Three days passed in a flash, and the war was imminent.

"After the different-dimensional crack opens, our seven teams will enter through crack No. 3, and then join the five teams that entered through crack No. 4."

"After entering, we split into two groups. Lin Ansu Bao was in one group, Nana, Jiang Jin and Huang Shi were in one group with me."

As if he didn't want to add to the tense atmosphere, Xia Cheng didn't ask everyone too much.

"Report!" Jiang Jin raised his hand suddenly and said.


"Boss Xia, have you forgotten my sister Qin?"

"Qin Xi won't act with me," Xia Cheng glanced at everyone present, "Does anyone else have any questions?"

After seeing everyone shaking their heads to say no, Xia Cheng said again: "In this case, I have one last request... come back alive!"


In a different-dimensional world, Yingpan sat on a huge rock. Although his eyes were tightly closed, he did not dare to relax.

A circle of monsters surrounded Ying, all of them staring at each other but not daring to face each other, leaving an open space around Ying.

Ying originally came to collect information and explore the terrain at Qin Mingyue's request, but when he was about to go out, he found that all the cracks and cracks were closed at the same time!

Fortunately, Qin Mingyue had already given Ying the rough map of the different-dimensional world and the places connected by the cracks. As for the rest, Ying could only resign himself to fate, and he didn't know what was going on outside.

The surrounding monsters attacked wave after wave, and finally stopped at this moment. I hope I can find a way to get out before my energy is exhausted!

Just when Ying felt that the surrounding monsters were about to move, the cracks that were originally sealed finally opened, like blood-red eyes slowly opening, and the surrounding monsters also gathered up their energy to rush forward. go out.

Yingti gun was ready to fight, when he saw figures rushing out of the cracks, they were the supernatural beings from the special department.

Shadow found the figures of the seven teams in it, and was about to go up to meet them when he was stopped by a hand that fell on his shoulder from behind.

If it wasn't for the power that he was familiar with on the opponent, Ying would probably have subdued him the moment he approached him.

That's right, the person who came was none other than Qin Mingyue.

"Sorry, I originally wanted to join you before you attacked here, but for some reason those cracks were suddenly closed." Ying immediately apologized when he saw Qin Mingyue.

In any case, it was because he hadn't done what he promised her.

Hearing Ying's words, Qin Mingyue swallowed back the words of apology: "Don't be like this, the more you say that, the more I feel guilty..."

"What?" Ying was puzzled by Qin Mingyue's words.

"'s nothing, with your current state, can you still confront those overlord monsters head-on?" Qin Mingyue changed the subject.

"It's okay. Ever since I was discovered by the monsters, those top monsters didn't dare to confront me head-on. They just sent their subordinates to consume me constantly." Ying replied, "There are currently eight known overlord-level monsters, but they all interact with each other. If we don’t deal with each other, so our respective territories are far apart, we can break through them one by one.”

These original plots of Yingshuo are all reflected, so there is no need to change the previous plan.

Su Bao and Lin An are responsible for solving one of the eight overlords, and the rest of Team Seven are responsible for one.

The four different crystal nuclei were half eaten by the little monster Lin Xiaoan, which greatly improved the strength of the little monster. Coupled with Su Bao's catalysis, the combination of Lin An and the little monster has surpassed the majority of the seventh team in terms of strength Coupled with the double buffs of the hero and heroine, this task is not too difficult for Lin An.

However, for Xia Cheng and the others, Qin Mingyue always felt uneasy. Before Qin Mingyue joined the Seventh Team, the Seventh Team had always had the fewest members and the worst resources among all the teams. Now it is almost impossible to complete this task. The task sounds a bit unfair.

Before Qin Mingyue came, she had told Xia Cheng that everything must be done to protect herself, they just need to restrain the enemy and wait for Qin Mingyue to come, and they must not be brave.

But Xia Cheng just told Qin Mingyue that they would not hold back, which was regarded as a polite refusal to Qin Mingyue's advice.

That's right, if they really backed down, it wouldn't be Xiacheng. Judging from the fact that all the seven teams sacrificed in the original plot except Lin An and Su Bao, they were prepared to die.

Qin Mingyue knew that she couldn't persuade them, so she gave the [Witch's Handheld] to Xia Cheng. Although she didn't know that the crystal nucleus was half-gnawed, it wasn't worth it, but it was better than nothing.

The other teams are not as monstrous as Su Bao in the Seventh Team, so the task given above is to deal with other monsters.

This task is not easy. After all, although the strength of other monsters is not as good as the overlord level monsters, they can't stand much!
Looking at the previous missions of the Seventh Team, it is unknown how much they have suffered because of the number of enemies.

As for the remaining overlord monsters, they can only rely on Qin Mingyue and Ying. The task is a bit difficult, and it seems that they have to use props to cheat.

However, Wu Mingshan also said that he would send Wu Hao and Wu Yue to help share the two. I don't know if the old fox can make Wu Hao that rebellious boy. After all, in Wu Hao's heart, Wu Mingshan's old father has no status.

I hope Wu Hao can act like the original plot, so that Qin Mingyue and Ying can relax more.

"Guawazi, give me a super double!" After touching the lair of the first target, Qin Mingyue waved his big hand and directly asked for an A-level item for himself.

[Super...super double?Are you sure host?It hasn't started yet. 】

"I'm sure." Qin Mingyue was ready to be handsome, but this melon dawdled.

[Are you sure? 】

The melon system shrank in the system space and asked cautiously.

"Gua Lao Liu, don't forget, this is not the time when you have no physical body." Qin Mingyue gritted her teeth and said.

How could the melon system fail to understand that Qin Mingyue's implication was that she could already hit herself at any time?So he quickly handed over the props.

Item Name: Super Double

Item grade: A
Function of props: It can increase the strength of the character in the character world where the tasker is located to four times the original strength. The props are valid for four hours. After the props expire, the user will be weak or even comatose. (Note: The effect of this item cannot be superimposed with the effects of other items.)
This is a very perverted item, no matter what the user's strength is, it can be directly increased by four times, and if used properly, it can even produce effects far exceeding that of SS-level items, but its side effects are also very obvious.

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