Chapter 133

"I heard." Mu Dashan nodded blankly.

"So she is not the messenger of the mountain god, but the lord of the mountain god!" Qiu Shi suddenly realized: "I said that we have never seen outsiders in our mountain village, so where is the girl who will pick it up for us!"

The more I thought about it, the more afraid I became: "It must be that the mountain god knew that Xiao Wan had escaped from marriage and came down the mountain to test us. Who knew that we took the mountain god as the mountain god's wife and carried her up to the mountain temple."

"Then we were offended to death by the mountain god, and we will never be blessed again!" Qiu's heart almost jumped out of panic.

Mu Dashan thought for a while, shook his head, and whispered: "Master Shanshen is pretending to stay in the village now. Obviously, she has her own business to do. She is willing to use us, and she also wants to give us a chance. We only need to do what the Shanshen ordered. If you think about it, there is no problem."

After hearing this analysis, Qiu thought it was the same reason and nodded: "That's right, the mountain god also let Xiaoyao and the others share a room with her, and the oil lamps were lit at night, and the fire was warmed up before the snow fell. The mountain god The adults are so kind to them, obviously they are easy to get along with."

While talking, Qiu Shi came up with a question: "Master, you said that the mountain god is so powerful, would he hear us?"

Mu Dashan's face froze, and he began to worship towards the wooden house on the Wan'an side: "My lord, the mountain god, forgive me, my lord, the mountain god, forgive me, our sincerity, the sun and the moon can learn from each other!"

[Player Wan'an gained Qiu's favorability +13, and the current favorability is 68/100]

[Player Wan'an gained Mu Dashan's favorability +13, and the current favorability is 68/100]

Guessing that Qiu Shi and the others would eavesdrop, Mei Xiaoyue and the others still called her a mountain god in private, and Wan'an didn't stop her.

She is a fake mountain god, so of course she doesn't have that kind of supernatural power, so she can hear Qiushi and Mu Dashan muttering quietly in the corner.

But from Mei Xiaoyue's voice of Lord Mountain God and the movement from the wooden house next door, Wan'an knew that Qiu and the others would definitely change their attitude towards her after hearing it.

As for this change, of course there are good and bad.

The favorability reported by the system is obviously a good result.

Wan An smiled with satisfaction, got up and observed the wooden house.

Inside the wooden house, there is a letter of happiness cut out of red paper.

The paper is delicate, and the red paper is sprinkled with gold powder.

After returning to Guashan Village, Wan'an felt that the supplies in this village were not suitable.

They still live in simple wooden houses tied side by side, and the tables and chairs used are also made of bamboo.

It's just that the weaving technique is not very good, and there are large gaps between the bamboo slices.

The container where the charcoal was placed was made of yellow mud, and the edges were uneven, which was very ugly.

But the clothes worn by Qiu Shi and the others are made of fine linen.

As for Wan'an's red wedding dress, the inner layer is made of pure cotton, and the outer layer is still made of silk and satin.

According to Hua Xiaoyao and the others, the villagers' clothes were all given by the mountain god.

The villagers are made of fine linen, and if they want to wear cotton, they are only eligible to wear it if they are the daughter of a mountain god.

In addition, there are witches in the village who can wear cotton clothes.

Raising his hand to touch the gold powder on the Happy word, Wan An asked, "Where does the goddess live?"

"Every year when the goddess of the mountain god is carried up the mountain, the goddess will retreat. Counting the days, there are still seven days before she will leave the customs." Hua Xiaoyao explained.

"Oh." Wan An nodded slightly, his attention was completely attracted by other things.

Hua Xiaoyao looked over, and saw Wan An smiling tenderly towards the "Happiness" pasted on it.

[Obtained props: 1-star basic card * 1, which can be used to draw cards in the Yiyou system]

Wan An's face was full of surprise.

She didn't expect that a word "Happy" could actually extract a 1-star blank card.

With anticipation, Wan An touched the other four characters "Happy" in the wooden house.

(End of this chapter)

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