Chapter 8 Wake up, Queen of the Movies (7)

"Don't worry, Azhou, it's just a Qi family. It can be said that looking at country Z, there is no firewall that I value," Xue Shen said, leaning on the back of the chair carelessly.

"You'd better be careful, Qi Zheng is not as simple as you think, put away your playful thoughts, and don't get yourself involved." Gu Changzhou's voice came from Xue Shen's mobile phone.

"Azhou," Xue Shen's voice was aggrieved, and he said with a choked voice, "You have changed, you never trained me like you used to train your subordinates."

Hearing Xue Shen's accusation against him, Gu Changzhou's face was full of helplessness. He is a good brother who is good at everything, but he likes to make some misunderstood jokes, and every time he hits people off guard.

Gu Changzhou's tone just now was really not good. First, Meng Wanxi's disappearance, and then Qi Zheng's suppression, Gu Changzhou has not been so aggrieved for a long time.

However, Xue Shen's return to China did make Gu Changzhou a lot easier, so Gu Changzhou also tried his best to restrain his tone: "Xue Shen, I know you have confidence in yourself, but the mild harassment before will only make Qi's dog jump over the wall in a hurry. .”

"I know, I was too boring before, but don't worry, after today, the Qi family will no longer have the strength to fight against you, Azhou." Xue Shen sat on the chair, shaking his calf, with an excited expression on his face Said.

"En." Gu Changzhou replied, but for some reason, he always felt a little uneasy.

After hanging up the phone, Xue Shen turned on the computer.

"It's time to give the Qi family a heavy blow!"

The green code danced in front of Xue Shen's eyes. Just as he decided to invade Qi's interior and make a provocation as usual, his computer screen went black!
In the next second, Xue Shen's computer automatically displayed Xue Shen's location, and the other party even thoughtfully marked the nearby police stations.

Before Xue Shen could react, the picture above changed again. Xue Shen's photo appeared on the computer, and then the iron railing fell, and the song "Tears Behind the Iron Window" rang out.

Xue Shen: ...

Seeing this situation, Xue Shen not only didn't panic when he was discovered, but became excited.

Who let him have Gu Changzhou's backing?With Gu Changzhou's energy, even if Xue Shen was sent to the bureau, he could be fished out quickly, not to mention that Xue Shen had only been harassing the Qi family in recent days and did not cause too much economic loss.

As expected of a well-known hacker in the world, Xue Shen restored his computer to normal within a few clicks, but instead of continuing to attack Qi, he started chatting with the other party.

(Who are you? I don't recall ever encountering a better hacker than me.)
(Since when did the Qi family have a boss? How much money he gave you, I will ask Gu Changzhou to give you double!)

(It doesn't matter if you don't want to come to Gu's, I mainly want to discuss with you.)


The melon system looked at the string of language bombardments that Xue Shen sent him, and then took a look at Qin Mingyue, who was serious about creating the script for Meng Wanxi.

It seems that the host is very busy now, if he interrupts rashly, the host will probably get angry.

But Xue Shen sent himself so many messages, wouldn't it be impolite if he didn't reply?

How would Qin Mingyue reply to Xue Shen?
The melon system carefully recalled Qin Mingyue's long-standing behavior and style, and used its small data brain to analyze the reply that Qin Mingyue was most likely to choose, and politely sent two words to Xue Shen:


Xue Shen: ...

(Let's meet, the place is up to you, I swear I won't make trouble for the Qi family again.)
Seeing the message from Xue Shen, the melon system hesitated, is it involved in the plot?It seems that I have to report to the host...

Imperial Capital, Xinghai Cafe.

When Qin Mingyue arrived, Xue Shen had already been waiting there.

Unexpectedly, that guy Xue Shen really came from City A to the Imperial Capital.

Xue Shen is not tall, with a cute baby face. She was originally a good young lady, but she has non-mainstream cool hair, and her mouth is not ordinary:
"Hey! Are you blind? Someone is here!"

Seeing Qin Mingyue sitting across from him, Xue Shen opened his mouth and hurried away.

"Young man's mouth is so stinky? Aren't you afraid you won't find a girlfriend?" Qin Mingyue didn't care about the other party's chasing just now, and sat down directly opposite Xue Shen.

"Are you sick, woman? I've said that there are people here, are your ears just for display?"

Xue Shen got up very angry. After the unknown boss agreed to meet him, Xue Shen rushed here by plane overnight, and was woken up by the alarm clock before arriving at the hotel for a long time.

"Xue Shen, right? The stalker insisted on seeing me, just to let me see how stinky your mouth is?" Qin Mingyue refused the waiter's hospitality, while beating Xue Shen.

Qin Mingyue didn't have the habit of drinking in front of people with foul mouths.

This Xue Shen is not a good person, he is a guy who can trample on all laws and ethics as long as he can make himself feel good.

Xue Shen is a genius, and the world of a genius is lonely. In his opinion, there is only one person of his kind in this world, and that is Gu Changzhou.

Although Gu Changzhou and Qi Zheng belonged to the same status, Qi Zheng's current position was due to his ruthlessness, while Gu Changzhou's was indeed due to his IQ.

It is also because of this that Xue Shen is willing to help Gu Changzhou, because they are people of the same dimension.

But all this changed after Gu Changzhou met Meng Wanxi.

That sane person turned into a guy who can only use his emotions and abandon everything for a woman. Simply put, he was forcibly demoted by love.

Can Xue Shen bear this?In order to wake up Gu Changzhou, Xue Shen decided to send Meng Wanxi to hell with his own hands.

Xue Shen first found Meng Wanxi's "black material" that had been completely wiped out on the Internet, and after adding fuel and vinegar, it was put on the hot search lists of major websites.

#shock!Meng Wanxi, the black material actress, was released from prison! #
#Who Said The Internet Has No Memory?Meng Wanxi pays for Gao Mumu's life! #
#梦晚曦Go to death! #
#梦晚曦离Photo! #
Those entries that Xue Shen had posted on the hot searches couldn’t be removed even if he wanted to. For a while, angry netizens poured into various post bars, news, and scarves about Meng Wanxi to scold Meng Wanxi.

Gu Changzhou couldn't find the perpetrator, and he couldn't find out and punish tens of millions of netizens one by one, so he had to lock Gu Changzhou at home and cut off the Internet.

But can these stump Xue Shen?Of course not!So Meng Wanxi quickly saw everything that Xue Shen wanted her to see.

Those words that told the heroine to die were like a knife piercing into the heart of Meng Wanxi who was already suffering from depression.

So Meng Wanxi started to commit suicide again and again, but was stopped by Gu Changzhou every time.

At that time, Gu Changzhou didn't realize that he loved the heroine in his heart, or he realized it but didn't want to admit it.

Looking at Meng Wanxi who was "looking for death and life", Gu Changzhou became more and more irritable:

I've done this to you, what else do you want?

So she just got angry and ignored Meng Wanxi.

Later, Xue Shen seized the opportunity and kidnapped Meng Wanxi together with the villain.

As for later...

It's a happy ending, but it's unknown how Xue Shen's ending will be.

But that was before, now... Now that Qin Mingyue is here, Xue Shen will naturally be arranged clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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