Really tie Q, the soft beauty is hugged and coaxed by the monster

Chapter 331 Dark Believer 23: Stealing People

Chapter 331 Dark Believer 23: Stealing People


Piao Piao was dubious.

In fact, these avatars are not good people in each other's eyes.

But it's always right to stay away from other clones.

- Bang!

Piao Piao grabbed a small piece of cake and was about to put it in her mouth when a thin layer of dust fell from the top.

The cake was inedible.

Not only cakes, but all foods without lids are covered with a thin film.

Does eating have enmity with her? ? ?
Fluttering black question mark face, she is not Sister Li (understand)!


The veins on Lucifer's forehead bulged, and he patted her on the head, "Wait here for me, I'll come whenever I go."

Disappeared in place in an instant.

After sending Lucifer away, Piao Piao lifted a cover. The cover was not for preventing the food from getting cold, but for decoration.

Lifting the orchid finger, picked up a small biscuit.

At this time.

The door of the stairwell was suddenly opened.

The visitor did not have a western appearance, with slender fox eyes alluring, a straight nose, and black hair that reached his waist.

He smiled with all kinds of flair, more feminine than women, "Ah! There is a little beauty!"


It is common for Leviathan and Beelzebub to fight.

Lucifer has long been used to it, and he thought that they would be restrained when Piao Piao was present.

The result is not.

Instead, they got worse.

The walls on the eighth floor are full of traces of Beelzebub's human figure, and there are a few more figures lying on the ground on the ground.

"Piao Piao finished eating?"

Beelzebub flew down from the air, and asked pantingly while hiding behind Lucifer.

Lucifer pulled the corners of his lips coldly, "Stop if you don't want to die, or don't blame me for being rude."

Beelzebub is fearless.

Fighting with Leviathan is also painless.

He is only afraid of two people.

a satan.

The other is Lucifer.

"Oh." Beelzebub lowered his head and stirred his fingers, like an angry little daughter-in-law.

Lucifer hated him the most, which reminded him of the lonely copy that Asmodeus had just mentioned.

Enduring the feeling of nausea, he teleported back to the seventh floor as if fleeing.

"Floating... Floating?!"

The seventh floor was still the same as when he left, silent.

The only difference is that there is no one on the throne!
The person who should have been sitting on the throne is now gone!

Lucifer suppressed his desire to go berserk, and quickly searched the seventh floor.


There are only seven of them who can freely enter and exit between the various floors of the ancient pagoda.

The seven people restrain each other and cannot see each other's movements. It is difficult for Lucifer to guess who took Piao Piao away for a while.

Beelzebub adjusted his mood and chased after him. Just as he came over, he saw Lucifer with a gloomy face.

In an instant, he collapsed his inner defenses, and cautiously slid over, "Lucifer, where is Piao Piao?"

Leviathan pouted, "I ran away in anger."

Beelzebub glared at him angrily, "What time is it, are you still in the mood to joke? The most urgent thing is to find Piao Piao."

Leviathan shrugged and said nothing.

What does it matter if you can find it or not?
After all, it's between them.

"I will go to the second floor, Beelzebub will go to the third floor, and Leviathan will be in charge of the fourth and fifth floors."

The second level of Satan is the most difficult to deal with, only Lucifer can go.

The third's not difficult, but it will be tiring.

Two relatively normal natures belong to one person.

In the blink of an eye, Lucifer disappeared in place.

Leviathan raised his eyebrows and smiled lightly, walking leisurely at the end.

He didn't seem to be in a hurry.


"Who are you?" Piao Piao huddled on the throne, tense all over, "Why did you bring me here?"

She still doesn't know how many floors are here.

The Kung Fu man who just opened his mouth has already appeared here.

The room is dark, only a table in front of him can be seen, and there is an open yellowed book on the table.

(End of this chapter)

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