[But host, don’t worry, the heroine’s poems are memorized anyway, why don’t you memorize one too? 】

"Shut up, Gua Lao Liu, if I go up and recite a poem, won't I be ruined? Could it be that you want me and Liu Yiyi to have 'weeping eyes'?"

[Forget it, we still have to go through the plot well, anyway, the original owner is just as stupid as her third brother, so I would like to trouble the host to make a fool of myself? 】

Qin Mingyue: ...

It is impossible to make a fool of yourself, even in this life!


Qin Mingyue tried her best to show the smile on her face generously: "Miss Liu may have misheard, which of the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty didn't know that I am not good at poetry and books, and I don't know the rhythm?"

Qin Mingyue's words froze Liu Yiyi's originally provocative face. Didn't people in this ancient world value face the most?Why does this queen dare to admit her shortcomings in public?Could it be that people in this fictional world have thicker skins?
Just when Liu Yiyi was in a daze, Qin Mingyue said the next thing: "However, I am not useless. If you say that I know a little about dancing knives and guns, I usually teach my Yu'er how to use it. At least, it’s not good to spoil everyone’s interest today, why not let my Yu’er show off?”

Chu Xiyu: "Huh?"

Chu Xiyu, who was still glaring at Liu Yiyi, was stunned: Why did you come back to me while talking?

And didn't my uncle teach me this kung fu?Why did he become taught by his mother?

Regarding this, Qin Mingyue said, isn't that what cheap girls are used for?

Chu Xiyu first glanced at his uncle's seat, and met Qin Mingqi's gaze, which was also looking at Chu Xiyu.

With just one glance, Chu Xiyu understood the meaning of the uncle, that is, he must not let his mother embarrass himself in public!
Chu Xiyu also had a bold personality, so he said directly when he saw this, "Today is the autumn feast, and it is inevitable that you will lose elegance just by dancing and playing with guns. How about this princess performing a sword dance for everyone?"

After finishing speaking, Chu Xiyu ordered someone to take the two swords, and using his lightness kung fu, he fell directly from the seat to the front.

That is to say, in the superficial dynasty of Jokhang, and in the ancient dynasty of Qin Mingyue's world, who can enjoy the sword dance performed by the eldest princess?
Chu Xiyu held two swords in his hands, and his body was sometimes weak and boneless, and sometimes as sharp as a sharp edge. In terms of talent alone, he was countless times stronger than the original owner.

Everyone present was fascinated by Chu Xiyu's sword dance, except for Liu Yiyi.

Because when Chu Xiyu started the sword dance, Liu Yiyi hadn't returned to her seat in the future. Although the two swords in Chu Xiyu's hands hadn't been sharpened yet, they still didn't lose their weight. , There were bursts of explosions.

This frightened Liu Yiyi, she kept dodging palely.

And how could Chu Xiyu, who had always disliked Liu Yiyi, let go of this guy who just caused trouble for his mother?I saw that Chu Xiyu took advantage of this opportunity of sword dance to press everywhere, making Chu Xiyu's heroic demeanor and Liu Yiyi's hasty escape formed a sharp contrast.

Liu Yiyi was chased around by Chu Xiyu, and finally retreated to her seat. Liu Yiyi wanted to take a seat quickly, but unexpectedly, Chu Xiyu suddenly made a gesture to stab her. The terrified Liu Yiyi Ass sat on the table, the dishes and drinks on it were swept all over the floor, and the delicate porcelain cups shattered.

Seeing this, Chu Xiyu calmly withdrew his sword, bowed carelessly to Chu Jinbo in front of him, and then said to Liu Yiyi, who was making a fool of herself, "Smashing is safe."

Seeing Liu Yiyi who had to leave halfway, Gua System's sad voice sounded:

[It's over, it's messed up, it's all messed up! 】

【My host, don't you always care about tasks the most?The mission in the last world was so dangerous that you were unwilling to give up, but the mission in this world is obviously very simple, why are you unwilling to cooperate? 】

Looking at Gua System who was kneeling in front of him and scratching his hair furiously, Qin Mingyue took a sip of wine calmly.

Well, the alcohol content in this world is really low, and it is not as enjoyable as wheat juice.

"A student who finally survived the college entrance examination came here by accident, in a sense, she is indeed worthy of sympathy, and she can trample the original owner under her feet, which is nothing more than winner or loser.

Liu Yiyi could kill the original owner with one blow, or leave the original owner in the cold palace to fend for herself, but Liu Yiyi absolutely should never use the life of the most precious person of the original owner to play with her! "

The original owner is an extremely proud person, asking her to let go of her dignity is more difficult than killing her, but she begged Liu Yiyi over and over again for her daughter, but at the end of the begging, she found that all of this was nothing more than Liu Yiyi. Yiyi pastime fool!
In fact, Liu Yiyi can solve the border chaos that time, because she also has an affectionate male lead named Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan is the prince of a foreigner, and came to Dazhao as a merchant to inquire about information.

Different from the emphasizing on agriculture and suppressing business in many ancient worlds, the late emperor, who knew the significance of the flow of merchants to the country, has been vigorously developing commerce, and this policy has not changed even when he came to Chu Jinbo.

And it was the identity of a merchant who often moved across borders that gave Xiao Yan an opportunity, but he was seriously injured while inquiring about information, and because of this, Liu Yiyi and Xiao Yan met.

Liu Yiyi saved Xiao Yan with the medicine provided by the system, and Xiao Yan also had a deep-rooted affection for Liu Yiyi in the investigation and understanding of Liu Yiyi time and time again.

Later, Xiao Yan decided to silently guard her behind her after realizing that he could not get Liu Yiyi's heart. Later, Xiao Yan's father and king planned to invade Dazhao, in order to prevent Liu Yiyi, who had already become a queen, from being killed after the country was broken. After being reduced to a prisoner, Xiao Yan directly killed his father and seized the throne.

And Xiao Yan, a filial son, immediately sent his secret message to inform Liu Yiyi of this matter after he succeeded, and said that as long as he is there, Dazhao's border will be peaceful for a hundred years!

After receiving the news, Liu Yiyi was ecstatic, but she still didn't forget to ask Xiao Yan to play a play with her, because she, Liu Yiyi, would be the first woman to bring peace to Dazhao's border!
As for the marriage proposal that Liu Yiyi proposed at the beginning, it was just a way she came up with to solve Chu Xiyu who kept making troubles for her, because Liu Yiyi knew that Chu Xiyu would definitely not agree to the marriage.

In this way, Liu Yiyi can fight without bloodshed, and it can also make Chu Xiyu have a reputation of disregarding the people of Dazhao.

"If it weren't for the overwhelming resentment, how could it disrupt the operation of this world? You guys are fine. You don't want to resolve it, but you actually directly detain people's souls."

[But the host, task...]

"Isn't it just to let the hero and heroine be together forever? I will complete the task."

After listening to Qin Mingyue's words, Gua System's small face was full of confusion.

After a while, Melon System seemed to have finally made up its mind:
【okay then!Host, I won't stop you from doing whatever you want. As for the main god system...he can watch it if he wants to!Anyway, the Lord God system doesn't have many stats that can be used now, we are now qualified to be willful! 】

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