Chapter 355 Dark believer 47: Figured it out

Piaopiao's emotions come and go quickly, and he won't be angry if he just says a few words to coax him.

Busily playing mahjong, she heard Satan say that she wanted to call the gods together, she squinted at Satan with a threatening gaze,

"Why do you care about that psychopath? Is it that the three of you are satisfied? Or do you have another dog outside?? Okay, you have the guts, go find another dog, I don't want you anymore!"

Piao Piao swears and swears and outputs, "Lao Tzu" has used it.

A drop of cold sweat ran across Satan's forehead, and he apologized skillfully, "I'm sorry, I was wrong."

Piao Piao stepped out of a bar, "I forgive you."

The god who is far away envious, "..."

Piao Piao's disgusted attitude made his heart throbbing, as if someone had hammered a nail into his heart.

Did he really do something wrong?
But he just wanted to love Piao Piao more... The emotions he shared were all unnecessary emotions.

The god was at a loss, he made her angry before, but now he tried his best to make himself better, but he still made her angry.

What is he going to do...

Obviously, he made a plan before seeing Piao Piao.

When you see Piao Piao, you must apologize first, no matter whether she remembers the past or not, apologizing is the most important thing.

He still screwed up.

Piao Piao said, let him take back Beelzebub.

Although he is reluctant, he will do what Piao Piao said, and I hope Piao Piao will not be unhappy.

The slender fingers pointed at the door panel, and with a slight push, the door opened wide!

Naturally, a mere small door couldn't trap him, and he stayed here only because he didn't want to make Piao Piao angry.

Endless rays of light poured out from within, and the man's undressed body radiated glistening brilliance under the wings.

The insteps of the unshoeed feet are arched, shining with each step.

Piao Piao was sitting facing the door, almost blinded by the flash.

There is only one thought in her mind now: pretending to be aggressive.

Was struck by lightning.

Come on, let's strike the brain of this ugly thing, she is really speechless.

The man stepped up the steps, and his figure disappeared on the second floor.

Piao Piao doesn't have the mind to play mahjong anymore, she just wants to hurry and see what kind of moth the dog is going to make.

He beckoned Lucifer and Satan to follow like a puppy.

The three of them followed behind the god openly, and the god felt it, so he didn't care, and went straight up to the third floor.

"The God of Light is here! Fear my God."

The NPC on the third floor dutifully introduced the identity of the visitor to the player. He knelt on the ground and kowtowed reverently.

"As long as we believe in the light, the God of Light will definitely bless us! Look, the God of Light has come to save us!"

Impassioned, majestic!

He clearly said before that he believed in "darkness"...otherwise he wouldn't be here, he should be on the seventh floor!


An atmosphere called awkwardness is spreading.

Those who believed in the light and those who believed in the dark were silent.

Even the well-informed god couldn't help but stop and stood there at a loss.

He... really didn't come to save people.

Belphegor didn't give the god a look from the beginning to the end, because he fell asleep.

Such a big movement failed to wake him from his sleep.

Suddenly, his nose moved slightly, "I seem to smell fluttering?"

Piao Piao, "..."

It was really difficult for him.

Belphegor could only be interested when he saw Piao Piao, even if the god came here to kill him, he would not be moved.

Didn't even bother to say anything.

Piao Piao held one of Lucifer's fingers, "How does he take back the other clones?"

Really curious!
This question troubled her for several days.

The heart is about to be scratched off.

(End of this chapter)

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