Chapter 4 The Number One Dog in the World

The sound that suddenly appeared in the ear scared Piao Piao, hugging the watermelon and "dumping" and ran forward into the crowd.

Take a bite of watermelon and be shocked~

The blond boy appeared at the place where Piao Piao was standing just now, he smiled and bent his eyebrows, "It's a pity, it stained the floor again."

Except for Piao Piao, several other people saw that Ariel was facing an enemy, and they were all on guard.

Ariel tilted his head, his eyes were full of smiles, "Throw the orange peel on the ground, use his peel to make up for it, the orange juice stained the sofa, his blood stained the clothes, so don't make me angry I will really kill people!"

After finishing speaking, he stopped looking at Piao Piao and the others' reactions, walked to the dining table and pulled the chair from the main seat, and sat down next to him.

Piao Piao hugs the watermelon and eats it, neither does she not eat it or not.

Would she make him angry by eating watermelon?Does she want to spit out what she eats?
The problem with men's hands being peeled is not oranges, but littering and lack of hygiene.

Fluttering, she glanced at the ground, she didn't drip the watermelon juice on the ground, so it should be fine.

So Piao Piao happily ate a piece of watermelon.

Breakfast at seven o'clock, and now the time has come, Zhang He and others waited anxiously all night until the bell rang, and as soon as the bell rang, he couldn't wait to come out of the room to meet with the others.

As soon as I went downstairs, I saw Zheng Quan.

Wu Jing pulled Piao Piao to look around, "Are you still alive?"

Piao Piao's mind was full of question marks, "Huh? I've been living a good life."

Wu Jing breathed a sigh of relief, she has a six-year-old daughter.

It may be that she has a natural affection for little girls, and she would really feel uncomfortable if a teenage girl just died like this.

Andre was dissatisfied that the sight of the little beauty was occupied by others, so he grinned and howled.

The Tibetan mastiff became fierce and her relatives did not recognize her, and all the blood on Wu Jing's face faded.

She thought that the Tibetan mastiff was dissatisfied with Piao Piao, after all, she had put Piao Piao under her body yesterday.

Although Wu Jing was terrified, she still pulled her fluttering arms to protect her, "Don't be afraid."

When he couldn't see the little beauty, Andre became even more irritable, and his tail slapped the ground with a "snapping" sound.

It was also carrying the fruit plate carried by Piao Piao, and all the fruit plate fell to the ground due to its movements.

Watermelons were scattered all over the floor, and the watermelon juice flowed down the floor to Piao Piao's feet...

"Ann! De! Lie!"

Ariel's angry voice came from the dining room, and Andre froze.

Looking back carefully at the young man who was playing with the dagger, Andre sat down suddenly when he met the young man's cold eyes, his tail drooping to the ground.

The pink tongue touched the floor and rolled the watermelon on the floor into his mouth.

Piao Piao patted Wu Jing's arm, "Sister, don't be afraid, he is very good and didn't hurt me."

At least the Tibetan mastiff seems to like her very much, except for throwing her down yesterday.

And she had already scolded it just now, so it was evened out.

Piao Piao squatted down in front of Andre, gently touched Andre's small head, "So your name is Andre, what a mighty name!"

The little beauty's voice was soft and sweet, and Andre nodded happily as he rubbed his tail against the floor.

"Aww~" I am the number one dog in the world!
Andre licked the watermelon clean, and Piao Piao found a broom to clean up the debris on the plate.

After Piao Piao finished cleaning up the plate fragments, they found that they were still standing there in the same posture as before.

The position under the soles of the feet is exactly the same as before.

Piao Piao didn't quite understand, "Aren't you going to eat?" She was hungry.

(End of this chapter)

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