Looking at the four small earth dragons in front of him, Wu Hao's rationality told him to split them vertically, but he nailed them to the ground again while raising his hand.

Earthworm:?I will divide again!
Wu Hao: I'll nail it again!

Dilong: I share!
Wu Hao: I nail it!

Wu Hao: It feels...a bit fun.

If it weren't for the urgent task this time, Wu Hao felt that he could continue playing until the big earthworm couldn't continue to split, but...

Wu Hao's originally interested eyes suddenly turned cold, and in the next second, all the earth dragon monsters in front of him were reduced to residue.


[Host, the hero and heroine have already dealt with one. By the way, Wu Hao also came, and he also dealt with the earth dragon monster with strong self-healing power. 】

"So, there are only three overlord monsters left."

Looking at the monster bird that had been dealt with in front of her, Qin Mingyue's eyes were not at all relaxed.

The remaining three are all hard nuts to crack.

"Can you hold on?" Shadow asked with some concern.

At this time, Qin Mingyue could hardly maintain her human form, and the hellfire in her body was on the verge of going berserk. This was nothing more than a huge torture to Qin Mingyue's soul.

I don't know if it was because Gua Lao Liu's electric shock to Qin Mingyue in the early days made her resistant. At this time, Qin Mingyue actually felt that the burning of her soul was more difficult than being shocked by electric shock.

"It's good to take a break. This time, the human race has also sent a very strong supernatural being. It is estimated that one can be solved. How about the remaining two of us?"

Qin Mingyue knows that this battle will consume a lot of money for Ying, after all, Ying has been dealing with monsters in a different dimension world for three days before this.

If there is no early consumption of Ying, it is estimated that the battle between the special ability users and the middle and low-level monsters will be more difficult.

At this moment, Wu Hao also found Qin Mingyue and the others.

"Wu Hao? Where's your sister?" Qin Mingyue didn't expect Wu Mingshan to really grind his big boy over.

"I don't need my sister to come to such a ghostly place, isn't it just two overlords? I can complete the task by myself!"

Wu Hao was talking, but his eyes inadvertently caught a glimpse of the strange bird behind Qin Mingyue, and immediately sank down.

"What! This one was also killed? Then there is still that overlord that I need to fight?"

"The strongest three." Qin Mingyue said.

You must know that there is a difference between the overlord and the overlord. Although they are both overlords, the strength gap between the strong and the weak is also very different.

But judging by Wu Hao's strength, if he doesn't leave someone with strong strength for him, I really feel sorry for him.

"So this is the consequence of being late? There are only hard bones left?" Wu Hao looked hopeless, and the KPI this time is a bit difficult to meet.

"But having said that," Wu Hao suddenly looked at Qin Mingyue's fire-patterned face with seriousness in his eyes, "Qin Mingyue, right? When did you change your new makeup? It's pretty pretty."

Qin Mingyue was stuck by Wu Hao's sudden turning point. Sure enough, this guy was just as out of tune as in the original plot.

Before Qin Mingyue could reply, Ying stepped between Qin Mingyue and Wu Hao, and at the same time blocked Wu Hao's gaze: "Your Excellency should not care about things that have nothing to do with missions."

Only then did Wu Hao realize that there was another person here, but this guy's aura was so gloomy that it almost merged with the surrounding dead air, so that Wu Hao didn't notice him immediately.

"Who are you?" Wu Hao facilitated his past memory, and found that there was no such person in his impression.

"Ying, a member of the seventh team." Ying replied coldly, not forgetting to keep the distance between Qin Mingyue and Wu Hao.

The kid in front of him obviously has bad intentions, how can he praise someone for his good looks at such a juncture?Yes, let Mingyue and that guy stay away.

At this time, Wu Hao didn't know what Ying was thinking, but when he heard that the other party was his own and felt that his strength didn't seem to be weak, Wu Hao warmly extended his hand to express his friendship: "My name is Wu Hao, and I'm looking forward to it. I will fight with you next time."

But Ying ignored him, turned around and left.

Seeing this, Qin Mingyue also followed Ying. She knew that the real battle was coming, and she needed to plan more carefully.

Besides, her item [Witch's Handheld] is still in Xia Cheng's hands, and she has to come back before she leaves this world. It's a pity.

It wasn't until Qin Mingyue and Ying's figures disappeared into the air that Wu Hao withdrew his hand in embarrassment.

It never occurred to Wu Hao that he, Wu Hao, has been so arrogant all his life. He has been looking at people with his nostrils since he can remember. The only time he sent a friendly message from the heart was taken as air by the other party!

Although Wu Hao couldn't figure out why that shadow was so hostile towards him when they first met, he still followed in the direction the other party was leaving.

There's no other way, the cowhide has already been blown out in front of my sister, this time the two overlords, Wu Hao, have to kill as much as they want!

Wu Hao knew that Qin Mingyue and Ying must be more familiar with the intelligence of the different-dimensional world than himself, and it was better to keep up with them than to fight blindly.

Arriving at the originally scheduled location, Qin Mingyue found Xia Cheng and others who had joined Su Bao and Lin An in the crowd.

Fortunately, there are no fewer teams in the seventh team.

After getting back the [Witch's Handheld], Qin Mingyue and everyone waited for the arrival of the remaining comrades in arms.

The highland where Qin Mingyue and the others were located was originally planned to be taken no matter what. The terrain is high and there are shelters around it. The most important thing is that it is backed by a stable interdimensional crack. Very meaningful.

Everyone waited for the rendezvous of their teammates while adjusting themselves, but every second of time passed, their expressions became heavier.

The time has almost passed, and those who have not come, I am afraid that something unexpected has happened...

While the supernatural beings gathered, the remaining three overlords also gathered together, summoning other monsters.

The other overlords were killed one by one, and finally these three overlords felt threatened, and they had no choice but to cooperate together to fight against the "foreign enemy" that they would not deal with.

And Qin Mingyue is also waiting, waiting for the complete assembly of the monsters, and waiting for the three overlords to die together after they are determined to be wiped out.

As for the other supernatural beings present, they will help Qin Mingyue and others who are fighting against the overlord clear away the interference.

Qin Mingyue knew that many supernatural beings present would lose their lives because of this, but she also knew that there must be no untimely "kindness" in front of major issues related to the survival of the race.

Now that the five biggest threats have gone, I believe that no matter how bad the future ending is, it will not be worse than the original plot.


"Gua Wazi, you have to make sure that you get my soul out before my body completely collapses!"

Qin Mingyue didn't want to be the first tasker to "play with fire and set herself on fire".

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