Chapter 45 Hell is Empty (11)

[Host, the old thief Wang Qiang went to the minister of the special department to sue the seventh team, but was sent by the old minister in a few words, I laughed so hard, hahahaha. 】

Wang Qiang is the deputy director of the special department. His biggest dream in his life is to become the director of the special department.

The head of the special department is named Wu Mingshan, he is a really good person, and he has seen through Wang Qiang's personality.

In the original plot, the candidate Wu Mingshan had his eyes on was Xia Cheng. After all, this person had a clean background, good roots, and he had nothing to say about his character and strength.

This time Qin Mingyue was not surprised by Wu Mingshan's protection, and even thought of visiting the old man when he had time.

"What are you thinking about?" Anna put her arms around Qin Mingyue, "You should get out of the car."

"Thank you Nana, actually you don't have to pick me up from school every day." Qin Mingyue smiled.

"When the team gets busy, you won't have a chance if you want me to come home." Anna blinked mischievously.

"Then I'll go to school first."

Qin Mingyue smiled and waved goodbye to Anna. Before entering the school, she saw several tall guys surrounding a familiar figure.

[The host is Lin An! 】

"Short, are you still in school?"

The person who took the lead had a feud with Lin An from the very beginning. Although they usually behaved arrogantly, because these people usually like to hug together, most of them dared not speak out.

Although these people obviously have bad intentions, Lin An doesn't know if he has the confidence to have supernatural powers, and he has long since lost his previous fear of these people: "What are you looking for me again?"

"Brother Yu, people don't even want to talk to you." One of the guys who looked like a running dog directly teased Lin An's attitude.

"Don't go, you caused me to lose a lot of money when I was working last time, you have to pay for this, right?"

Hearing this, Lin An didn't know that this guy came here for revenge!
In order to subsidize the family, Lin An has often used vacations to earn some money since he became an adult. That time, Lin An used the winter vacation time to go to a restaurant to work part-time, and happened to meet this brother Yu.

This brother Yu is different from Lin An. Lin An is for living, but he was thrown out by his parents to experience life because of something wrong, so naturally he will not do things with the same heart as Lin An. On Lin An.

However, the owner of the restaurant is reasonable. After Brother Yu made a mistake, he asked him to pay for the money, and then asked him to leave.

"Just because you want me to take the blame for you, you put all the blame on me?" Lin An couldn't understand the other party's brain circuit.

Hearing Lin An's ridicule, the man called Brother Yu had obvious anger on his face, and kicked Lin An's knee as soon as his brain got hot.

Obviously, the fusion of the little monster and Lin An didn't hit the point where he was reborn, and Lin An was kicked so hard that he knelt on the ground in pain.

"Lin An, let's fight back!"

Lin Xiaoan's voice came, but Lin An hesitated.


"They are bad people! Not only did they bully Lin An, they must have bullied other people as well. We have to punish them!"

Lin Xiaoan was still talking angrily, and Qin Mingyue was also watching Lin An's reaction.

Although Lin An's kindness made Qin Mingyue look sideways, his soft bun-like character also made Qin Mingyue feel a little suffocated.

If it wasn't for Lin An's inability to impose his own kindness on other people's behavior, Qin Mingyue would almost feel that this child is a little saint.

At the same time, not only Qin Mingyue, but also Su Bao who was standing in another place were observing what choice Lin An would make.

Su Bao raised his head and looked at Qin Mingyue, frowned inadvertently, and then looked at Lin An. Seeing that the other party was still hesitant, a red light burst out from Su Bao's eyes, and the next second Lin An's eyes also A red light appeared to echo it.

"Everyone is an adult, why play childish games? It's better to use adult solutions."

"A grown-up solution?"

This student boy actually talked about this with a group of them who didn't know how long they had graduated?
Originally, Brother Yu was a little flustered because his head was hot and he moved his hands. After all, he didn't dare to cause trouble under his father's warning, but Lin An's words still made him laugh. For some reason, he always felt The boy's eyes changed.

