forehead hitting the floor was endless.

There was a bright red mark on Zheng Quan's forehead, and at his feet were two palms that were detached from his wrists.

And blood was gurgling from his wrist.

There are clear tooth marks at the interface, and his hand was bitten off abruptly!

"My family still has a six-year-old son to support. He will be in the first grade soon and needs a lot of money. I can't die yet, please."

There were only Wu Jing and Shao Wuyun around, Zhang He and Liang Qiuyang didn't know where they went.

I don't know which sentence touched Wu Jing, tears gathered in her eyes instantly, "My daughter is also six years old, I want to watch her grow up, see her go to college, watch her get married and have children, how much I want to hear She called me mom again..."

But fate plays tricks.

It was raining that day, and Wu Jing drove to pick up her daughter from school.

It happened that a truck driver was driving fatigued on the road. The rain blurred his vision, and he was in no hurry to escape. The car was hit and embedded in the truck.

His head was bleeding, and his whole body was broken.

In the end, she couldn't wait for 120... Maybe the god of luck favored her. When she was dying, she was selected by a person who claimed to be a god to participate in the escape game.

She would choose to do additional tasks, but because even if she survived in the end, her body would not be able to recover.

It's just waking up to pain.

Doing additional tasks may still have a glimmer of life.

As if resonating with her, Wu Jing cried more and more, her body swayed, she sat on the ground with her arms around her knees and wept endlessly.

Zheng Quanguang said, "Spit" at her, "Who needs you to pretend to be here..." Weeping!
Halfway through the speech, Zheng Quan glimpsed Lucis walking slowly from the corner of his eye.

His eyes lit up, and he knelt down to welcome Lucis as he walked over. His blood flowed like a river along the track of his movement.

He seemed not afraid of pain, and kowtowed in front of Lucis.

"My lord! My lord, you have a lot to spare me this time."

Piao Piao heard the conversation inside clearly from the outside, Lucis was not in high spirits, and even a little irritable appeared in his bones.

The person who was already indifferent at this moment makes people feel like falling into an ice cellar, Zheng Quan suddenly shut his mouth dumbly.

Lucis kept on stepping, skipping Zheng Quan and going upstairs.

He didn't give Zheng Quan a look in the middle.

Andre let out a hot breath from his nose, and grinned at Zheng Quan.

Doesn't seem to be interested in fresh palms anymore.

Wu Jing was out of breath from crying, Piao Piao helped her up and sat down on the sofa.

Wu Jing wiped her tears, and smiled comfortingly when she saw Piao Piao's worried eyes, "I'm fine, I just miss my daughter a little bit."

Laughed and laughed and cried again.

None of the people present wanted to die.

Piao Piao was born sick and sick, and the Song family had a little money, so Piao Piao's food and clothing expenses were the best.

Her parents doted on her, and her brother loved her.

She was reluctant to let her parents and elder brother die in such an unexplained way.

She felt that she could understand Wu Jing's extreme reluctance for her relatives.

Piao Piao can praise people but can't coax others. She is a patient, and others have always coaxed her.

Piao Piao, who has self-taught high school and university textbooks, and her IQ is not low, once again dislikes her stupid mouth.

She hugged Wu Jing silently.

(End of this chapter)

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