Chapter 324 Dark believer 16: Please her

John was respectful and cautious, "My lord, do you still want to ask the opinion of the lord on the throne?"

Beelzebub felt that asking Piao Piao would probably make Piao Piao cry.

He wanted to see Piao Piao crying in fright, but not in this situation.

To be on the throne.

"Need not."

After getting the order, John jumped up and down like an Erha who saw the furniture, wishing he could stuff the meat into Tian Mingxia's mouth immediately.

The steamer was still steaming.

John summoned another monster who was tall and big, stepped on him and barely reached the handle of the steamer.

As soon as the steamer was opened, the aroma of chili pepper invaded the nose domineeringly.

"This pot of meat is so good, I'm a bit reluctant to give it to this disgusting human being who wastes food."

John said disgusting, without the slightest disgusting expression on his face.

"You are so lucky," John exclaimed, "You were able to let Lord Beelzebub arrest you himself."

Tian Mingxia was so scared that she peed out, "I won't eat! If you say so, you will let me go!"

Beelzebub backed away from her attempt to hug his thigh.

He waved his hand and walked up the stairs again without looking back.

Sure enough, after deceiving humans, I feel much better.

Hugging him like a child with fluttering arms, Beelzebub lightly kicked Lucifer's calf, "Get out of here, I'm not in the mood to cook when you're here."

Lucifer crossed his legs on the table, out of sight and out of mind, "Yeah."

Responding to the sound, no one moved.

"..." Old scoundrel!
Beelzebub was so angry that he couldn't beat him.

Who made him the head of the devil?
But now that Piao Piao is in his hands, everything seems to be less important.

Beelzebub held Piao Piao's butt with one hand, and brushed her lower lip with his fingertips, "Let's go Piao Piao, let's go eat."

Between his lips and teeth, he especially emphasized the accent of "eat".

As soon as the words fell, Lucifer stood up from the throne, straightened the only piece of cloth on his body, "I will go too."

Piao Piao, "..."

Piao Piao was banned.

To be precise, it was fixed.

Because she couldn't control herself just now and bit Beelzebub's finger.

There is a small opening between her lips now, barely able to fit a lip.

Beelzebub seized the opportunity and stuffed his softness into it.

He didn't need to look at the road, he clasped the back of Piao Piao's head with one hand, and propped his arms flat to block John's peeping sight.

Beelzebub has his own bedroom.

He is different from other avatars, he knows that Piao Piao will come, and he has prepared a room for them to play early.

In the middle of the pink princess room is a big bed with flush water, the rocking horse on the head of the bed is swaying, and a pink swing is hung above the big bed.

The room is big enough.

Big enough for a swing to turn around.

Lucifer was attracted by the flushing water bed, and with a light touch, the undercurrent surged.

"I guess Piao Piao can't stand still." He hooked his lips and said firmly.

Beelzebub, who was about to put Piao Piao on the swing, lowered his head and glanced at the words, "This is for sitting."

Lucifer understood.

Beelzebub took out a gift ribbon from the bedside drawer.

The palms were spread out, and the gift belt was spread flat on his hand, and then he withdrew his hand, and the gift belt was floating in the air.

One end of the ribbon is Beelzebub, and the other end is a beam.

(End of this chapter)

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