Chapter 315 Dark Believer 7: Choosing a Room


Zhao Lei imitated her and sat down, and asked, "Didn't you also eat? I didn't eat because you didn't eat."

Question marks fluttered in my mind.

That's it?

She thought someone had said something.

Piao Piao looked around, everyone was eating.

Phyllis stood guard with a stick, and if he didn't eat, he just went down with the stick.

Other players don't have such courage as Piao Piao, or they don't have such a big cheat as Lucifer.

In order to survive, they dare not refuse.

She and Zhao Lei didn't care if Felice didn't eat.

Zhao Lei sighed, "I've seen you before. In the last days, you brought survivors and zombies to kill everywhere. You are very powerful."

Shock her whole family!
It turned out to be a stranger and acquaintance!
"No, no, no," Piao Piao waved his hands modestly, "It's not me, it's them."

It's amazing, but it really has nothing to do with her.

Zhao Lei smiled and said nothing.

"How did you recognize me?"


Fluttering and clear, she uses someone else's body in this world, so far she hasn't looked in the mirror, so she doesn't know what she looks like.

It turned out to be exactly like her!
She is still a beautiful little fairy hehehe~

After the two of them shared a piece of chocolate, Piao Piao pretended to take out a bag of bread from his arms to share.


Nothing to do in the afternoon. After lunch, I played the game of passing apples non-stop.

The old lady won a game in the morning and got more meals than ordinary people at noon. After tasting the sweetness, she didn't continue to pass the apple every time she got it.

Instead, hold it in your hand and wait for Lucifer to say "stop".

Lucifer didn't care, and said stop very flatly.

Seeing that Lucifer didn't care whether she wanted to pass it on or not, the old lady just held the apple and didn't let go.

Until one apple is eaten.

There are also players who are dissatisfied with her attitude, and after criticizing, the old lady will say "the emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuch is in a hurry"!
While they were playing games, Phyllis settled for lunch with the two guard demons.

The game just ended when Phyllis returned.

"Everyone, please follow me to choose a room."

The cell he was talking about was both a cell and a place where they would sleep at night.

The old lady took the lead and chose the cleanest cell.

Yang Yawei was in the same room with a blonde woman, and Sun Yin was with another man who had eaten an apple.

Zhao Lei passed by the old lady's cell and was pulled in by the old lady.

Flutteringly walking at the end, all the cells in front had been selected, she rushed forward with her head sullen.

Just as she was about to enter a cell, Phyllis reached out to stop her, "Miss, this cell is mine."

Piao Piao, "...Oh."

How about she go to the opposite side?
There was no one on the other side.

As soon as she turned around, Phyllis stopped her again, "Miss, that's Amir and Lowery's cell."

Amir and Lowery are guardian demons.

Piao Piao, "..."

The cells at the back have been filled, and the front is the gambling wall.

No, the cell is not enough? ?
If there are only 36 of them, the cell will definitely be enough. The problem is that there are still humans in the cell before they come.

It's outrageous!
Fluttering her cheeks, she walked to the bottom of the steps and sat down on the steps, "Don't sleep anymore!"

Phyllis glanced at Lucifer quietly, "Miss, come with me."

After all, Phyllis led the way.

It turned out that there was more than one row of cells, and another row behind them.

The cell at the back was unoccupied, and it was as clean as ever, so Piao Piao chose the outermost cell.

It's not that she doesn't want to go... It's that she doesn't want to go inside, it's too far away, she doesn't want to go.

(End of this chapter)

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