Really tie Q, the soft beauty is hugged and coaxed by the monster

Chapter 363 The Dark Believer 55: This will bow down to you

Chapter 363 The Dark Believer 55: This will bow down to you


It was still the red whirlpool door.

The man jumped into the whirlpool door like swimming.

I thought I had escaped a catastrophe, but I didn't think the situation was much better.

There are palm-sized gaps on the wooden floors, and white mist permeates the entire space through the gaps.

Wrap everything that comes in.

The hot air penetrated from the skin into the blood, and the temperature of the whole body was rising.

The blood is almost boiling.

The stream of water under the plank is constantly gushing upwards with steam.

Sweat broke out on the man's forehead, and the clothes on his body had long since disappeared in the previous space.

The flesh on him began to change.

It becomes tighter and firmer, exuding a faint smell of mutton.

It's a steamer.

The steamer steamed the man to death, and then reshaped the body. After the man was resurrected, he continued to bear the heat of the steamer.

Passing through the whirlpool door, the bloody pincers pulled out the man's tongue and pulled it out.

Pull it up to the ground before giving up.

The tongue hanging down to the ground was scissors behind the next door, from bottom to top, cutting off a finger length little by little.

The man died the second his tongue disappeared.

His body became part of the mountain of corpses.

Piao Piao felt nauseous, not because of how bloody the scene was, but because the words of the three men discussing her were disgusting.

Sometimes curiosity doesn't necessarily kill the cat.

It also makes life worse than death.

Piao Piao doesn't sympathize with the man who died after being tortured, and the trafficker is not worthy of sympathy.

She discriminates equally against everyone who sympathizes with traffickers.

And, disrespect, curse.

They deserved to be hit and killed! !
"Why do you choose all kinds of people to do the task?"

Along the way, she has seen both good and bad people.

God can choose players independently, which means that he didn't screen at all when he chose.

It seems that anyone who is about to die can be selected.

Satan looked confused, "I didn't choose it."


Makes sense.

It wasn't his choice, it was God's choice.

The two brought the question to the god, and the god thought for a long time about his mental state when he chose the candidate.

"I hope they can complete the task. At the beginning, they were indeed ordinary people with no ups and downs in life, but the effect is not obvious."

"Later, I began to choose less ordinary humans. I thought that one more choice would give one more opportunity. As long as the prisoner is not on death row, almost all prisoners can be selected."

"Because, I think that there is always a way for human beings to use wisdom, force, and seduction to complete the task. It turns out that I...I admit, I am too perverted..."

Piao Piao, "..." He was quite self-aware.

But now she is more curious about another thing.

She has involved both Eastern and Western myths, and she knows that Lucifer and the seven people built hell.

She can also guess everything that the man experienced before his death.

Eighteen levels of hell.



steamer hell,

Tongue out of hell,


It's all hell, yes, the problem is...

Piao Piao pinched the god's neck and swayed back and forth, "There is something wrong with you! Eighteen layers of hell is an Eastern myth! You are now the God of Light! Does the God of Light understand? Western mythology!!"

Piao Piao didn't understand, and was greatly shocked.

Why does he want to combine Chinese and Western (ノ__)ノ

The god was at her mercy in a daze, "Really? It's not a big problem, I'll just bow down to you."

Fluttering, "...(д;)"



There are not many players left who are still alive. Among the remaining players, innocent people, that is, people who have successfully passed through the eighteen layers of hell account for half.

The other half were serious offenders that Guta was unwilling to punish.

(End of this chapter)

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