After the human world was completely stabilized, the special department finally arranged a belated memorial service for the supernatural beings who died in this war.

In the cemetery of those sacrificed supernatural beings, many new "clothes tombs" have been added, including the red crystal and Jiang Jin's silver longevity lock that Qin Mingyue left behind.

Xia Cheng remembered that he accompanied Xia Cheng to familiarize himself with everything in the special department. When Jiang Jin left the longevity lock, Xia Cheng persuaded him, because in Xia Cheng's view, longevity locks generally have extraordinary meanings. .

"No need, just let it be." Jiang Jin said with a smile at that time, "I don't have many things that really belong to me. The stolen things shouldn't be able to let the dead me find a resting place, right?"

At that time, Xia Cheng didn't expect that one day the longevity lock would really lie here. After all, Jiang Jin had never heard his orders, and rarely participated in the tasks of the seventh team...

Until the memorial service was about to end, no one in the seventh team saw Ying, and everyone only saw Qin Mingyue because they couldn't accept Qin Mingyue's sacrifice.

It wasn't until all the people in the cemetery dispersed that Ying's figure emerged from the darkness.

After seeing the first chapter of the shadow, Qin Mingyue's "clothes tomb" was shattered, and the red crystals inside were taken out, without any recovery, he left without any regrets.

In the boundless purgatory, the guards seemed to have foreseen the arrival of the shadow, and waited at the entrance ahead of time.

"Where's the fire of hell?" the watchman asked coldly.

Without saying a word, he just stretched out his hand, and when he opened his palm, the red crystal was revealed.

The moment it came into contact with the air of the boundless purgatory, that crystallization turned into a cluster of small flames—that was the kindling that Qin Mingyue had left for this world in advance.

After the watchman saw the flames, his voice was obviously displeased: "This is not the fire of hell I want. You haven't fulfilled the agreement between us, so I can't give you freedom."

For the "freedom" in the mouth of the watchman, Ying at this time no longer cares.

In fact, Ying knew that even if he really brought back the fire of hell intact, the other party would not really give him freedom.

You must know that he is the incarnation of evil!As the guardian of hell, how could he let himself go?

Ying also agreed to this agreement, which was originally a scam, because of his incomplete memory before, but now these are not important anymore.

"What you want is actually the re-running of hell, right? I'll give it to you."

The caretaker originally thought that Ying was going to do something radical, but he didn't expect that Ying injected a large amount of original power into the cluster of flames, and the flames seemed to be lit into a frying pan, shooting out in all directions in an instant.

When Boundless Purgatory was restored to its original appearance, Ying had completely dissipated, and his body made of evil thoughts had already become the nourishment for the fire of the newborn hell...

[Ding, in the task settlement, the main task is 100% complete. 】

[Ding, the transmission channel to the next world is being opened for the host. 】

In a blur, Qin Mingyue seemed to hear Gua System's voice.

Good to be alive...


"Queen, my father dared to embarrass you in public, I'm going to chop him off!"

A delicate female voice rang in Qin Mingyue's ears, making her head that was already bursting with pain even more confused.

Chop...Cut who?
Trying to ignore the discomfort left by the previous world on the soul, Qin Mingyue held up this person who hadn't adapted to the appearance of a maid beside her body and said, "Quick...stop her quickly."

Fortunately, although Chu Xiyu was spoiled, the old man beside her mother was still willing to give her face, so she came back and sat down reluctantly.


"Let me take a break first." You must give me some time to receive the plot.

Qin Mingyue didn't expect that as soon as she arrived in the new world, she would meet a stupid winter melon, who was so capable to kill the emperor, and judging from what this winter melon said just now, she was still the daughter of her own world...

[Host, let's just accept the plot? 】



It turns out that the world Qin Mingyue lives in now is a fictional ancient world.

And Qin Mingyue is the queen of the fifth emperor of the world's largest dynasty, Jokhang, and the hero of this world is the dog emperor Chu Jinbo.

Although the hero of this world is the dog emperor, the heroine is not the original owner, but a time-traveling woman named Liu Yiyi.

Liu Yiyi was originally just an ordinary prospective college student, but on the way to get the admission letter, she got into a car accident and crossed over to Liu Yiyi, the daughter of Shangshu with the same name and surname as her, and her cheating life began from then on.

That's right, it's a cheating life, because this Liu Yiyi has connections!System!of!

Different from the melon system, Liu Yiyi's system is called the Muyi Tianxia System. Relying on this system, Liu Yiyi not only won the title of "the most talented woman in the capital", but also relied on iron smelting, salt refining, and superb military skills She is regarded as a goddess by the people of Jokhang.

In the original plot, this Liu Yiyi fought against the vicious stepmother and Bai Lian sister before, and then fought against the brainless queen and vicious princess, and finally spent a happy life with her uncle and heroine, mothering the world.

As for Qin Mingyue, she was that brainless queen.

The father of the original owner had the merit of protecting the country, and when the throne of the Jokhang Kingdom was passed to the late emperor, it was already in jeopardy.

It was the original owner's family who joined the army and went into business, forcibly creating a peaceful and prosperous world for Dazhao.

For the Qin family's contribution, the first emperor was grateful from the bottom of his heart, and even regarded the original owner's father, Qin Shengnian, as a brother.

In order to show the importance he attached to the Qin family, the late emperor promised the identity of the future concubine when the original owner was born. In other words, whichever prince the original owner would marry in the future would be the crown prince.

In fact, the first emperor's behavior is not considered nonsense, after all, in this era of "parents' orders, matchmaker's words", doesn't the original owner still depend on his gift of marriage?

But the late emperor never expected that the original owner is such a face-controller!Among all his sons, he actually chose Chu Jinbo, who was the worst. Not to mention, Qin Shengnian's daughter slave actually agreed under the soft-heartedness of the original owner!It's off the charts!
Helpless because Qin Shengnian changed his ways to torture him every day, the late emperor could only agree to this marriage, thinking that with himself, that kid Chu Jinbo would have a chance to straighten up even if he was finished, after all, he was his own kind, right?
I don't know if it was Chu Jinbo's kid Ke Dae, but the late emperor passed away just after he made Chu Jinbo the crown prince.

According to Dazhao's customs, the wedding between the original owner and Chu Jinbo was postponed until three years later.

In the past three years, Chu Jinbo relied on the help of the Qin family. At the same time, the "rumors" that he sat on the throne by seducing the original owner became more and more popular. Chu Jinbo was furious about this.

Because Chu Jinbo knew that it was not a rumor at all!In terms of talent and virtue, Chu Jinbo was not the most outstanding among the princes, so Chu Jinbo knew that if he wanted to win the throne, he could only rely on the Qin family and the original owner.

As Chu Jinbo became more and more conflicted about his marriage with the original owner, he also had the idea of ​​rescinding the engagement with the original owner. Anyway, he has already sat on the throne, so what can the Qin family do to him?
But in the end, Chu Jinbo still found that he was naive, and he couldn't do without the support of the Qin family, so he could only reluctantly marry the original owner.

Afterwards, Chu Jinbo married many concubines, one for consolidating his power, and also for intentionally embarrassing the original owner.

So for Chu Jinbo, if he hadn't met Liu Yiyi later, then he probably would never have realized what love is in this life...

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