I use Yiyou to attack NPCs in the infinite world

Chapter 161 Playing tricks, who wouldn't? ⑩

Chapter 161 Playing tricks, who wouldn't? ⑩
"Witch, you are old, don't be angry. I know you are in a bad mood now, and I can understand."

Wan An was considerate and comforting: "Whether it's a waiter or an emissary of the gods, they all obey the orders of the mountain gods and want everyone in the mountain village to live a good life. We can live there."

The sorceress stared at Wan An fiercely, but Wan An turned a blind eye.

Seeing this situation, Village Chief Liu suddenly said: "The envoy's words are right. Whether it's a witch or an envoy, we all understand that you are here for the entire backing village. Why don't you each use your own supernatural power to let the What do the villagers think?"

Looking at Village Chief Liu's shining eyes, Wan An tilted his head and suppressed a smile.

Although he was unhappy that Village Chief Liu was helping outsiders, his words also reminded the sorceress.

She straightened her body and glanced coldly at the villagers outside. Seeing that they were also wavering about who to believe, she had an idea in her heart.

He glanced around coldly, and finally stayed on Wan'an: "As a person of the mountain god, I will receive a divine order, and I will ask the mountain god to appear. You say you are an envoy of the gods, dare you fight with me? Let's see who can invite the mountain god to appear!"

Wan'an breathed a sigh of relief, it could be considered that she had waited for this sentence.

"Please ask the mountain god to manifest? Alright, I agree." Wan'an nodded: "When will it start?"

The sorceress turned around, bowed to the mountain temple, raised her head and straightened her face: "Tomorrow morning, we will invite the mountain god at the mountain temple!"

"Okay." Wan'an answered in one go.

Playing tricks, who wouldn't?
Seeing Wan An's face, the sorceress was suffocated.

Thinking of the fight tomorrow morning, she had to touch the mountain temple to make some preparations today, so she turned her head and left.

Staring at the back of the witch leaving.Mu Xiaowan was still in a daze.

Was this sorceress really fooled?
Looking up at Wan An in disbelief, Wan An received her shocking gaze and raised her eyebrows: "I've already said it, don't worry."

After comforting Mu Xiaowan, Wan'an turned around and faced the villagers who had gathered outside Mu's house and said loudly: "The envoy of the mountain is ordered by the mountain god, and he will do what he says, and will lead everyone to build a better place. The backing mountain village."

"My lord envoy, I believe in you." Qiu Shi was the first to echo loudly.

She also didn't understand why Wan'an said she was an envoy of the gods instead of revealing her identity as a mountain god.

I also wonder why Wan'an is a mountain god, and the witch can't recognize her.

But when I think of Wan'an's performance last night, I feel a little nervous.

In the end, he decided to trust Wan'an.

"I also believe that God sent you, my lord." Lan Hua echoed.

Aunt Tian and the tall and short old ladies also nodded.

Although not all the villagers are now abandoning the sorceress and choosing to believe in her, Wan'an is confident that if she outperforms the sorceress tomorrow, she will be able to win back the villagers' trust in her.

The villagers dispersed, and Mu Xiaowan saw that Wan'an was going out again at lunch time, so she couldn't help saying: "You are a god, don't you eat breakfast, and don't you eat lunch?"

For breakfast, Qiu's boiled river fish, the smell of fish was so strong that Wan Anguang couldn't eat it.

For lunch, Qiu's family was still washing and drying wild vegetables, and the Mu family didn't have much food, and Wan'an had something to do so he didn't plan to wait.

She left the wooden house, and was going to find Wen Sinian and the others at the wooden house.

Unexpectedly, they saw the figures of Wen Sinian and Wang Hongzhuang halfway, leaning against the old tree, obviously waiting for her.

"You know I will come?" Wan An approached and asked with a smile.

Thinking back to Wan'an's nonsense just now, and what the sorceress was shaking with anger, Wen Sinian smiled and replied: "I guess you will come to us, are you sure about fighting tomorrow?"

"I'm the envoy of the mountain god, will I lose?" Wan An snorted.

"It's a play, it's a play." Wang Hongzhuang watched from the side, and couldn't help but make a sound.

Wan'an led the two of them, avoiding the crowd, chatting all the way out of the mountain village, and came to the mountain forest.

Looking at the densely forested mountain in front of him, Wen Sinian was puzzled: "Do you want to go into the mountain?"

"What's the point of pretending to be a ghost? If you want to get support, you have to get something real." Wan'an smiled back.

 Ten chapters are finished.

  Tomorrow should also be an update of [-]D. Let’s see if it’s not too late at night. By the way, I’m asking for monthly tickets and recommended tickets~
(End of this chapter)

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