Chapter 175
This is also the reason why he pretended to be a girl, his bones became smaller and his height became shorter.

The changes in the bones naturally made the appearance cool and neutral.

But this is a dressing system, not a sex change system. No matter how you change your clothes, wear a small skirt.

Some girls will not have boys, and some boys will not disappear, but their height and face will change.

Wen Sinian, who knew about Xie Juichao's changing system, frowned as he watched Xie Juichao's back.

He really didn't expect his brother to be this kind of person, who would pretend to be a girl in order to gain the girl's trust.

"Beast!" The eyes under the lens stared coldly at Xie Juichao's back, and Wen Sinian cursed in a low voice, knowing that Xie Juichao could hear him.

The gaze was too direct, and Xie Juichao's five senses were already sensitive, even Wang Hongzhuang, who was walking beside Wen Sinian, didn't hear the word, but he did.

Xie Juan turned his head and looked back, Wan An was beside him and he couldn't make a sound, but Wen Sinian still saw two words from his cold eyes - sick!
Noticing the faint light in the sorceress' wooden house, Wan An carefully took off his jacket with the bell on it, and hung it on a tree.

A group of people approached the wooden house softly, and when they approached, they could hear the whispering of the sorceress.

Xie Yuchao, who is sensitive to five senses, understood what the sorceress read before Wanan and the others, and said in a low voice, "The Diamond Sutra is recited in Sanskrit."

Wan An paused as he raised his foot to go up the steps of the wooden house.

She didn't expect the sorceress to have such a wide range of beliefs, she also believed in mountain gods and recited Buddhist scriptures.

The four of them went up to the wooden house one by one. Every piece of wood in the witch's wooden house was straight and tightly tied. It was twice the size of other villagers' wooden houses. They went up the ladder, corridors and guardrails.

It was convenient for Wan An and the others to stand in the corridor and find a place with a gap. Wan An Shan squinted and looked in carefully.

This time, she heard the Diamond Sutra fluently from the sorceress' mouth.

She was holding a brush in her hand, and the table was covered with rough yellow rice paper, writing Sanskrit while reading.

The four of them observed for a while, and saw that the sorceress kept writing scriptures and recited scriptures without doing anything else, and turned to leave.

Walking around the village path, Wan An looked at Wen Sinian who was walking in front, and suddenly stopped him: "Wen Sinian, can you write with a brush?"

"I will." Wen Sinian nodded.

Wan'an took out an ink brush and yellow rice paper from Shi Shishun from the Mountain God Temple, spread them on a flat stone surface, and said with a light smile, "Then how about you write a few words for me?"

"Brush writing?" Hearing this, Wen Sinian first looked at Xie Yuchao, who was lighting up the lamp with a fairy stick, and said, "Xie Yuchao can do it too. He can write better than me."

After finishing speaking, he gave Xie Juan a look.

There is something in the eyes: look, brother, I am reliable!
Afraid that Wan'an would ask him again how he knew that Xie Juichao could write better than him, Wen Sinian added a sentence: "At that time in the copy of the tomb, we found cinnabar and peach wood, and painted them on the peach wood according to the guidance of the main line. Talismans can drive away zombies, it is the talisman drawn by Xie Yuchao, the talisman characters are painted with iron and silver hooks penetrate three points into wood."

Hearing this, Wan'an looked up at Xie Juan.

Sure enough, he received Xie Juichao's expectant gaze.

With a smile on Wan'an's face, under Xie Juichao's expectant eyes, he turned to Wen Sinian and shook his head: "But I just want what you wrote."

The smile in Xie Juan's eyes dissipated.

Wen Sinian stared at Xie Yuchao with cold eyes, struggling: "Why don't you write Xie Yuchao, his handwriting is more beautiful."

"No, I will use this to ask the mountain god to appear tomorrow, and I need you to write it." Wan'an's attitude was firm.

"Write it quickly." Xie Juichao said quietly as he stood aside.

Wen Sinian: "..."

Facing Xie Juan's cold knife in the back, Wen Sinian's brush was stained with ink. He couldn't fight with his hands, but his heart trembled. He asked, "What to write?"

"Recommended by an old friend, please help me." Wan'an replied with a smile: "Signed, Guanshan God."

(End of this chapter)

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