A wicked smile appeared on Lin An's delicate face, and in the next second he waved the fist attached to the little monster and greeted those people's faces.

Today's Lin An has been controlled by an unknown force, and he will never make any noise if he can do it.

When those people first saw Lin An resisting, there was a bit of sarcasm on their faces, but after being punched hard a few times, they could only cry for their father and mother.

In the end, a few security guards from the school came forward to end the farce. After they pulled Lin An away, those guys fled away in embarrassment.

However, because of Lin An's fights with people outside the school, he still had to go to the office of his homeroom teacher, Teacher Cao, to drink tea.

In the office, the head teacher expressed his disgust for Lin An's behavior:
"Lin An, I think you are usually a very honest student. How could you do such a thing that damages the image of the school? Besides, you are already in the third year of high school, and you are about to take the college entrance examination. Can you tell me who you are? Primary or secondary?"

Lin An stubbornly refused to bow his head to the accusation of his head teacher: "Teacher, they blackmailed me first, and they were the first to do it." Because they demanded compensation for something completely unrelated to him, what is it if it is not blackmail?
After hearing Lin An's words, the class teacher couldn't help but say: "It is said that a slap can't be made, even if they did it first, isn't there your own reason? If you have been honest, how could you provoke that kind of hand?" people?"

Lin An listened to what the head teacher said, gritted his teeth and continued:

"I'm just protecting myself. Besides, why can't you see when they bully me, and when I fight back, you will only blame me!"

Lin An can no longer remember why he fought back at that time, now Lin An just wants to vent out his grievances in the past few years.

"Lin An!" The homeroom teacher was obviously annoyed by Lin An's words, "I have taught you for so many years, and I have taught you to contradict the teacher, right? Call your parents over next Monday!"

Hearing what his head teacher said, Lin An's eyes turned red angrily, not only because of his blatant partiality and indiscrimination of right and wrong, but also...

"No need! I'm an adult, and I can represent myself!" Lin An replied bravely.

"I asked you to bring your parents here!" The homeroom teacher didn't expect Lin An to ignore his words so much.

"I don't have parents!"

Lin An didn't expect that the person across from him had been his homeroom teacher for nearly three years, and he didn't even know that he was an orphan.

One must know that as an orphan, Lin An received special subsidies arranged by the school. Almost everyone in the school knew about this, but his class teacher didn't know about it, so how unworthy was he?
Under the influence of Su Bao's remaining power, Lin An actually had some negative emotions accumulated on his body.

Lin An's loud answer stunned the teacher for a moment, and then his face changed: "Then there must be other people in your family? Call other people in the family!"

"I have no family!" Lin An turned his face away and said.

Lin An's words made Mr. Cao pause, and continued:

"Since this is the case, let's see you have a big mistake. Write a review this weekend, and read it aloud in front of the whole school next Monday!"


Lin An returned to the classroom in a daze, but Su Bao, who was the instigator, had no intention of helping him, she just wanted to let him see the darkness in this world!

"Lin An, don't be sad." Even though he was afraid of Su Bao, the little monster obviously felt that something was wrong with Lin An, so he chose to comfort Lin An in front of Su Bao.

"I'm fine, Xiaoan." Su Bao comforted the worried little guy with a smile.

[It's so amazing, host, after the energy left by the heroine dissipated, the hero's negative emotions also disappeared, as if the power of the heroine didn't affect him. 】

"En." Qin Mingyue replied perfunctorily, still resting her head with one hand and closing her eyes.

"Lin An, do you still write a self-criticism?" Lin Xiaoan asked cautiously.

"Write!" Lin An replied affirmatively.

"But it's not your fault, Lin An at all!" Lin Xiaoan said anxiously.

"I know." For the first time, something called self-confidence appeared on Lin An's face, "That's why I want to write, and write beautifully!"

Anyway, I'm going to graduate soon, so it's okay to be crazy once.

Although it wasn't Lin An's original intention, the counterattack just now opened the door to a new world for Lin An, and Weibo felt that he was trying to counterattack... Seems not bad?

(End of this chapter)

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