"I will give you one last chance, where did this evil seed come from!"

Seeing Chu Jinbo's red-eyed fury, Liu Yiyi couldn't help but tremble: "The emperor...the concubine...the concubine was forced!"

Liu Yiyi was able to stand up and grab Chu Jinbo's clothes, not knowing if she wanted to beg his forgiveness, or to take back the child that Chu Jinbo snatched from her.

"Okay, very good..." Chu Jinbo laughed back angrily, and his eyes on the evil in his arms became colder and colder.

Under Liu Yiyi's horrified gaze, Chu Jinbo put his big hand on the neck of the crying child, and with a slight twist, the delivery room immediately fell into an eerie silence.

Seeing this situation, Liu Yiyi immediately fainted, while Chu Jinbo covered the child's face tightly with the swaddle that was holding the child.

When he arrived in the courtyard, Chu Jinbo saw his cronies and guards who had been waiting outside, as well as the workers who were neatly packed by them and who were just in charge of delivering the delivery together.

Chu Jinbo had no expression on his face, and lifted the already stiff baby in his arms: "This time, Wen Po's palace attendant was unfavorable in delivering the baby, which killed my emperor's son. Everyone who participated in the delivery today...Kill!

As for the noble concubine... because of the loss of the emperor, she was too sad, so she will stay here to cultivate herself from now on, and never go out again! "

Chu Jinbo just carried a dead baby in his arms and walked back to his bedroom. It wasn't until all the lights in the house were lit that Chu Jinbo felt his head, which had been dazed by anger, wake up.

Chu Jinbo handed the child to his favorite eunuch, and then leaned back on the chair with a tired face: "Let's deal with him, and find another baby who is similar, my first one The prince is dead, and there is always a funeral..."

The eunuch lowered his head so low that he took over the dead baby in panic. Although he didn't know what happened in the delivery room just now, he could roughly guess a thing or two.

The eunuch who grew up in the palace had learned what not to look at and what not to ask, so he replied "yes" and left in a hurry.

Tonight is another sleepless night for many people.

【Host, Liu Yiyi gave birth to the child, but it's a pity that the first glance is fake. Liu Yiyi didn't get her household registration, but she also got herself into it. 】

[It's just that there's one more thing I don't understand. Chu Jinbo clearly knows that the child is not his, so why does he still admit it?Also, he clearly knew that Liu Yiyi had cheated, so why didn't he just stab her to death or put her in limbo, instead of just grounding her? 】

"Why else? Face, as an emperor but being cuckolded, it will become a laughing stock for all ages if it is spread out?"

"As for Liu Yiyi, Gua Wazi, have you forgotten what Chu Jinbo's original intention in marrying her was? It was just to take advantage of her status as a 'goddess'!
People always hope that the existence they look up to is flawless. If Liu Yiyi's rumors are reported, will anyone still respect her?Will there be anyone who can't help but sing her praises as soon as they eat the seeds she brought?

He didn't want Liu Yiyi to take advantage of the situation to make her a stain on him, so no matter how aggrieved he was about this matter, he had to hold his nose and admit it. "


Soon, the funeral of Chu Jinbo's first prince was held, but Qin Mingyue didn't attend, and the reason was very good, because he was afraid of hurting the fetus in his stomach.

I'm afraid that Qin Mingyue's failure to have a miscarriage is the only thing that Chu Jinbo can be thankful for today, right?After all, if something really happened to Qin Mingyue's child, then Chu Jinbo would have no seed at all!

There are always rumors outside that Chu Jinbo is not good. When he first heard this, Chu Jinbo was actually angry, but as time passed, Chu Jinbo began to doubt himself.

Although Qin Mingyue is his regular wife, she is not his first woman. It can be said that Chu Jinbo's woman has never been broken since he knew love. It's a pity that he has worked diligently for more than [-] years, but only I have harvested the princess Chu Xiyu!
It's a pity that Qin Mingyue didn't have Chu Jinbo's cub in her stomach, and if nothing else happened, Chu Jinbo wouldn't have any new children.

Speaking of which, during this period of time, Chu Jinbo has been calculating the "children" in Qin Mingyue's stomach. Without the real-time monitoring of the Gua system and the protection of the Qin family, I am afraid that with Chu Jinbo's overt and secret methods, no one will Pregnant women can escape.

In Liu Yiyi's palace, Liu Yiyi was staring at the closed gate eagerly: "Today is my son's funeral, right?"

Liu Yiyi really couldn't figure out why, wasn't she a time traveler?Don't you have a system yourself?Obviously it's the protagonist's life, why can't he slap his face and counterattack all the way like the protagonist in the novel, playing with everyone in the palm of his hand?
Obviously those heroines who become concubines in the novel can successfully register for the child's household registration even if they are pregnant with other children they really love!Why was she able to complete the counterattack without being found out and the mother relied on the child's preciousness, but she couldn't do it when it came to her?
Liu Yiyi regretted it, she really regretted it, she should have killed the child as soon as she found out that she was pregnant, anyway, at that time, she was grounded in the palace and surrounded by trusted maids, if If he had killed the child at that time, he would never have fallen to such a fate!

And Xiao Yan, where is he?He clearly knew that he had entered the palace as a concubine, so why did he do such a thing with himself that day?

Xiao Yan is Di Guo's spy, he should have thought about what would happen if he became pregnant, why didn't he remind himself?He must have revenged himself on purpose for not waiting for him...

Xiao Yan, you are so cruel!

Thinking of this, Liu Yiyi couldn't help crying.

I can't turn over, I really can't turn over now!
"Young concubine, I think you should save your eyes. If your eyes are broken from crying, it may not be that the imperial doctor will come to see you!"

All the workers in Liu Yiyi's palace were killed by Chu Jinbo, and the only maid in charge of taking care of her was transferred from Lenggong.

A Cui was originally in charge of the maid in the cold palace. Naturally, the concubine who has been relegated to the cold palace does not have a special maid to take care of her. A Cui's duty is nothing more than to count the number of people every day. If she dies of illness or old age, she will be dragged out and buried. to prevent them from rotting in it.

Originally, A Cui was very happy to hear that she was going to take care of the imperial concubine. Although A Cui knew that Liu Yiyi had made a mistake and was put into the team, she didn't know the seriousness of her mistake. It's better than being in the cold palace.

But when A Cui really came to Liu Yiyi's side, she was dumbfounded. She was the only maid in Nuo Da's palace, and besides the living environment was not leaking wind or rain, it was almost the same as a cold palace!

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