Chapter 42 Hell is Empty (8)

Lin An and Lin Xiaoan traveled a long way before burying the kitten's body, because he was worried that stray dogs would dig it up if he buried it nearby.

When I got home again, it was already late.

"Lin An, it's so dark, aren't you afraid?"

"Don't be afraid, I'm used to it, not to mention Xiao An, you are with me."

Lin An and Lin Xiaoan were chatting, the originally long road became very short.

When he was about to go downstairs to his house, Lin An saw Qin Mingyue standing under the street lamp.

"Student Qin, it's you." Lin An remembered what Qin Mingyue said to him, and greeted him proactively.

"Well, you seem... sad?" Of course Qin Mingyue knew what happened around Lin An, but she needed Lin An to speak out.

Lin An lowered his head, it was Lin Xiaoan who tugged on his cuff, and he had the determination to tell all about today.

After hearing Lin An's words, Qin Mingyue said, "If I say that some people need someone to wake them up, do you think it's wrong?"

Lin An looked at Qin Mingyue, he knew that Qin Mingyue was very strong, beyond his knowledge, and Su Bao was the same.

Lin An still felt that he should be firm in his views: "I think it is wrong to use violence to control violence."

"Indeed, you are a kind child, and your opinion is not wrong."

Hearing Qin Mingyue's words, Lin An was a little stunned. This was the first time someone acknowledged his kindness.

"This world is wrong." Qin Mingyue added.

Lin An subconsciously wanted to refute, but heard Qin Mingyue continue to say:
"This world is sick, and the invasion of alien monsters has broken the balance of this world. Those monsters who specialize in absorbing negative emotions treat evil souls as captive food, and those who should go to hell stay in the world."

"In the corner you can't see, there are a lot of people working hard to restore the world to the way it was before, and before that, we have to break something."

Qin Mingyue's words made this person a little dazed, this was something they had never known.

"Then how can we restore the world to its original state?" Lin An asked.

"It's very simple, close the interdimensional crack."

Close the interdimensional rift?
Qin Mingyue's answer made Lin An couldn't help but hugged Lin Xiaoan tightly in his arms. I don't know if it was because of the destined bond, these two weak souls had already regarded each other as their family members in a short period of time.

"Yeah, this world has been distorted too much by monsters. They need evil to strengthen themselves. When the evil souls in the world can't satisfy them, they will start to create evil."

At that time, the world will be the real purgatory.

Qin Mingyue's words were beyond Lin An's cognition, which made him a little at a loss.

"Take the people you met today, if you had the ability like me, would you fight back? Use your strength."

"I..." Lin An didn't know, he felt his head was twisted into a paste.

"In fact, some of Su Bao's words are correct. Of course, they are just some words. After all, she is too extreme and has some misunderstandings about some people and some things."

"But she can live a better life than most of the people around you, better than the Su Bao who was bullied by others before. I have to say that in this world where maliciousness is rampant, people are more harsh on kind people."

"Goodness is innocent, on the contrary, it is the most noble. But you have to maintain it and develop its strength, don't you?"

Qin Mingyue came here to chat about life with the hero, and didn't want him to accidentally get into the horns.

What I said just now is enough for Lin An to digest, withdraw!
Looking at Qin Mingyue who disappeared into the night, Lin An was thoughtful.

【Host, are you sure you are enlightening Lin An, not feeding him poisonous chicken soup? 】

The melon system complained.

"Then what can I do? This cat abuse incident happened more than a little earlier than the original plot. The male protagonist in the original plot already knew about the rift in another dimension and was determined to protect the world."

"A male lead with such determination can stand up and fight against those beasts, but the current male lead is not necessarily! Can't let the male lead miss the opportunity to step into the ranks of supernatural beings?"

[Okay, you are the boss, you have the final say. 】

Sure enough, the next day Lin An met that group of people again on the way home.

"You can't save this kitten, and you can't save the next kitten, because you are a coward at all!"

Su Bao's words echoed in Lin An's mind, making him clenched his fists:

"Yo? It's this kid again."

"It seems that the beating you received last time was not enough to make your memory last!"

"It's the first time I saw someone who was addicted to playing, hahahaha..."


Hearing these people's ruthless ridicule, Lin Xiaoan tugged at Lin An's cuffs in fear: "Lin An, let's call someone, you can't beat them, and neither can I..."

Before Lin Xiaoan finished speaking, Lin An had already rushed forward. He didn't follow Su Bao's suggestion to carry a knife on his body, but...


There was a scream, and one of them covered his crotch and curled up in pain.

Lin An is small, but he is particularly flexible among the tall and burly men. The punches and kicks that those people punched and kicked him yesterday didn't seem to have any effect on him.

