Chapter 82 Cannibalism
"Did Taotie kill it?"

"I don't look like it. It looks like it fell from upstairs. He lives on the sixth floor. It's enough to fall to his death."

"Then how do you explain the injury on his neck? Falling from upstairs can cut his neck off?"

"But if it was killed by Taotie, do you think you can still see the corpse?"

"...It is also possible that the monsters killed it."

As soon as this remark came out, the monster immediately became anxious, "Don't spitting blood, we monsters are very kind and never take the initiative to kill people! We are not the horrible dormitory auntie in the girls' dormitory!"

Piao Piao raised her head, she couldn't even see the sixth floor from her position close to the wall.

Two people died.

One of them had his neck smeared.

Another had a hole in his head that ran through half his face.

It was thrown from upstairs after death.

Just as she was thinking, Piao Piao tightened her hand, and the chain in her hand almost fell out of her hand!

Andre was looking at the two corpses eagerly.


Piao Piao grabbed the chain tightly, afraid that Andre would rush up in the next second, "...Andre, you can't eat this!"

Although maybe Andre would not be able to catch her if he really wanted to rush at her!

The appearance of a giant black dog half as tall as a person caused panic.

Seeing that it didn't move too violently, the crowd gradually calmed down.

"It wasn't killed by a monster, it didn't fall down, could it be that we killed it? Don't be kidding, it must have been killed by Taotie!"

"Gao Tie's method of killing is too gentle..."

The players discussed heatedly again.

Taotie suddenly appeared at this moment:

"Excuse me! Did Taotie kill the two people who died?"

"A, yes, B, no"

"Please answer!"

The player who insisted on the killing by Taotie was the first to answer, "If you choose A, it must have been killed by Taotie!"

"wrong answer."

A golden awl as high as a person appeared above the head of the player who answered wrongly, and the awl passed through his head in an instant!

It penetrated from head to toe, and in the next second, the golden scales cut off the whole head!

Taotie proved with practical actions that it did not kill people.

If it was killed by Taotie, there would be no whole body left behind!

Soon some players responded, "Choose B, and I'll say you didn't kill it!"

"The answer is correct, and I will be rewarded with the most beautiful collection of hands."

It wasn't killed by Taotie, nor by a monster, let alone by Aunt Suguan.

The dorm aunt would not throw the corpse here, she would just eat the corpse on the spot.

Then there is only one answer...

Taotie's breathing was right next to his ears, "Piao Piao, you humans are killing each other, you must be careful today!"

Piao Piao was taken aback, looked around and found that the players were all immersed in their own world.

It seemed that she was the only one who heard Taotie's voice.

Piao Piao nodded slightly, and responded in a low voice, "Okay, I understand."

She is not afraid of humans, she has Andre.

Piao Piao remained silent, leading Andre back to the dormitory.

She didn't see, not far behind her, the two teenagers watched her leave for a long time and couldn't regain their senses.

Yu Shaoyou elbowed Chen Si's arm, "Why, do you regret being so fascinated?"

Chen Si withdrew his gaze and cast him a slight glance without saying a word.

Yu Shaoyou sneered, "Someone said it back then, and the dog regretted it."

Chen Si, "Wang."

Yu Shaoyou, "...she is my girlfriend now!"

Chen Si, "Whoever gets it belongs to him."

Piao Piao happened to meet the dormitory aunt outside the dormitory door.

Auntie Suguan rushed out in a hurry, with three heads flying in the wind, "Run faster, if you run too slowly, the human flesh will be collected as garbage!"

Piao Piao, "..." Maybe I can give Andre a little something to eat.

(End of this chapter)

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