Chapter 149
"Well, the mountain god's guarantee. So you also have to believe in the mountain god. You can live, and so can your children, and they will grow up healthily in the future." Hearing what Wan'an said, Lanhua finally breathed a sigh of relief. The anesthetic didn't respond much.

While waiting for the anesthetic to take effect, Wen Sinian activated the medical system, and there was a virtual screen for him to watch, to observe the life status of the orchid.

The medical system has an operating bed, but there is only one lamp to illuminate it, and the wooden house is drafty and not warm.

Wen Sinian frowned, raised his Ruifeng eyes to look at Wan'an: "Mountain God Empress, the temperature of the wooden house is not up to standard, do you have a way to raise the temperature?"

Hearing Wen Sinian's address to himself and the meaningful words, Wan An's thoughts moved.

Is this title suspicious of her?

Looking down at the drowsy orchid, smelling the bloody smell of the wooden house, Wan'an directly started operating in Xinghai.

[Do you use a total of 211 1-star cards to draw cards?whether】

He clicked yes without hesitation, the sea of ​​stars was shining brightly, and Wan An prayed in his heart.

[Congratulations, card draw failed*111]

[Congratulations, you have successfully drawn a card*100]

This time Wan'an didn't look carefully at the display of different cards, and gave priority to finding the paper lantern card.

She has always been lucky, and there are 97 paper lantern cards.

Taking out a paper lantern and hanging it in the air, the paper lantern was controlled by Wan An's thoughts and floated towards Wen Sinian's face. Wan An asked, "Can this light up for warmth?"

From the approach of the paper lanterns, you can feel the warmth.

Although it is a warm light, it is better than nothing.

Wen Sinian observed the special features of the paper lantern, and he had guesses and doubts in his heart, but he also knew that now was not the time to ask, so he nodded: "Yes, but its cooling range is too small."

"This is not a problem." Wan An waved his hand, and more than thirty paper lanterns appeared out of thin air, surrounding the operating bed.

In an instant, the temperature of the wooden house rose and became brighter.

Wen Sinian glanced at Wan An with some unknown meaning, and began the operation.

For all surgical tools, he can rely on the medical system to withdraw income.

Therefore, Wan An stayed in the wooden house, in addition to avoiding suspicion, to control the lighting and extended use time of the paper lanterns.

On the way, I called Qiu Shi at the door and asked her to collect the Chinese characters "囍" pasted in every house of all the families in the entire Kaoshan Village.

Although there are 97 paper lanterns, the use time of one lantern is only 8 minutes and 15 seconds. At least 30 paper lanterns must be used at the same time to maintain the temperature and radiate light.

Wan'an was worried that the paper lanterns would not be able to last the operation.

The Qiu family has always obeyed the orders of the mountain god.

After dealing with the supply of blank cards, Wan An returned to the operating table.

When he saw Wen Sinian holding a scalpel and cutting his abdomen layer by layer, seven layers were cut, he felt a cold numbness all over his body.

Women's childbirth is like passing through the gate of hell. Whether it is a natural birth or a caesarean section, it is the woman who suffers.

Although some up owners or mothers who have given birth can tell about the pain during childbirth on the Internet in the past, they are not as shocking as this intuitive experience to Wan'an.

Wen Sinian's eyes were serious, calm and calm, and he carefully recalled every step he had learned in the past.

Although he had only dissected cadavers, he was able to successfully complete the operation within an hour due to his steady knife skills, coupled with the knowledge he had learned and the help of the medical system.

After the operation was over, Wen Sinian took out the medicine from the system and handed it to Wan'an, looking at the prematurely born weak baby and the pale orchid, "This is a medicine to restore vital signs. It has no side effects. You can feed it to the mother." Come down."

After speaking, he also fed the medicine in his hand to the baby.

The potion is the size of an index finger and is a green liquid.

Looking at the label of the medicine, Wan An recognized that it was a product of Infinite Mall.

It can instantly restore the player's weak vital signs such as injury and bleeding, and a price of 1200 nebula coins.

Wan An did not expect that Wen Si Nian would give these two potions for two npcs who were not familiar with him.

She raised her eyes and nodded seriously at Wen Sinian: "Thank you."

After drinking the potion, the life status of Lanhua and the baby recovered well.

(End of this chapter)

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