Chapter 75 Are you still breaking up?

Song Yi was very patient, and looked at her twinkling eyes without blinking, "I will be nice to my sister, I will peel shrimp for my sister, I will put my sister to bed, will my sister think about me, okay?"

Piao Piao felt like dying.

Come and save her!
They are related by blood!

Piao Piao tried to talk to him and said, "Your thinking is wrong, we are in chaos..."

Before he finished speaking, Song Yi blocked the last word in his mouth.

Song Yi smiled, "Sister, don't make me angry, I don't know what I will do."

Piao Piao covered her lips with red eyes, "..."

will bite her.

She decided, from now on, to promote Song Yi to No. [-] Goushi!
Song Yi broke her hand away, leaned forward and blew at her second broken skin, "Sister, don't cry, be good, I won't do anything, can you break up with him?"

"I won't be jealous after breaking up, and I won't bite my sister if I don't, okay?"

Piao Piao, who originally wanted to use Yu Shaoyou to block Song Yi, lifted a rock and shot himself in the foot.

In order to appease Song Yi and not let Song Yi bite her again, Piao Piao nodded aggrievedly, "Okay."

Originally, she wanted to break up.

At least before sister Chuyan comes back, we must break up.

After getting a satisfactory answer, Song Yi used his fingertips to wipe away the tears at the end of Piao Piao's eyes, "Then sister, clean up first and think about me. I'll come back later for an answer."

Song Yi knew in his heart that he couldn't push people too hard.

After all, he is different from Yu Shaoyou, he is his own younger brother in Piao Piao's eyes, which may be the reason why Piao Piao does not accept him.

Therefore, he will set aside an afternoon for Piao Piao to think clearly.

If he still can't accept him, or if he hasn't broken up yet, he doesn't mind robbing him directly.

"I'm waiting for my sister," Song Yi smiled, "I'll always be waiting for my sister."

Song Yi turned and left.

When he reached the door, he turned back suddenly, and pressed the back of Piao Piao's head with his big hand,
"I thought about it, since my sister's first kiss doesn't belong to me, I can't just let it go, I will be sad, so I have to get back the interest first."

Piao Piao, "..."

The mouth is useless!

Song Yi finally left.

It took a lot of effort for Piao Piao to get off the table.

After washing his face, he first went to the housekeeper's aunt to talk about the repair of the door, and then hurriedly went to Yu Shaoyou to break up.

Who knows that she hasn't looked for Yu Shaoyou yet, but Yu Shaoyou came to her first.

He changed into a white short-sleeved top with black sweatpants.

He leaned against the old tree outside the dormitory, waiting lazily.

Seeing Piao Piao coming out, Yu Shaoyou greeted him with a smile, "Piao Piao, I'll take you to dinner."

Piao Piao, "Let's break up!"

She's so scumbag, she's so scumbag!

I'm sorry Yu Shaoyou!
Between you and Song Yi, she still chooses Song Yi!

Yu Shaoyou froze for a moment, then smiled suddenly, "Piao Piao, are you joking?"

Piao Piao shook her head seriously, "No, I thought about it carefully, and to tell you the truth, I actually don't like boys, I like girls!"

Yu Shaoyou, "..."

The corner of Yu Shaoyou's mouth twitched, "Are you serious?"

"Of course!" She likes sister Chuyan very much!
"Okay," Yu Shaoyou's expression remained unchanged, "But before that, Piao Piao kissed me so many times, do I want to kiss me back?"

If Piao Piao can't refuse, Yu Shaoyou suppresses it without saying a word.

In plain sight...

After a long time, the boy finally let go of the girl who was almost fainting in his arms, and gently stroked her cheek, "Should we still break up?"

"No, it doesn't matter."

Besides, after breaking up, she will burp.

Yu Shaoyou held her hand, "Let's go girlfriend, let's go eat."

Piao Piao, "..." I can't live through this day.

The meal that Yu Shaoyou talked about was in Baisu's teacher's apartment.

It is said that the Kunpeng he dissected in the morning was too big, and Song Yi pestered him to invite Piao Piao and the others to dinner.

So in the end it wasn't Yu Shaoyou who wanted to invite her to dinner.

(End of this chapter)

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