Really tie Q, the soft beauty is hugged and coaxed by the monster

Chapter 335 Dark believer 27: Is the cutie a pet?

Chapter 335 Dark believer 27: Is the cutie a pet?

Julie walked ahead, absent-minded.

As the head of the demons, the adults have much stronger desires than ordinary demons like them.

She has secretly seduced adults many times, but she has never succeeded.

Sometimes she wonders if adults are "disabled", otherwise how could a woman never touch him?

Now she totally understands!

It turns out that adults actually like petite human girls! !

The girl is soft and small, and she can smell the faint aroma of milk from a distance.

She'd never smelled it on a demon.

Both male and female are foul-smelling on demons.

She has seen a lot of human beings, but this is the first time she has seen such a fragrant and soft human being.

She likes it too, what should I do?
Julie quickly calculated the possibility of stealing from Master Asmodeus: 0.

It's really sad for the devil.

Julie looked back unwillingly, "My lord, is this lovely human being your pet?"

Asmodeus stroked the fluttering hair with his palm, narrowed his fox eyes, and smiled, "Julie, she is not a pet, she will be my wife."

Wife, what a strange word for the devil.

Julie shrugged and forced herself not to look at the cutie, "But my lord, you are too rude, and the cutie is hurt."

"In your hands, she may be dead by now."

Julie had to admit that the grown-ups were right, she was ruder than the grown-ups.

Although the adult is in charge of the fifth floor, she is actually in charge of everything on the fifth floor.

Adults only need to read books every day.

"Well, the cutie is cuter in the hands of adults."

Piao Piao grabbed Asmodeus's black hair and braided it with Julie behind her back...

She didn't know why Asmodeus didn't explain that she was only on her period.

Anyway, she has become a blood man.

Most of the cells are human beings with bruises and bruises. Before reaching the bathroom, the voices of men and women are intertwined.

Asmodeus stopped, "Empty the bathroom and clean it up."

Julie, "..."

She said that the adults clearly knew the location of the bathroom, so why did she have to lead the way.

The original purpose is here.

Although reluctant, she had to listen to what your lord said, "Yes, my lord."

Piao Piao never thought that going to the toilet would be so troublesome.

The blood had soaked into the clothes, and presumably flowed onto the man's hand holding her.

Thinking of this, Piao Piao blushed.

Putting down the braids in his hands, covering his face with his hair, he said softly, "Asmodeus, please let me down."

"The ground is dirty, are you sure?"



She doesn't think menstrual periods are something to be ashamed of.

But the blood flowed onto his hand, yeah!
If it weren't for her thick skin, she would definitely...Hold her head into the turtle shell so that no one can find her.

Piao Piao smoked "Puff Puff Puff" above his head, huddled in Asmodeus's hair, not daring to move.

"I love you walking in a dark alley alone..."

Forget it, click a song to divert attention.

Julie moved quickly, fluttering a line of lyrics, and all the demons and humans in the bathroom were driven out.

The time of a song, the bathroom is clean and reflective.

"Get out," Asmodeus ordered Julie, who squatted at Piao Piao's feet and sniffed vigorously, "I hope you can clean up the hall before I go out."

Julie, "..."

She is the second leader of the devil, and she started to work as a maid? ?
If Carlos on the third floor knew about it, he would laugh out loud.

Because she has always laughed at his life as a cow and a horse.

"Yes, my lord."

(End of this chapter)

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