I use Yiyou to attack NPCs in the infinite world

Chapter 125 I'm Waiting For You

Chapter 125 I'm Waiting For You

"Fuck! What the hell is this place!" Caleb stepped on the weathered stone, the stone broke, his feet were empty, and he fell like a shit.

"Don't just scold, watch the road under your feet, brother, hee hee." The strong man walking in front holding a torch had an uncontrollable smile on his face, and he listened carefully and felt a little gloating.

"Mr. Caleb, are you alright?" the woman behind Caleb asked him softly.

Caleb got up, staring darkly at the back of the strong man in front of him, thinking of his ridicule just now, and thinking of the weapons in his system, a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

However, since the game had just started, Caleb put away his thoughts for the time being as the mountain temple on the map was about to arrive.

A group of five people moved towards the goal and accelerated their pace.

With the help of six girls, Wan An quickly checked all the coffins and found that they were full of stones.

Another six girls were asked to pick up the ashes on the ground and sprinkle them evenly on the handprints they left when they opened the coffin.

Looking at the countdown to task one, there are 29 minutes and 13 seconds left.

Half an hour has passed, and the players should be arriving.

Thinking about it, Wan'an was in a happy mood, sitting on the coffin lid, dangling his legs, humming a song of The Spiritual Song.

The brass bells embroidered on the red embroidered shoes also jingled as she shook them.

Seeing that she hummed well, the six girls couldn't help imitating her.

It's just that the tune learned is intermittent, and coupled with the gloomy tune of the Requiem, in this silent mountain, it's like a ghost whimpering.

The five players who finally came to the entrance of the cliff cave heard several mournful cries of women under the sound of bells in the black hole ahead, and froze in place in fright.

"Female... female ghost calling back souls!" Yamazaki Ichiro immediately thought of those horror stories.

"Doctor Wen, is it really a ghost?" The strong man who had laughed at Caleb earlier also held a torch, and hid behind a tall, white man in fear.

"Where is the female ghost coming from, I'm not afraid." Caleb felt that the cliff cave was dark and the voice was a bit creepy, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

Saying that, he took the lead and walked towards the cliff cave.

Holding a torch to illuminate, all the eyes are red coffins.

The statue carved in stone glared fiercely at him.

On a coffin closest to the outer edge of the cave, sat a young girl in a red wedding dress.

That desolate and weird tune was hummed by her.

At her feet, there are also six young girls in the same red wedding dress.

They heard movement behind them, the humming stopped, they turned their heads neatly, the dim light of the fire was blown by the wind, their bluish-yellow skinny cheeks were stiff, their eyes were like copper bells, the ghost stared at him desperately, and the voices they made were one after another. :"Who are you?"


"The devil—"

Caleb backed away in horror, turned and ran back into the crowd, lighting the sign of the cross: "God bless, God bless."

That man with yellow hair and green eyes, who looked like a mountain ghost, the six girls were terrified when they thought of it.

They couldn't help but move closer to Wan'an, clinging to the coffin: "Master Mountain God, why does that monster seem to be frightened?"

Wan An sneered.

Thinking of the weird scene just now, anyone who is timid will not be scared.

"Ahem, what should I call me?" Wan'an reminded.

The six girls thought of Wan'an's previous advice, and quickly changed their words: "Xiao Wan."

The Lord Mountain God wants to find out the villains who pretended to be her mountain god name, temporarily assume the identity of Mu Xiaowan who escaped from marriage, and go back to the village with them pretending to be the wife of the mountain god.

At that time, outside the human world, the mountain god will be Mu Xiaowan, and they, the mountain god's wives, will be envoys of the gods.

With the cooperation of six girls, Wan'an is very confident that he can deceive the players with his identity.

This time, it was five people holding torches who entered the cave again.

Four men and one woman.

The five players looked at Wan An who was sitting on the coffin, and the six girls who surrounded her, they were also shocked.

I saw the girl on the coffin, with a faint smile on her dark and gorgeous face, hooking her hands at them.

With the ringing of bells, the girl's sweet and melodious voice sounded: "I'm waiting for you."

The five players were surprised, what does this npc mean?
She knew they were coming?
(End of this chapter)

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