Chapter 178 Extra Story (With Reversal, You Can Watch It or Not)


1. Security

Wei An was born with the most beautiful tail of the mermaid.

The more beautiful the mermaid's tail, the more noble its status.

Wei'an was raised as the king of the mermaid clan since he was a child, but Wei'an didn't like the feeling of being restrained.

He likes to listen to his grandmother tell stories.

Grandma told him everything she knew, she could tell about trees, animals, and people.

At this time, he would always listen fascinated.

Grandma also said that their mermaids live longer than humans, but they have no soul.

They will turn into foam when they die.

Instead, humans have souls, and when they die, they travel through the clouds, through the stars, and fly to places they mermen can never reach.

He longs for land, longs for stars.

He longs for the soul.

But he is the future king of the mermaid clan, so he can't go to land.

Therefore, he planned for a long time and sneaked to the sea after his family fell asleep.

On this day, when Piao Piao appeared in sight, he was watching the sunset on the reef by the sea.

Piao Piao was the first human being he saw.

He danced when he saw Piao Piao talking, and smiled when he saw her eating.

What a living human being.

He is very envious and also likes...

It's a pity that Piao Piao is a fool, he can choke himself to death with anything he eats.

The little mermaid doesn't know such a thing as "poison".

He saved Piao Piao with his mouth.

He didn't reveal his identity, because his grandmother often said that humans would catch them as monsters and kill them if they knew their identities!
He left and returned to the bottom of the sea, but he never forgot the beautiful soul.

He asked his grandmother if the mermaid had a way to obtain a soul, and the grandmother said that only the witch in the depths of the sea had a way.

He went to the witch, who was very powerful, guessed his purpose, and gave him a bottle of medicine that could transform his legs.

The witch said, "If she hadn't married you, you would have been a bubble on the first morning of her wedding."

Yes, the witch guessed his mind.

How could the witch guess what he was thinking (smile)?


He took the medicine and went to the surface of the sea, but happened to be caught in a storm, and he saw the man who fell into the water.

But after being rescued casually, Piao Piao actually followed the man and left.

He was very sad, and an inexplicable emotion was spreading.

He drank the medicine, changed his legs, found Piao Piao, and successfully made friends with Piao Piao.

But what did he hear?
Piao Piao said, don't be friends with him...

Instead of being friends, be his wife!


Piao Piao is still going to marry someone else.

Everything was within his expectations, and he had never expected a human being to marry a mermaid.

After all, a mermaid is a mermaid, and a monster will always be a monster.

For him, Piao Piao is his fondest memory.

They will eventually become passers-by in each other's lives.

Or in other words, after he has a soul, he must come back to find Piao Piao.

He ended up being a bubble anyway.

He didn't have to wait until the day she got married, he chose to become a bubble.

The witch is wrong, having a soul does not necessarily mean marrying a girl you like.

When he gives himself up for love, his kindness will move God!
He believed that God would give him a new soul.

However, instead of having the soul he had been longing for, he entered a man's body.

Do not,
To be precise, it should be, return!
2. Enzo

Everyone said that Enzo's IQ was not high, he was just a stupid wolf!

But Enzo likes a word very much: great wisdom is like foolishness.

How deceitful can a simple werewolf be?
He can fool Piao Piao to be defenseless against him,
Piao Piao can be tricked to eat strawberries with him and can't get angry.

The first time I saw Piao Piao he was catching a rabbit, but he missed the rabbit and met a fake rabbit that was cuter than the real one.

He was worrying about how to strike up a conversation with the little rabbit, when he suddenly noticed the red dress on her body.

Red dress?

"Little Red Riding Hood, stealing food is wrong!"

He said.

He also said he wanted to eat strawberries too.

It's so funny, which wolf likes to eat strawberries?

They wolves are carnivores!

All he wants to eat is Piao Piao, who doesn't like a delicious bunny?

Only Piao Piao would believe his words.


He and Piao Piao ate many strawberries and rabbits together.

But when he woke up, Piao Piao and Xiao Liu... ran away? ?

Sun his mother!
The wolves have always had a keen sense of smell, so he searched along the fluttering scent.

It's raining and the smell is gone!

When he met Joey who was also looking for someone, the sixth sense of the wolves told him that this person was not a good person.

Sure enough, it was a stinky man who wanted to grab Piao Piao from him!
He was no doubt surprised to see Flutter at Brian's wedding.

Not seeing each other for a day, she became someone else's wife.

Joey left, and he followed up secretly. He deliberately pushed the door open at a critical moment.

He just kissed Piao Piao in front of Joey on purpose.

He just didn't close the door on purpose so Brian could see it.


Piao Piao ran away again, leaving without a sound, and only saw a figure from the back when she found it again.

The figure disappeared out of nowhere...


3. Brian, Joey

Brian and Joey have always believed that the marriage killed Piao Piao.

So they teamed up to attack the two countries that were about to marry.

Stupid little werewolves get in on the action too.

They will not harm innocent people.

They would just kill the king and queen of two countries and build a new one from then on.

No one wants to be a king, they just want to find Piao Piao.

Later, there were rumors that the first emperor who unified the six kingdoms died for love...

4. Snow White

Snow White has a secret that she hates her father's new queen.

When she was nine years old, she sneaked into her father's bedroom, and then asked her father to drive the new queen out of the bedroom.

That day, she stayed with her father the whole night.

Since that day, her father often came to play games with her, and it was always the same night.

She felt that the new queen asked someone to kidnap her because she was jealous of her good relationship with her father!
Look, even if the father likes her, he won't like that old woman!
She walked and walked and walked in the forest for a whole day, and she was tired and sleepy.

Before the sun went down, she saw a cabin.

She ate up all the food in the cabin and slept in the cabin.

But the owners of the cabin would not let her stay here, they said she was not polite.

She is far worse than Cinderella!
Who is Cinderella?

She stayed at last, because she played with the dwarfs the game she had played with her father.

And she is also responsible for the food, clothing, housing and transportation of the dwarfs.

One day, when the dwarves were out hunting, she saw a woman selling apples.

She likes apples best!
And Apple doesn't want money!

She happily ate the apple, but accidentally, the apple got stuck in her throat.

She later lost consciousness.

And then, many years later, she was revived by a passing prince on a white horse.

The prince fell in love with her at first sight, and began to like her when she was still a corpse.

She was so moved that she decided to marry this prince!

From then on, she and the prince lived a happy life.

It's just that the prince doesn't seem to be as enthusiastic about her as the dwarf described...

 black fairy tale
(End of this chapter)

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