Chapter 49 Hell is Empty (15)

"Why don't we leave Lin An outside? Anyway, the higher-ups only said that all of us should be mobilized, but they didn't say that all of us must enter the crack." Jiang Jin said suddenly.

"It's not necessarily safe outside, is it? If the crack is unstable, monsters may come out." Anna said.

"It's okay," Jiang Jin said, "You can let me find an old man who cares about the newcomer and stay outside to protect him!"

When everyone heard this, why didn't they understand what Jiang Jin was planning?
"Jiang Jin, the beads of your abacus are about to collapse on my face. It's okay to fish in troubled waters. It's not honest to say that all the staff will be dispatched!"

In the past when there were only four people in the team, Xia Cheng, as the captain, didn't want to haggle too much with the team members, and Huang Shi was always taciturn, so it was Anna who exposed Jiang Jin's small plans, and this time was no exception.

"Okay, it's time for us to go in." Xia Cheng said.

Now that the captain had already spoken, everyone couldn't say anything more, and they all entered in the formation that had already been set up.

This time the space leading to the different-dimensional crack is obviously different from the last time. There are weird rocks and scorching magma everywhere, but it is somewhat similar to the previous boundless purgatory.

Qin Mingyue naturally adapted to such an environment, but it was extremely miserable for others.

"Be careful everyone, something is climbing up!"

As soon as Qin Mingyue finished speaking, she saw many dark-skinned humanoid monsters with strange limbs climbing up from the magma, surrounding Qin Mingyue and the six of them.

"Huangshi, protect everyone!" After Xia Cheng finished speaking, he picked up the Tang knife and flew to kill the enemy.

[Host, these monsters are speed-type, and their attack power is not weak, but they are crispy, that is...too many wives! 】

After Qin Mingyue, Huang Shi and the others ordered, they made their move.

The melon system and her talk are all nonsense. When they met the first monster in Xiacheng, everyone could see that this kind of monster is a crispy skin with excellent speed. The only attack method is sharp claws. The biggest threat is This terrible amount.

Qin Mingyue released the hellfire to burn all the monsters around his teammates. Huangshi also used his ability in time, using rocks to surround his teammates.

Except for Xia Cheng and Qin Mingyue, the rest of the team were either too weak or long-distance attacking players, and they all needed Huangshi's protection.

The IQ of these monsters is too low, and the attack on the people of the seventh team is completely the most primitive desire for flesh and blood, and they are not afraid of the tragic death of many companions.

There are more and more such monsters, and everyone is also caught in a bitter battle.

As a melee player, Xia Cheng seems to be at ease, but if these monsters continue to come up like this, I believe Xia Cheng will not be able to hold on soon.

As for Qin Mingyue, although he has a large-scale attack method and can burn an open space at a time, he can't stop these guys from rushing forward!No matter what, it can't change the fact that these things are getting more and more.

As for the remaining four, although they are not in the same echelon as Qin Mingyue and Xia Cheng in terms of strength, they win because of their tacit cooperation.

Especially Huangshi, while protecting Anna and the others, he also took care of Shangxia City, and even summoned rocks from time to time to smash some monsters to death.

As for Anna, needless to say, for a krypton gold player, the weapon in her hand determines her strength. As long as she has ammo in her hand, she can fight these guys forever!
Even Jiang Jin, who has been fishing all the time, has become more serious at this time, relying on the power of electricity to slow down the speed of the monsters, and relieved himself as a support.

Compared with the others, Lin An, who joined the team the latest, was the weakest and had no combat experience, couldn't help him.

Lin An looked at the monsters that kept making strange noises and approaching him and his teammates, annoyed that he was powerless.

Lin An and his little monster partner have yet to develop long-range attacks. As for melee combat, Huang Shi, who knows Lin An's battle statistics, knows that fighting these monsters at Lin An's speed will definitely kill them!

As the shield of a team, Huangshi will never allow his teammates to do such an irresponsible behavior for his own life!

Seemingly aware of Lin An's mood, Lin Xiaoan released the combined state with Lin An:
"Lin An, there is another way for me to become stronger."

Lin Xiaoan passed his idea to Lin An through the contract, and it wanted to collect the crystal nuclei of those monsters killed alone.

On the battlefield at this time, the crystal nuclei formed by the killed monsters spread all over the ground, densely packed.

The individual strength of these monsters is not strong, so their crystal nuclei are not big, only the size of a normal person's thumbnail, but they really can't stand much!
Lin An hesitated. He knew that the little monster could indeed increase its strength by devouring the crystal nucleus, and even feed part of its power back to him through a contract, especially when the little monster was in a different dimension.'s too dangerous!

"Lin An, I want to help, use our strength!" Lin Xiaoan said firmly.

Lin An clenched his fist and finally agreed.

After getting Lin An's consent again, Lin Xiaoan turned into a black shadow and swept onto the battlefield.

Everyone who was busy fighting didn't notice this little guy, except Qin Mingyue.

After Lin Xiaoan rushed into the battlefield, Lin An took out a psionic pistol, relying on the muscle memory developed in these months of intensive training, he occasionally shot and killed one or two approaching monsters.

"Gua Wazi, test the weakness of these things!"

[Host, the only weakness of these simple-minded and ignorant guys is their brittleness, but they live in groups, and they can give birth to thieves, you can't consume them. 】

[If you have to talk about other weaknesses, it's probably the fear of natural enemies engraved in your blood, right? 】

"Natural enemy?" Qin Mingyue suddenly thought of the warning from the melon system before coming in, "Could it be the big guy you mentioned?"

[Yes, the host, that kind of monster, like this group of crispy skins, usually lives in magma.It's just that this guy usually sleeps most of the time, and only wakes up when he's hungry. Every time he wakes up, he can eat more than half of these crispy skins. 】

"Gua Wazi, didn't you say that there is a big guy here? Wouldn't we alarm it?"

[Of course, the host, no matter how much he sleeps, he will be woken up. If he gets angry, it will be even worse. 】

"Not afraid." Qin Mingyue replied.

Ants kill elephants, for Qin Mingyue, a big guy is much better than a group of little guys, not to mention that she can take the others away in the chaos.

"Xia Cheng, do me a favor, go to Nana's place and ask for some loud things!"

(End of this chapter)

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