Chapter 312 Dark Believer 4: The Game


The man on the throne finished the sentence with an almost expressionless face.

His tone was cold and without a trace of emotion.

"Are you ready to become a demon?"


Everyone was stunned for a moment, and they quickly realized that if they chose darkness, they would become demons.

Regret once again that I chose darkness.

However, people are people, and demons are demons.

Demons come from angels becoming fallen angels, and there has never been an example of humans becoming demons.

Even Lucifer doesn't have this ability.

They have doubts about the fact that humans have turned into demons.

Sitting on the throne, the man's silver hair hung down to his chest. He clenched the scepter in his hand tightly, and black lines spread out from the back of his hand.

The black thread passed through the crowd and landed on the ropes above the heads of a man and a woman behind them that bound their wrists.

The rope snapped, and the man and woman fell to the ground. The apples in their mouths fell out and rolled around several times before finally stopping at the feet of one of the players.

The player's name is Yang Yawei, who used to be the owner of a foot washing shop.

He picked up the apple, his eyes paused for two seconds in front of the woman, and then he looked away as if nothing had happened.

"Let's play a game," Lucifer slowly closed his eyes. "Please sit down in an orderly manner and pass the apples one by one. When I say stop, the player who gets the apple needs to take a bite of the apple."

Everyone waited for a while, only waiting for Lucis to start.

What kind of game is this?

There is no reward and no punishment, what's the point of just eating a bite of an apple?
Some people find it boring, while others feel lucky.

The simpler the game, the less chance of death.

Yang Yawei wiped the drool off the apple with his clothes, he raised his hand, "Start with me."

After speaking, he quickly passed the apple to the man on the right.

The player and the NPC are sitting together, there is no pattern at all, Piao Piao and a man are in front of each other, and a woman is sitting in the middle of the left side of the two.

The woman took one look at her and passed the apple to the man.

Then, the woman inserted between her and the person on the right, also intending to stay out of the matter.

The woman's name is Zhao Lei, and she doesn't talk much, she just sat down and didn't speak.

Piao Piao sat with her in a very ingenious position, and with the two of them embracing their knees to cover their faces, everyone ignored them by coincidence.

Left and right is not a game of life.

The apple spread to the front, but Lucifer didn't stop.

Passed back from the front, after a turn, the apple returned to Yang Yawei's hands.


The man's icy voice was like the judge's final verdict, which made people tremble.

Yang Yawei smiled boldly, and an unknown light flashed in his eyes, "Okay, I'll eat this apple first!"

He bit off a quarter of it in one bite.

After Lucifer said "start", the apple continued to transmit.

The second person to get an apple was a girl of eighteen or nineteen years old, and the third one was an old lady.

The girl's bite was small, but the old lady took a big bite, which was bigger than Yang Yawei's bite.

After biting the apple, the old lady couldn't get enough of it, and wanted to take another bite.

He just opened his mouth, but he couldn't close it.

The old lady rolled her eyes to look left and right, then tentatively took a bite, and found that she couldn't bite, and then spat on the apple.

Then pass the apple on.

An apple can only be eaten by seven or eight people.

After the game was over, Phyllis came back, and when he came back, he was carrying the three-tiered dinner plate at his waist.

The smell of meat from the dinner plate fluttered in the distance.

With his arrival, lunch begins and the game stops.

(End of this chapter)

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