Really tie Q, the soft beauty is hugged and coaxed by the monster

Chapter 246 House of Horror 2: Staff Dormitory

Chapter 246 House of Horror 2: Staff Dormitory


Fluttering followed the mermaid who led the way... The murloc (?) walked through the corridor and came to the door with "Beast (Human) Affairs Department" on the doorplate.

The upper body of the murloc is a green fish head, with a brown mouth that reaches straight into the sky. The fish head is flat, and is level with the shoulders.

His mouth moved into the air as he spoke.

With fluttering hair and little knowledge, I really didn't know what kind of fish it was.

The murloc was facing the door with his face sideways, his eyes were facing the door all the time, and the other eye was looking at Piao Piao behind him.

He knocked on the door, and the man inside said please come in.

The manager of the veterinary department is a rooster with a bloody cockscomb on his head. He prepared the contract early.

Piao Piao looked at it roughly, and the meaning of the entire contract is probably that during the tenure, Thriller House will not be responsible for any consequences caused by the employee, and everything will be borne by the employee himself.

" look..." Ji Jing looked up at Piao Piao and quickly lowered his head, with a low magnetic voice, "Shall we go to the doll's house?"

The murloc responded, "I also think it's good to go to the doll's house. Her appearance is very suitable for the doll's house."

It's not alone when it comes to her looks.

After Piao Piao came here, she didn't have a chance to observe herself. It stands to reason that she passed through her body, which is right.

She doesn't have much self-confidence. When it comes to appearance, she said that no one dares to say that she is the second.

The doll house combined with chicken essence is probably a compliment to her... right?

But the Chicken Essence's hesitating expression doesn't quite resemble the murloc's disgusted expression.

Piao Piao couldn't understand it.

After completing the entry procedures, the murloc took her to the staff dormitory.

The status of human beings here is extremely underground, and the dormitory is dirty and stinking, worse than a kennel.

There are six upper, middle and lower three-layer beds in a room as large as a student dormitory.

Goblins are fighting near the innermost wall, and men in the middle of the room are defecating everywhere.

It is a mixed dormitory, there is no order at all.

And there is only one wooden board on the bed, no bedding.

The innermost wall has no balcony.

Piao Piao was assigned to the middle bed near the door, it was cramped and tattered, and there was a lump of poop on it.

The murloc also saw Papa, and he was furious immediately, "Who is defecating on the bed again, get out!"

The man who defecated on the ground shrank his neck and didn't get up.

The man by the wall heard the movement and squatted on the ground and began to shut himself up. The woman squatted in a row with him.

The man who defecated pointed to the man who was sleeping like a dead pig on the bed.

The murloc pulled out his baton from behind, stepped forward and dragged the sleeping man out of bed, trampled his face under his feet.

He raised his head high above, "Article 123 of the employee code, those who defecate on the bed..."

The next three words were automatically ignored by Piao Piao.

She found another thing that disgusted her more than eating raw meat.

The sleeping man was in a deep sleep, and even then he didn't wake up.

The murloc sneered, and smashed the baton between his teeth, "I think you're looking for death!"

Piao Piao watched helplessly as the murloc pierced his baton through his throat and into his stomach.

The man woke up when the baton passed his throat, which was blocked and he could not make any sound.

The eyeballs protrude outward, as if they are about to fall out,

He waved his limbs and struggled, and the murloc mercifully let him go when he was about to die.

The murloc threw him on Piao Piao's bed, "/!"

The man's face was covered with tears, he didn't dare to say anything, he lay on the bed.

Piao Piao took a deep breath and looked away.

(End of this chapter)

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