Chapter 34 Wake up, Queen of the Movies (End)
[Calm down the host, your body will not be able to bear it if this continues. 】

The cute melon who already had a body persuaded Qin Mingyue, but Qin Mingyue turned a blind eye to it.

It has to be said that the disaster created by the will of the world was huge. As a prosperous area of ​​the imperial capital, the people who often go there are the upper class of the imperial capital.

In this world controlled by various families, this accident almost paralyzed the economy of the imperial capital.

But the Qi family is fine, because Qi Zheng has no parents and children, so as his "sister", Meng Wanxi inherited all his assets.

It's funny to say, Qin Mingyue joked before about whether to kill Qi Zheng and make Meng Wanxi the master of the Qi family, but unexpectedly...

It turns out that if you say something bad, it will really become a prophecy...

Qin Mingyue claims to be a boss who has experienced many mission worlds, but not only did she fail to save Qi Zheng, she became a burden that dragged him down...

Qin Mingyue doesn't know whether she is blaming herself or sad now, but all she can do is to get rid of these negative emotions by working non-stop.

Meng Wanxi handed over the Qi family to Qin Mingyue. During this process, she would also like to thank Zhou Tezhu for her help. Without him, Meng Wanxi would not have been able to get the inheritance so easily, and Qin Mingyue would not have been able to do it so quickly. Take over the company.

But the more so, the more people rushed to sell swords.

That's right, that person is Gu Changzhou. Under his own imagination, his love for Meng Wanxi has not diminished but instead increased, and he himself seems to have realized this, and began to pursue Meng Wanxi "regardless of past suspicions". hit hard.

Gu Changzhou started to make trouble for Qin Mingyue when he realized that as long as Meng Wanxi had the support of the Qi family, it would be impossible for him to follow him.

Regarding this, Qin Mingyue was not used to him either.

But the other party is the male protagonist, and it is still a bit laborious to fight him.

[The host is big, in fact, you can still find Qi Zheng's...]

The melon system was really worried about Qin Mingyue's health, for fear that he would become the first host in history to die suddenly before completing a mission, and regardless of whether Qin Mingyue could hear him speak, he told the whole process of meeting the main god system...

[Host, after we complete the tasks in this world, we will immediately go to the next world. Then we will have a vigorous love affair, and we will no longer have to worry about being discovered by the will of the world! 】

Hearing Gua System's words, Qin Mingyue finally put down the document in his hand, his gray eyes sparkled, and a smile appeared on his face.

Of course Qin Mingyue knew that the mysterious man's soul fragments could still be obtained in the future, but she also knew that Qi Zheng was only one of them and could not represent all of them.

But with the props provided by the main god system, it is different. As the main god system said, every reincarnation of soul fragments that Qin Mingyue met afterwards was Qi Zheng with a stronger soul.

"Eh? Guawazi, when did you have a corpse?" Qin Mingyue only noticed the melon system entity that looks like a cotton doll at this time.

Melon System: This melon has been wandering around by your side for several days, and you only saw it until now...

City A, Gu's president's office.

"Bastard! Such an important confidential document can be leaked!" Gu Changzhou was furious, but Gu's loss was just like his love, but it could never be recovered.

After driving out all those subordinates, Gu Changzhou picked up his mobile phone, wanting to see how much impact this leak of secrets would have on the Gu family, but he was attracted by today's hot search.

For the first time, Qi Yu's name did not appear in today's hot search, but it was occupied by another name that touched Gu Changzhou's nerves even more:

#shock!The ugly face of pure female star Gao Mumu, Meng Yinghou was actually the victim! #
#影后Meng Wanxi was imprisoned unjustly#
#Meng Wanxi was wronged#
#Meng Wanxi's Stunning Works#

Is it...

As soon as that thought appeared, it was completely interrupted by Gu Changzhou: How is it possible?How could I be wrong?

Even so, Gu Changzhou opened the first hot search with trembling fingers.

What catches my eye is a video, which is the whole process of Gao Mumu hiring someone to commit murder but being killed by the gangster instead.

After reading these, Gu Changzhou completely slumped on the chair, unable to regain his senses for a long time.

What have I done all these years...

The imperial capital, the Qi Family Manor, this is the first time Meng Wanxi has returned here since that dinner party, things are different.

"Yueyue, are you really planning to leave?" Looking at Qin Mingyue sitting on the sofa, Meng Wanxi couldn't help asking.

"Well, I'm leaving, I'm going to a brand new place, Wan Xi, you have to take care!" Qin Mingyue said with a smile, "The Qi family has completely stabilized, Wan Xi, you just need to concentrate on filming, and everything else can be done." Leave it to Special Assistant Zhou, as for Gu Changzhou...if he dares to harass you, you can find someone to beat him up, we are not afraid of him with our current strength."

Meng Wanxi knew she couldn't stay, so she could only nod with tears in her eyes.

Maybe someone in the world is really planning everything to take you out of the sea of ​​suffering from the moment he falls in front of you.

Seeing Qin Mingyue's back walking out of the gate and about to disappear into the night, Meng Wanxi hurried to catch up and shouted: "No matter where you go, don't forget me!"

[Ding, in the task settlement, the completion level of the main task is 100%, and the completion level of the side task is %. 】

[Ding, the transmission channel to the next world is being opened for the host. 】


Magma boiled under the chain bridge, and the crimson flames licked the black rocks.

Boundless purgatory, the fire of hell is everywhere.

Suddenly, after a small fluctuation, countless flames gathered towards the center of the magma.

Suddenly, the magma turned into rock, and the rock burned by fire was covered with ice.

When the caretakers of hell noticed the abnormality, the original boundless purgatory had completely turned into an extremely cold purgatory.

In the human world, a taxi is carrying a pretty girl in a school uniform.

"Little girl, you won't be afraid to take a taxi alone in the middle of the night." Perhaps Qin Mingyue's destination was too far away, so the driver simply started a conversation with Qin Mingyue.

"Afraid? Why should I be afraid?" Qin Mingyue tilted her head, as if she couldn't understand what the other party was saying.

"Haven't you heard of it? A few days ago, there was a little girl... the school uniform was from your school. After school, she was killed because she was a stranger's taxi. You don't even know how miserable it is." The driver It seems that these words are meant to scare Qin Mingyue, and after saying that, he still doesn't forget to see Qin Mingyue's reaction in the rearview mirror.

Qin Mingyue heard this, and said indifferently: "I'm not afraid! Because such a bad person will definitely be punished! Man is doing it, and God is watching. God will definitely take that person away! That murderer will definitely not die !"

Qin Mingyue spoke firmly, and made the driver in front of her laugh: "God is busy, how can I have so much time to accept bad guys and not bad guys."

After the driver finished speaking, a sinister smile appeared on his face: "Guess...if something like this happens to you, God won't care..."

The driver's face was reflected in the rearview mirror, making people creepy, but Qin Mingyue acted as if she hadn't seen it, put her face between the two seats in front, and said with a smile: "Pay attention to the road, uncle..."

Hearing Qin Mingyue's words, the driver suddenly came back to his senses and saw the missing iron railing at the corner of Huanshan Road.

The driver slammed the steering wheel subconsciously, but still couldn't change the doomed fate...

The red flames devoured the scrapped car and the crimes inside, while Qin Mingyue was holding the driver's cell phone in his hand, and the chat records in the cell phone contained evidence of the other party's crimes several times.

Qin Mingyue raised her hand to extinguish the flames of hell, then put the mobile phone in the nearby grass, and said with a smile:
"I will collect the garbage that God does not collect..."

(End of this chapter)

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