Chapter 129
"We...we..." Mu Dashan and Qiu Shi, listening to Wan An's gentle voice but uttering words of guilt, looked at each other with bitterness in their eyes.

Thinking of a villager named Mu who violated the majesty of the mountain god in the past, all the villagers received food and clothing from the mountain god for the winter on the second night after the mountain god's wife carried them up to the temple of the mountain god.

But only the family surnamed Mu who violated the taboo of the mountain god was punished by the mountain god without food and clothing for the winter, and a dozen members of the family froze to death in the wooden house.

The body was discovered by the villagers after the winter snow melted.

The Qiu family and Mu Dashan did not want to be the second Mu family who died of freezing and starving that winter night, so they knelt down in the direction of the mountain temple and prayed: "Master Mountain God, we didn't do it on purpose, please forgive us this time." , tomorrow we will rebuild the mountain temple for you."

"Please! Please!"

While muttering, the two of them kowtowed in the direction of the mountain temple.

Wan'an took the time to look at the time to avoid the players waiting at the entrance of the village from becoming suspicious, and his smile turned into kindness: "Speaking of which, I have to thank you two, if you didn't give me to the mountain god in a coma, how could I be killed?" Lord Mountain God, you have been chosen as the envoy of God."

"God, envoy?" Mu Dashan and Qiu Shi, who were kneeling with their backs to Wan'an, turned their heads in a daze.

She saw the cup of tea that Wan An poured at the beginning was hanging in the air in front of her eyes.

She calmed down and poured another cup of tea.

Two cups of tea were sent to Mu Dashan and Qiu Shi in the air.

Floating smoothly, the teacup did not shake, only the freshly poured tea was rippling in circles.

"You guys exchanged the lady of the mountain god who had already been decided without permission. This is challenging the majesty of the mountain god. It is an unforgivable crime."

Hearing these words, Mu Dashan and Qiu's faces were pale, sweat beads covered their faces on this cold winter night.

"But who made this god to make his heart kind." Wan'an hooked his fingers, and the two cups of tea were delivered directly to Mu Dashan and Qiushi.

The two took it in a daze.

"As long as you help this envoy to do things and redeem your sins, it is not impossible for this envoy to ask the Lord Mountain God to forgive you for this sin."

"My lord envoy, can you really let the lord of the mountain god spare us?" At this moment, Mu Dashan already believed in Wan'an's identity.

To be able to summon a moving paper man out of thin air, and the ability to fetch and deliver objects from a distance, only God has this ability.

To be honest, he had never seen this kind of ability when the mountain god appeared.

"As long as you are obedient and obedient." Wan'an smiled gently.

Looking at her face, Mu Dashan and Qiu Shi felt that this woman who looked like a fairy could grow up like this except for the envoy of the mountain god.

Immediately nodded, more convinced of Wan'an.

Qiqi bowed to her: "If God wants you to do anything, just tell us."

"Okay, get up." Wan An raised his hand slightly, and a red silk flew out, directly supporting Mu Dashan and Qiu Shi to stand up.

"God, a miracle!" Qiu Shi saw Hong Ling in a daze.

She had only seen this soft texture on the water plants floating down the river in the river.

I really don't understand how such soft fabric can support her to stand up.

[Player Wan'an gained Qiu's favorability +55, and the current favorability is 55/100]

[Player Wan'an gained Mu Dashan's favorability +55, and the current favorability is 55/100]

The electronic voice twitched and reported the favorability data.

Wan'an heard the data, and his kind smile became more sincere: "Five foreigners have come to Kaoshan Village. Their purpose of coming to Kaoshan Village is doubtful. These days, my envoy will use Mu Xiaowan's identity to investigate them conveniently."

"Master God Envoy, you can use your identity. Xiaowan usually stays at home and doesn't have many friends. No one in the village has ever seen what she looks like." Qiu said with insight.

(End of this chapter)

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