Chapter 187 Blood Clan (24)

When the news of Ji Xuan's escape came, Andre was sitting in front of Jin Shan and was about to question him.

"Relax?" Jin Shan glanced at the menacing Andre, but he was not afraid.

"You pushed Li Si to go, right?" Andre looked at Jin Shan with no joy or anger in his eyes.

"If you don't do this, how can you blow up all the rotten fish and rotten shrimps in the guild?" Jin Shan said indifferently, "What's more, with Ji Xuan's current status, he can't stay in the guild at all. Good for us all."


There is no moon in the night sky today, only twinkling stars.

Sitting on Sixiang's back, Ji Xuan shuttled through the clouds, letting the cold wind hit his face, but he still didn't wake up.

"Hey, boy," Si Xiang said dissatisfied, "Where do you want to go, can you tell me? You are walking me at night!"

Four are not dissatisfied, very dissatisfied, I believe that no one will be called out suddenly at night and fly around in the sky without complaints.

Sixiang originally thought that following this kid would be a light job. After all, in the past ten years, he hadn't seen this kid call him out a few times, but he didn't expect it to become more frequent these days. He either came out to fight or took a walk at night. The latter is walking and fighting.

"I don't know where I can be accommodated," Ji Xuan touched Sixiang's head, "What about you? Where do you want to go?"

"Hey! Brat! Don't mess with me!" Sixiang said dissatisfiedly, "How do I know where to go? I haven't figured out where this is until now!"

What's wrong with four alike?Like others, he just wanted to find a more stable world to survive, and the weak preyed on the strong. He didn't think there was anything wrong with snatching human territories, but he was caught by the unlucky Qin Mingyue, and it was okay to be used as a shield by those bastards. Forget it, when I wake up, even the world is not my original world!
Now not only Ji Xuan doesn't know what to do, but the four images are the same!
"How about... let's go catch vampires? That thing is a huge supplement!" Si Xiang licked his lips and said, and then seemed to remember something, "Oh, I suddenly remembered that you are also a half-vampire. Shall I bite you?"

Ji Xuan: ...

"Hey, I'm not joking with you anymore, why don't we go find that Qin Mingyue!" Now the four images have come to his senses, the blood woman is the human who locked it in the small ball back then!
Although Sixiang's empty head really couldn't figure out why Qin Mingyue suddenly changed not only his appearance, but also his race, but it knew that it must have something to do with her appearing in this world!
That being the case, Ji Xuan will go to Qin Mingyue with the four different characters.

"Looking for Qin Mingyue? The sheep is entering the tiger's mouth?" The "tiger" Ji Xuan said was not Qin Mingyue, but Qin Mang and Qin Zhuo, father and son.

Ji Xuan has been in the vampire guild for so many years, so naturally he would not be ignorant of the power structure of the vampire side, let alone Qin Mingyue's own position, Qin Mang and Qin Zhuo alone are enough for Ji Xuan to drink. The pot is gone.

"You don't need to worry about other people, just talk about Qin Mingyue's own position, what do you think?" Sixiang grew up in the human world, and can read human minds, but still doesn't understand why they always like to be intimidated. foot.

In a sense, Ji Xuan is more like a human being.


"I can't defy my blood-eating instinct, but I don't like to kill. In fact, humans and vampires can coexist peacefully, can't they..."

Qin Mingyue's voice suddenly came to Ji Xuan's mind, and his already dead heart beat violently again.

She said that she hoped that humans and blood races can coexist peacefully!She said that she looks forward to growing up and becoming stronger!

So, wouldn't she reject herself like other people or blood races?

Humans hate the cruelty of the blood race, and the blood race hates the weakness of human beings.

Humans regard the blood race as demons, and the blood race regards humans as livestock...

And these things engraved in the bones are destined to be difficult for the two races to coexist peacefully, and it also makes people who have the blood of the two races at the same time be rejected by the two races at the same time!

Like a drowning man grasping at the last straw, Ji Xuan desperately wanted to fly to Qin Mingyue's side, but his reason stopped him.

"Four different things, find a suitable place to stay overnight, and make plans tomorrow." Ji Xuan said.

Ji Xuan knew that with his current status, rashly appearing in front of Qin Mingyue would only bring trouble to the other party, not to mention how much pressure he had put on when Qin Mingyue rescued Qin Zhuo.

Si Xiang didn't say anything after hearing Ji Xuan's words, but found a hidden and stable place and landed. There was no other powerful life aura around here, so it was relatively safe to come here.

"Thank you." Ji Xuan jumped off Sixiang's back, trying to put Sixiang back in the bracelet to rest.

"Forget it," Si Xiang stopped with a loud voice, "I haven't come out for a long time to breathe, and it's good to sleep outside."

If he stays outside by himself, this kid can sleep more peacefully.

Before Ji Xuan had time to speak, he saw that Sixiang's body was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally became about the same size as himself before coiling around him.

Seeing this, Ji Xuan's words of refusal were stuck on his lips, forget it... It's just that this loach heart is not bad...

At dawn on the second day, just as the sun was rising, Ji Xuan felt his eyes were extremely glaring. Was he so sensitive to sunlight after awakening his bloodline?

Ji Xuan squinted his eyes and looked left and right, but he didn't find Si Xiang's figure. Ji Xuan knew that Si Xiang had gone out secretly, but Ji Xuan didn't rely on the bracelet to forcefully recall him, but found a place where the backlight was kept closed. Eyes repose.

At this moment, there was a rustling sound, and when Ji Xuan opened his eyes, he saw a rabbit hopping towards him, not afraid of people.

It seems to be instinctive, Ji Xuan seems to smell the rabbit's blood that is hidden under the fur and beating in the veins.

Almost instinctively directed, Ji Xuan turned into an afterimage and grabbed the rabbit, piercing the rabbit's throat with his fangs.

It wasn't until the rabbit was sucked into a rabbit that Ji Xuan realized what he had done.


Ji Xuan couldn't accept his behavior like a beast, and couldn't help retching.

At this moment, Si Xiang, who was out hunting, returned happily: "Stinky boy, let's see what I brought back for you? Big fat rabbit! Do you want to eat roasted rabbit?"

Ji Xuan glanced back at Sixiang and the big fat rabbit caught in its paws, then turned back stiffly.


neither fish nor fowl:? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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