Lin An has had super recovery ability and anti-beating attributes since he was a child, and after thinking about the countermeasures all night yesterday, he seems to be able to deal with these guys.

It's just... just when Lin An thought he could take the little raccoon flower away, a big foot kicked him on the waist, and Lin An was immediately hurt so badly that he lost his strength.

"Lin An!"

Just like yesterday, Lin An was beaten and kicked by several people, but Lin Xiaoan wanted to stop him but was powerless.

The only difference from yesterday was that Lin An no longer had the idea that if he hurt the kittens, he would not be tortured, because he knew that as long as these animals were not punished, their killing would not stop!
Su Bao is right, his self-righteous and useless sacrifice is really too ridiculous, he has no strength, and he doesn't even have the power to protect him!

If only I could be stronger, just like Su Bao and Qin...

Be stronger, be stronger...

Lin An closed his eyes tightly, the desire for power deep in his heart caused him to have some kind of magical resonance with Lin Xiaoan.

Lin Xiaoan, who was originally desperate because of his own weakness, flashed a white light, and then formed a black rune attached to Lin An's hand.

In the next second, one of the men who punched and kicked Lin An was thrown away, and the others were thrown to the ground one by one before they could react.

"You...don't come here!" Although those people didn't know what happened to Lin An, they subconsciously felt that this young man was a little scary.

"If I see you mistreating small animals again, I'll kill you, get out!" I don't know if it was Lin Xiaoan's influence, but Lin An said something that he didn't even dare to say.

Those people were scared to death, while Lin An picked up the little raccoon flower and sent it to the pet hospital immediately.

Thankfully, this little guy is in much better condition than the last little Sanhua. Although his forelimb was amputated, he survived.

"Little brother, settle the medical expenses here."

Seeing the doctor's sister's list, Lin An was stunned for a moment.

Eight... eight hundred?
Seeing the embarrassment on Lin An's face, the beautiful doctor realized that this boy dressed as a student seemed unable to afford so much money.

Although Lin An was wearing a school uniform, his severely damaged sneakers still exposed his family background.


"The original intention of our hospital was to provide fur children with the best medical services, but... too many people abandoned them at the entrance of the hospital because they didn't want to pay their medical expenses, and we couldn't ignore them, so... "

"In fact, the cost of our hospital is much lower than other pet hospitals, but for some reason, our hospital has become the hospital with the most abandoned pets."

After hearing what the doctor said, Lin An said firmly, "I will definitely pay all the medical expenses, but..."

At this point, Lin An's voice weakened: "Can I pay in installments?"

The doctor is also in a difficult situation, because she has met too many pet parents who like to push their feet. The more she concedes, the more conditions those people put forward, or even... just abandon them.

"Isn't it just 800 yuan? I paid it."

At this time, a voice sounded, it was Su Bao.

"Su Bao? Why are you here?" Lin An was a little surprised.

Su Bao didn't answer, but just took Lin An's right hand, looked at it carefully and said, "Finally, you have become half of my kind..."

The doctor couldn't understand Su Bao's words, and just thought they were discussing a game that students like to play now, but she was naturally happy when someone paid for it.

After leaving the hospital, Lin An couldn't help but asked Su Bao, "Why did you help me?"

"It's not a help, it's just that I'm interested in becoming your creditor. By the way, are you short of money?"

"I..." Lin An lowered his head, not knowing how to answer.

Seeing Lin An's appearance, Su Bao immediately understood, but she changed the subject: "Let me treat you to dinner!"

After finishing speaking, Su Bao could not help but drag Lin An towards a nice restaurant.

Lin An originally wanted to refuse, but when he saw a table full of food, he closed his mouth, and the only sounds in the private room could be his stomach growling and swallowing saliva.

"Let's eat, don't be polite to me." Su Bao is not short of money, whether it is the original Su Bao or the current her.

It turned out that Su Bao's parents were all career freaks. They got married and had children just to fulfill their parents' expectations. They would not care about Su Bao except for her living expenses. It caused the original tragedy of Su Bao's suicide.

When Lin An heard Su Bao's words, he immediately sat down and gorged himself.

In order to save living expenses, Lin An only eats two meals a day.

People say that you have to eat well in the morning and have a full lunch, and it doesn’t matter if you don’t eat at night, but Lin An would rather not eat at noon and fill his stomach before going to bed, so that he won’t be so hungry that he can’t sleep all night up.

Lin An had a good meal, but the people he taught him had almost wiped out the [-]th generation of his ancestors.

They were so full of anger that they couldn't let it out, and after hearing a few cat meows, they started to itch again, so they followed the cat meowing to find the past.

As for Lin An's warning, these people have long since forgotten about it. After all, they don't believe that they will always meet that weird boy.

What they don't know is that it's not a kitten waiting for them this time...

(End of this chapter)

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