I use Yiyou to attack NPCs in the infinite world

Chapter 168 Technology and hard work⑦

Chapter 168 Technology and hard work⑦
The two went down the stone ladder, and after walking a few steps forward, they went up another stone ladder.

This is a stone chamber carved out of the mountain wall, with a size of five square meters and a height of three meters.

The stone chamber is full of things.

On the stone wall facing the entrance of the cliff, there are two bamboo frames. The bamboo frames are placed at different heights at a distance, and there are two machines with red lights on them.

Wan'an took a closer look and was overjoyed.

Although there was no writing on the machine, she still recognized that it was a smoke maker, and it was a remote charging model.

In the corner, Wan'an also saw a small generator that had just finished work and still had heat.

On the other side of the stone wall was a wooden cabinet. Wan An opened the wooden cabinet and saw a dozen unused oil lamps inside.

Beside the oil lamp, there is a big glass bottle.

The liquid inside is brown, even if it is sealed, Wan'an can still smell a scent of incense.

It was exactly the same as when she first entered the game last night and lay in the coffin.

It's just that the glass bottle in hand has a stronger fragrance.

"Don't smell it for too long, there is a scent inside." Xie Juichao suddenly reached out and took the glass bottle away from her hand.

Wan An looked away from the glass bottle, and then looked at the things under the wooden cabinet.

There was a stack of yellow rice paper, some bottles of ink and some brushes in plastic bottles.

Wan An looked at the things in the cabinet, then at the generator in the corner and the smoke maker on the bamboo frame, and couldn't help laughing: "Good guy, the legendary mountain god is all about technology and hard work."

After observing the placement of the next two smoke makers, Wan'an corresponds to this location, knowing that what I saw outside is the statue of a mountain god carved on the stone wall.

Looking at these things, Wan'an can already guess what the witches will perform tomorrow.

She didn't do any damage, but picked up a rechargeable spotlight on the bamboo table and turned it on.

The incandescent light illuminated the entire stone wall, dimming the light of the fairy wand in Xie Yuchao's hand.

Wan An's eyes hurt from the light, so he raised the spotlight and placed it on the top of the wooden cabinet.

With brighter lights on, Wan'an could easily turn over the things in the wooden cabinet.

She pulled out a piece of yellow rice paper and examined it under the light.

The paper exuded a strong smell of incense, and even the rough texture and the size of the paper were exactly the same as the mountain god's help letter she received not long ago.

At this moment, Wan'an already thought of who sent him the letter of help from the mountain god.

Tomorrow's martial arts fight, she was ready to perform as early as the afternoon.

Now that she has found out all the details about the sorceress, Wan'an is not at all panicked about tomorrow's invitation to the mountain god to appear.

Still in the mood to tell Xie Juichao about his performance tomorrow, it's all a verbal rehearsal.

After Xie Juichao listened, she looked down at her wedding dress.

A pure cotton red inner jacket, a satin jacket, a few red flowers embroidered on the skirt and sleeves, and a few small copper bells sewn on as decorations.

Looking at such a wedding dress from the perspective of the mountain village, it is naturally gorgeous and beautiful.

But in reality, it is a bit crude.

And at this moment, on Wan'an's sleeves, there are still a few marks drawn by branches and thorns.

Wan An's thick and smooth black hair, which reaches the butterfly bone, is also tied high with a red headband at the moment.

With a delicate face, rosy lips, and a pair of smart cat eyes, he was looking back at him with a smile.

Xie Juan was taken aback, then couldn't help raising his hand, and gently scratched the tip of her nose with his index finger.

"What's wrong?" Wan An raised his hand to touch his nose, but there was nothing.

Xie Juan turned slightly red towards the tips of her ears, lowered her eyes and stretched out her hand, thoughts flashed in her starry eyes: "The tip of the nose was just stained with dust."

Wan An took a look, and there was indeed ashes on Xie Juanchao's index finger.

Thinking that I should have accidentally touched the coffins when I bent down to check those coffins, I stopped chasing this question.

Instead, he raised his eyes, looked sly, and called his name directly: "Xie Chao, you looked at me so seriously just now, did you want to say something?"

Xie Juichao was taken aback for a moment, she didn't expect Wan An to ask so clearly after she noticed it.

(End of this chapter)

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