Chapter 281 Horror House 37: Leave Note

Chicken Essence regretted, "That bug looks so delicious!"

Piao Piao's eyes twitched, and he said slowly, "Your wings look delicious too!"

Essence of chicken, "..." Humans really hate it the most!
Piao Piao was shocked by the dragonfly on his visual nerves, and now urgently needs to see some beautiful things to wash his eyes.

He didn't want the horror value anymore, and after struggling from the chair, he beckoned Xiu to leave quickly.

The hamburger restaurant is now closing for rest due to the burning of the kitchen.

There is even a picture of Piao Piao on a sign at the door.

There are a few lines written on it, which roughly means that if you can catch the human being in the portrait, you will be rewarded!

However, Piao Piao didn't meet a beast that wanted to catch her to claim a reward along the way.

To be precise, as long as some beasts look at her twice, a vine will appear aimed at their eyes,

It was Jiang Qingchuan who silently protected her behind her back.

Piao Piao was so touched!
Return to the manager's office.

The manager is busy every day and never leaves his pen.

Seeing Piao Piao's disheveled face and the pen circled in her hand, she showed such an expression, "How about it, do you still want to resign now?"

Piao Piao put the milk tea on the table, stroked her chest and breathed a few times, "Do you want to hear the truth or lie."

The manager paused and said with a smile, "It's a lie."

Piao Piao, "I don't want to."

Since it was a lie, she meant that she still wanted to leave.

The manager said earnestly, "If you resign, you may become a member of Milk Tea."

She tapped the wall of the milk tea cup with her pen.

This can't scare Piao Piao.

However, whether you want to resign and whether you will resign are two different things.

Piao Piao thought, she probably won't leave her job now.

Piao Piao scratched her head, "Then can I resign?" There is no other meaning, just pure curiosity.

The manager smiled slightly, "No! You didn't get the burger I wanted!"

It is estimated that even if she bought a hamburger, the manager would have reason to refuse her resignation.

Piao Piao let out a long breath, "Oh..."

She was about to say, then she should go back to work!

Go back now and earn a wave of horror points!
Furthermore, she also wanted to hurry back and take a look at Xiu's flourishing beauty.

The next second, the manager's words made her freeze in place.

The manager pulled out a piece of paper from under the file, and the three words "Leave Note" on the paper made Piao Miu unable to open his eyes.

The manager gave her a day off to go to the playground.

And on this day her name is not included in the leaderboard.

"Our company is sympathetic to its employees. If you have difficulties in life, you can open your mouth. Seeing that you are absent-minded today, after our unanimous discussion, we decided to give you a day off to relax and relax. I hope that when you come back, you will have a new mental outlook."

It doesn't matter if the milk tea shop can't scare her, there are many playground projects, there is always one project that can make her experience the difficulties of human beings!

It is my family's idea to let employees really appear in the company, so that they can focus more on working for the company.

Piao Piao, "...(⊙o⊙)"

Then can she use my day to get more horror points?
The little devil in my heart is ready to move!
Resisting the movement of shrinking her neck and rubbing her hands, Piao Piao grabbed the leave slip, showing her eight big white teeth, and made a heartfelt gesture,

"Thank you, manager, because of you, the four seasons are warm!"

The manager smiled and waved his hands, "Okay, let's go."

In fact, if the manager does not constantly change between the human head and the centipede head, and if the manager's voice is not so harsh,
The manager is pretty sweet though.

Piao Piao bounced back to the doll house, and Ye Zi stayed in the doll house by herself during her absence.

She is very courageous now.

Dare to receive customers when you are alone.

(End of this chapter)

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