Chapter 27 Wake up, Queen of the Movies (26)

Gu Changzhou was taken aback by the attitude of disrespecting the three people and the six relatives. Don't you know if you know me?

"Since I invited you here, I naturally know the details of your family. If you play tricks on me again, I can't guarantee that I won't buy you to Africa."

The three members of the Qin family were taken aback. Why is this big boss still doing human trafficking?
"Boss Gu...ah no! Grandpa, my unfilial daughter stole all your tricks, and we just kept them for you, so I dare not even take a look at them!" Qin Sanbao knelt on the ground and moved hard towards Gu Changzhou. kowtow.

"Yes, yes, it's none of our business!" Zheng Hongying and Qin Yingwen hurriedly agreed.

"The reason? What reason?" Gu Changzhou frowned.

Even though his hands weren't very clean to get to Gu Changzhou's level, he thought he did it very cleanly, so it stands to reason that he wouldn't leave anything behind.

Hearing Gu Changzhou's question, Qin Sanbao was the first to react: "Yes, yes! It's in our bedroom, hidden under the bed board! We don't care to see it!"

Knowing the location of the so-called handle, Gu Changzhou immediately sent someone to fetch it.

I have to say that the people under Gu Changzhou are really efficient in handling things. I sent the so-called handle to Gu Changzhou in a while, and when I opened it, it turned out to be a USB flash drive.

Worried that there was some virus inside, Gu Changzhou didn't open it immediately, but told his subordinates, "Where's Xue Shen? Call him over."

Hearing that this matter was related to Qin Mingyue, Xue Shen was naturally positive. Before leaving, he did not forget to send Qin Mingyue a message, telling him everything that happened here.

She thought that Qin Mingyue would be at a loss and ask her for help, but she didn't expect that the other party only replied "Oh".

Xue Shen: ...

Does this wicked woman even care about the life and death of her own family?
As expected of the master I have a crush on, he is ruthless and ruthless enough!

Now Xue Shen has started to sit and wait for Gu Changzhou's jokes, and hope that without it, Xue Shen understands that Gu Changzhou can't beat Qin Mingyue.

At the beginning, Xue Shen still completed the tasks assigned by Qin Mingyue very seriously, but every time he told Qin Mingyue about Gu Changzhou's movements, the other party always seemed to know about it.

It was only after going back and forth that Xue Shen realized that the so-called undercover mission was just an excuse to dismiss him, and Qin Mingyue didn't need him at all!

Can Xue Shen bear this?That night, I went to play disco in Qi's internal system.

As a result, before Xue Shen jumped a few times, his computer went black.

After a while, the computer was turned on, but everything in it was lost, even the C drive and D drive were deleted, leaving only a very insulting wallpaper on the huge computer screen:

Bad luck!

Xue Shen: ...

If you don't accept it, Xue Shen has already begun to choose to show off.

If Gu Changzhou hadn't sent someone to the door today, Xue Shen would still be playing e-sports while drinking Fat House Happy Water.

When Xue Shen rushed to Gu Changzhou's side, the three members of the Qin family were still tied tightly and knelt on the ground.

What a pervert...

"Check to see if there is any problem." Gu Changzhou threw the USB flash drive in his hand to Xue Shen.

After confirming that there was no virus in it, Xue Shen returned the USB flash drive to Gu Changzhou: "There is no virus, there is only one file in it, you should open it yourself, I am not interested."

Gu Changzhou got rid of the computer, but his face turned livid after seeing the contents in the folder.

Behind Gu Changzhou, Xue Shen, who was "not interested" in this matter, quietly touched it, and after seeing the content on the computer, his face became more and more weird:
Bad luck!

Xue Shen: Damn it, now that I see these two words, I feel a little inexplicably kind...

From childhood to adulthood, Gu Changzhou asked himself that he had never been insulted like this before, and the veins on his forehead immediately popped up, and the eyes he looked at the three members of the Qin family became more and more terrifying.

"Qin Mingyue, you are really good, since that's the case..." Gu Changzhou gritted his teeth, turned his head and ordered his subordinates, "Get rid of them."

Hearing Gu Changzhou's words, the expressions of the three members of the Qin family instantly became terrified: "Boss Gu, please spare us..."

Seeing that the three of them were about to be dragged down, Xue Shen stopped them aloud: "Azhou, I think if you really want to make that Qin Mingyue feel bad, you might as well let these three go."

Hearing Xue Shen's words, although Gu Changzhou hadn't responded yet, those who dragged the three of them down obviously slowed down.

Gu Changzhou also looked at Xue Shen, motioning for him to continue.

"I checked Qin Mingyue's background for you. You won't forget her relationship with her family, right?"

"Azhou, think about it, since Qin Mingyue gave these three people this USB flash drive, she must have expected that you would come to them, and wanted to use your hands to solve these three family members who only sucked her blood."

"In my opinion, you might as well let them go. Anyway, these three guys don't seem like fuel-efficient lamps. You might as well find something for Qin Mingyue to do."

Hearing Xue Shen's words, Gu Changzhou didn't say anything, but Qin Sanbao and Zheng Hongying hurriedly expressed their opinions:
"Yes, yes, you let us go, we will definitely not let that heartless white-eyed wolf have a good time!"

"Yes, yes, that white-eyed wolf actually wants to plot against his biological parents! Even if we really die, we can't let that white-eyed wolf live well!"


[Host, the hero let Qin Sanbao and the others go, Xue Shen persuaded them. 】

"En." Qin Mingyue was not surprised by this result.

[The host has long expected that the male lead will find trouble with the original owner's parents, so is today's event also planned by the host?The host left that USB flash drive to save them? 】

"Guawazi, your words today are a bit tight." Qin Mingyue was chatting with Qi Zheng on the phone.

Qin Shimingyue: (When will you be back?)

Ji Feng: (Miss me?)

Qin Shimingyue: (I want you...)
Melon System: I'll go!what do i seeIs the host finally going to take that step?
I'm still a baby!

I heard others say that when the host was doing something inappropriate for children, the masters would be locked into a small black room by the main god system.

But now the main god system is gone, and I don't know if this function is still there, if not...

dare not think, dare not think...

After Qi Zheng on the other side saw the news from Qin Mingyue, the corners of his mouth never fell down.

It should be... that's what I thought, right?Yueyue she...

At this moment, Qi Zheng even thought about the name of his future child, but it's a pity that Yueyue is still unwilling to argue with him...

correct!diamond ring!I can buy the engagement ring first!

Thinking of this, Qi Zheng, who was already sitting in the car and was about to go home, said to the driver in front: "Turn around, I'm going to buy a ring."

(End of this chapter)

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