Chapter 51 Hell is Empty (17)

Inside the interdimensional rift.

"Captain, why are we going to support the seventh team? If you dare to challenge Minister Wang, it's better to let them die inside." A cynical man said.

This man's name is Fan Jinming, and he is a person with wood-type control abilities.

"This time it's the Minister's order, so we have to go through the motions anyway," Qin Xiu said.

Qin Xiu is the captain of the second team, an extremely powerful fire-type user.

This time the second team is also fully dispatched. In addition to Qin Xiu and Fan Jinming, there are rare water-type healing supernatural being Lan Er, strength-type Chen Li, spirit-type Zhang Feng, and earth-type Wu Feng.

In terms of configuration, the second team is much better than the seventh team.

"Be careful, everyone. Since the higher-ups asked me to provide support, it is enough to explain the danger index inside the crack." Qin Xiu instructed, "Zhang Feng, use your mental strength to detect the position of the seventh team."

"Okay captain." Zhang Feng was a tall girl with a whiny voice, and looked a little thin.

"Captain, I haven't found the summary of the seventh team, and we don't have any living organisms for several miles around us." Zhang Feng said to Qin Xiu after his detection was fruitless.

"How is this possible?" Before Qin Xiu could speak, Fan Jinming spoke first, "There is so much magma around here, why don't you try to probe under the magma?"

After hearing Fan Jinming's words, Zhang Feng didn't move, but looked at Qin Xiu, as if waiting for his order.

"Give it a try." Qin Xiu agreed to Fan Jinming's proposal.

"it is good."

The detection just now cost Zhang Feng a lot, and it is obviously more costly to go through the magma this time.

As Zhang Feng's spiritual power wandered through the magma, the big monster that just sank into the magma quickly caught this strange power.

This monster itself has a strong sense of territory, and Zhang Feng's mental power scan is undoubtedly a provocation for it.

Only a roar was heard, and a huge figure jumped out of the magma, and landed not far from the six members of the second team from the sky.

The seventh team didn't see the monster's appearance clearly, but the second team was obviously more fortunate than them, and saw the behemoth clearly:

The monster looked like a huge lizard with horns inserted, and the roar that opened its mouth was full of foul-smelling wind. When the hill-like monster flicked its tail, everyone in the second team stumbled.

"Quick! Respond to the enemy!" Qin Xiu was the first to react, and opened his mouth to spray flames at the monster, but he didn't even have the qualifications to tickle him.

Who made Qin Xiu's flame the most common flame, and that monster happened to be born in magma?
However, Fan Jinming's vines were able to stumble this guy, but they were quickly torn off by the big lizard.

Chen Li is a player who relies purely on brute force, and when he meets an opponent who fights purely on brute force, and the opponent's strength is not known to be much stronger than him, so Chen Li's fight against a big lizard is like a little chicken meeting a big dinosaur. Fight back.

Zhang Feng's mental power is good for detection, but fighting is really useless.

Although Wu Feng, like Huangshi, is a supernatural being of the earth/rock system, his development direction is completely different. After all, not everyone can settle down like Huangshi and become a shield without a name.

Wu Feng's development direction is attacking supernatural beings, and he also finds it very difficult to deal with this big lizard with thick armor and long blood strips.

As a healer, Lan'er can heal teammates, but she also needs the protection of teammates, which has become a burden at this moment.

Although the big lizard has full fire resistance, but fortunately it can't breathe fire, and its speed is not fast, so it won't let the second team be wiped out immediately.

Although the second team is in a mess now, it's not that they are too weak, because if the seventh team is compared with the second team, except for Qin Mingyue and Lin An, the average strength of the seventh team is definitely second. under the squad.

As for why the head and the tail have to be counted, because Lin An is currently the one who lowers the average strength of the seventh team, as for Qin Mingyue...

There is no need to belittle anyone, the seven teams of the special department are all rubbish in Qin Mingyue's eyes...

Just when the second team retreated steadily and couldn't find a chance to escape, the seventh team rushed over.

Qin Mingyue, who knew that ordinary hellfire might have little effect on this lizard, immediately used the fire of origin, and the scarlet flame instantly engulfed the lizard, only its wailing was heard.

Qin Xiu stared at this sudden event, her eyes slightly stunned.

It is also a fire ability, why is there such a big gap?

And the opponent actually has the ability to fly!
Looking at Qin Mingyue in mid-air and the other members of the seventh team who rushed over, Qin Xiu clenched her fists.

[The host is careful, if you annoy this guy, you will have a stronger second form. 】

Qin Mingyue looked at the monster who was gradually panicking because of the pain, but was constantly restrained by the terrain changed by Huangshi's ability, with serious eyes.

In the original plot, because the seventh team did not have Qin Mingyue to join, the first and fifth teams performed normal tasks. The special department suffered heavy losses that time, and almost no one with supernatural powers who performed this task survived.

The seventh team carried out another mission related to the heroine, and began to have more and more involvement with the heroine Su Bao.

"Qin Xiu, ask your teammates to summon more vines to control this guy!" Xia Cheng said to Qin Xiu.

"This monster is full of flames, Fan Jinming's vines shouldn't be able to bind it, right?" Qin Xiu said.

The reason why Xia Cheng dislikes cooperating with others is that others always like to express their opinions or ask "why" when he makes an opinion.

"Do as I say!"

Qin Xiu was at odds with Xia Cheng in the first place, seeing that Xia Cheng had no intention of explaining to him, he simply stopped asking for trouble and turned around to ask Fan Jinming to restrain the monster according to Xia Cheng's consciousness.

Although I think it's useless in my heart, it's better than watching the people in the seventh team contribute, so that it won't look like the people in the second team are useless.

Fan Jinming summoned a lot of vines as Xia Cheng said, and entangled the limbs of the big lizard. Although he was always torn off by this guy, he successfully slowed down its speed.

[Host, the big lizard is about to transform, take over the supernatural powers! 】

Qin Mingyue has been asking Gua System to help watch the monster's state, trying to make it fear them without completely angering the other party.

Sure enough, after Qin Mingyue received the original fire, the big lizard did not attack again, but stared at the ten humans in front of him angrily and vigilantly, with foul air constantly blowing out of its nostrils.

Just when several people thought that everyone had a chance to retreat safely, a spear pierced through the void and stuck at the root of the big lizard's tail.

I saw the big lizard look back at his back, and then...

A furious roar resounded through the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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