Chapter 318 Dark Believer 10: The Game


Piao Piao sat straddling the clothes on his thighs, with both legs dangling in the air.

Because of her movement, the fabric behind him spread out and drooped on the throne.

Lucifer was so shocked by her straightforwardness that he forgot to breathe for a moment.

His hand touched her back more bluntly, squeezed it lightly, and the button opened.

There is an extra piece of fabric on Piao Piao's leg.

Piao Piao didn't dare to breathe out, "Huh...?"

Holding her in his arms, Lucifer leaned over and kissed her forehead, with a smile on his face, "It seems that the game needs to be played differently."

Piao Piao twisted her uncomfortable buttocks, raised her head and kissed his Adam's apple with her lips, "What game?"

Her eyelashes were glowing with water, and her lips were shining.

It landed softly on the Adam's apple, and Lucis stepped back quickly, avoiding her touch.

Press her head and push her away, "Don't get so close, I can't control myself."

Piao Piao blinked her watery eyes, and her body froze when his words fell.

He can't control it anymore!

Move back slowly, dodging Lucifer's attack.

Back off a little more.

Back off a little more.

She has a heart but no guts. The previous few times, whether it was in a dream or a mermaid zombie.

They all left a huge shadow on her.

Too tired, too... exciting.

So that when Lucifer stood up, her first reaction was to flee.

But Lucifer didn't give her this chance at all.

He grabbed her waist and pulled her back to sit down again. He looked into her eyes, his brows were stern, "If you move again, I'll kill you immediately."

Piao Piao bit her lip, "Then lighten up..."

Lucifer didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she was the one who was afraid, but she was the one who took the initiative.

But the game still has to go on.

That just adds to the fun, doesn't it?

"The game is very simple. Piao Piao needs to guess who I am. If I make a mistake, I will grant one of my 'wishes'."

Before that, the content of the game was: as long as Piao Piao guessed who he was, he would reward her with a piece of clothing.

fade away.

But after she said the words "greedy for him", he changed his mind.

Always work for your own benefit.

Piao Piao was stunned for a moment, she picked out her ears, "No, who do you want to satisfy?"

Lucifer pressed against her forehead, breathing hotly, "I, Lucifer."

Oh, it was time to guess wrong.

He didn't say what would happen if she guessed right.

Lucifer was sure she couldn't guess right.

There are more than ten choices, no matter which name Piao Piao says, as long as she says the last name, he can deny it!

"No." Piao Piao shook his head and refused, biting his collarbone.

Let her play and she will play, how shameless is she?

"Lucifer?" Piao Piao lowered her head, well, he really smells so good, she couldn't resist the charm of this dog man at all.

As for the charm.

Piao Piao's brain was covered with paper, and he could think of everything.

Possibly, probably, perhaps, his figure is the best of all men, muscular but not superfluous, not yet a thin dog.

It's really unbearable.

She admits that she is dirty, she is full of men.

Lucifer suddenly regretted playing games with her, isn't this just looking for abuse?

"The answer is correct, reward me to Piao Piao."

Go to his game!
Xiao Nizi couldn't stop lighting the fire, he stopped playing!

Piao Piao raised her head in a daze, and saw him pinching a corner of the cloth on the throne sullenly.

A pull, a throw.

The golden square cloth fluttered in the air, and finally merged with the darkness behind the throne.

"...?" Σ(д|||)
(End of this chapter)

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